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Old 2017-08-03, 02:59   Link #21
Gamilas Falls
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Location: Republic of California
Age: 46
I have a single terabyte is taking a while to fill that, and only people that store lots, an lots, and lots of movies and audio files that I know are filling up multiple 4 TB external drives.
Dessler Soto, Banzai!
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Old 2017-10-14, 18:40   Link #22
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Microwave Tech Could Produce 40 TB Hard Drives
in the Near Future:

"We’re all generating data faster than storage providers can keep up, and that problem
is only going to get worse. On Friday, Western Digital announced a potential game
changer that promises to expand the limits of traditional HDDs to up to 40TBs using a
microwave-based write head, and the company says it will be available to the public in

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Old 2017-10-19, 06:18   Link #23
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Hard drives sure have come a long way...

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Old 2017-10-20, 11:37   Link #24
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I can finally modify my Commodore 64 with a 40 TB drive lol. Now to find a big fan to cool it off.
OS-tan Collections (temporary):
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Old 2017-11-12, 13:06   Link #25
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Quantum Computers Mainstream in 2018 and race
ahead of Supercomputer power:

"Quantum Supremacy is when quantum computers become faster than classical
computers. Once Quantum Computers surpass classical computers they will continue to
improve at a FAR more rapid pace. Doubling the transistors on a regular chip might
achieve double the performance doubling the qubits on a quantum computer can provide
an exponential speedup depending upon the kind of problem it is trying to solve. Dwave
has shown speed ups of 10,000 time or more by doubling the qubits in their quantum
annealing systems.

This week IBM Q scientists announced that they built and measured a 50 qubit processor
prototype. IBM aims to demonstrate capabilities beyond today’s classical systems with
systems of this size."


Is quantum computing going to leave Moore's Law in the dust?
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Old 2017-11-13, 14:14   Link #26
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Everything becomes exponential nowadays
Dominus factotum
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Old 2018-04-04, 22:25   Link #27
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Move Over Moore’s Law, Make Way for Huang’s Law:

"An exuberant Jensen Huang, who gave a keynote and popped up on stage during
various events at Nvidia’s 2018 GPU Technology Conference (GTC) held in San Jose,
Calif. last week, repeatedly made the point that due to extreme advances in
technology, graphics processing units (GPUs) are governed by a law of their own.

“There’s a new law going on,” he says, “a supercharged law.”

Huang, who is CEO of Nvidia, didn’t call it Huang’s Law; I’m guessing he’ll leave that
to others. After all, Gordon Moore wasn’t the one who gave Moore’s Law its now-
famous moniker. (Moore’s Law—Moore himself called it an observation—refers to the
regular doubling of the number of components per integrated circuit that drove a
dramatic reduction in the cost of computing power.)

But Huang did make sure nobody attending GTC missed the memo.

Just how fast does GPU technology advance? In his keynote address, Huang pointed
out that Nvidia’s GPUs today are 25 times faster than five years ago. If they were
advancing according to Moore’s law, he said, they only would have increased their
speed by a factor of 10."

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Old 2018-04-05, 13:55   Link #28
Les Pays Bass
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Those are some bold words from the buttery smooth Huang.
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Old 2018-09-29, 22:08   Link #29
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How Quantum Memory Could Change Computing:

"In a hot tub in 2012, physicist Seth Lloyd pitched a quantum internet application to
Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page. He called it Quoogle: a search engine that, using
mathematics based on the physics of subatomic particles, returns results without ever
actually knowing the query. Such an advance would require an entirely new kind of
memory, called qRAM, or quantum random access memory.

Though intrigued, Brin and Page turned the idea down, Lloyd told Gizmodo. According
to his story, they reminded him that their business model was based on knowing
everything about everyone.

But qRAM as an idea hasn’t died. Today’s computers are quite good at remembering
data represented by billions of bits, binary code digits that can equal either zero or
one. RAM, or random access memory, stores the data short-term on silicon chips,
assigning each piece of data a unique address that can be accessed randomly—in any
order—to refer to the data later. It makes computer processes much faster, allowing
your laptop or phone to quickly access the RAM for data frequently used by programs,
rather than the storage, which is much much slower. But one day in the future,
computer processors might be supplanted or augmented by quantum computer
processors, machines that would be good at searching through huge datasets,
machine learning, and artificial intelligence applications. Quantum computers are still
a nascent technology, but if they’re ever going to be able to run these potentially
lucrative algorithms, they’ll need to access RAM in a whole new way. They’ll require

“[QRAM] would be an amazing application, and make the kind of quantum devices
that Google and IBM make today instantaneously useful,” Lloyd told Gizmodo."

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Old 2018-12-01, 20:23   Link #30
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New Metal-Air Transistor Replaces Semiconductors:

"It is widely predicted that the doubling of silicon transistors per unit area every two
years will come to an end around 2025 as the technology reaches its physical limits. But
researchers at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, believe a metal-based field
emission air channel transistor (ACT) they have developed could maintain transistor
doubling for another two decades.

The ACT device eliminates the need for semiconductors. Instead, it uses two in-plane
symmetric metal electrodes (source and drain) separated by an air gap of less than 35
nanometers, and a bottom metal gate to tune the field emission. The nanoscale air gap
is less than the mean-free path of electrons in air, hence electrons can travel through air
under room temperature without scattering."

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Old 2018-12-29, 06:14   Link #31
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How Chip Makers Are Circumventing Moore's Law to Build
Super-Fast CPUs of Tomorrow:

"But AMD achieved its biggest speed gains recently with its ridiculous-sounding
Threadripper CPUs. These are CPUs with a core count that starts as low as 8 and goes all
the way up to 32. A core is kind of like the engine of the CPU. In modern computing,
multiple cores can function in parallel, allowing certain processes that take advantage of
multiple cores to go even faster. Having 32 cores can take something like the rendering
of a 3D file in Blender from 10 minutes down to only a minute and a half, as seen in this
benchmark run by PCWorld."

"Infinity Fabric is a new system bus architecture based on the open source Hyper
Transport. A system bus does what you think it would—bus data from one point to
another. Infinity Fabric’s neat accomplishment is that it busses that data around really
fast and allows processors built with it to overcome one of the primary hurdles of
chiplet CPU design: latency.

Chiplet design isn’t new, but it’s often been difficult to accomplish because it’s hard to
make a whole bunch of transistor on separate die talk to each other as quickly as they
can on a single piece of silicon. But with AMD’s Threadrippers, you have a number of
its typical Ryzen CPUs laid out on the Infinity Fabric and communicating nearly as
quickly as if they were on a single die.

It works really well, and the results are a super-fast processor that is so cheap to
make that AMD can sell it for a fraction of the price of something comparable from
Intel—which continues to use monolithic design in its high-core-count CPUs. In a way,
Infinity Fabric is a way to cheat Moore’s Law because it’s not a single fast CPU—it’s a
whole bunch attached via the Infinity Fabric. So it’s not AMD overcoming the
limitations of Moore’s Law, but circumventing it."

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Old 2018-12-29, 22:05   Link #32
Les Pays Bass
Join Date: Jun 2011
I'm using a Ryzen 7 1700 for my pc right now. I love love how you can find Ryzen CPUs of all kinds (even threadripper) for so cheap nowadays. They have so much value. I did pay a lot more for mine, but I bought it a few months after it launched.
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Old 2019-01-05, 20:28   Link #33
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Lasers vs. Microwaves: The Billion-Dollar Bet on the
Future of Magnetic Storage:

"For most of the past 50 years, the areal density of hard disks—a measure of how
many bits of data that engineers can squeeze into a given area—increased by an
average of nearly 40 percent each year. Lately, though, that rate has slowed to around
10 percent. Everyone who works on magnetic storage is well aware of this problem,
but only in the past year or so have executives from Seagate Technology and Western
Digital, the leading manufacturers of hard drives, very publicly split on how to solve it.
In back-to-back announcements in October 2017, Western Digital pledged to begin
shipping drives based on what is known as microwave-assisted magnetic recording
(MAMR) in 2019, and Seagate said it would have drives that incorporate heat-assisted
magnetic recording (HAMR) on the market by 2020.

If one company’s solution proves superior, it will reshape a US $24 billion industry and
set the course for a decade of advances in magnetic storage. Companies that wish to
store huge amounts of data do have other options, but hard drives are still the go-to
choice for enterprise storage needs that fall somewhere between faster, more
expensive solid-state drives built on flash memory, and slower, cheaper magnetic

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Old 2019-09-20, 23:12   Link #34
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Google Says It's Achieved Quantum Supremacy, a World-First: Report:

"A Google researcher’s paper claiming to have achieved quantum supremacy, a major
early milestone in the field of quantum computing, appeared on a NASA website this
week before being removed, the Financial Times reports.

Google, as well as IBM, Microsoft, Intel, and other large tech companies and startups,
have been working to build quantum computers, a new kind of computer based on an
entirely different architecture than classical computers. Though this announcement is
not official, scientists and industry experts have long expected Google to build a
quantum computer capable of reaching this milestone—a quantum computer performing
a calculation that a classical computer can’t."

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Old 2020-10-02, 00:05   Link #35
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Memristor Breakthrough: First Single Device To Act Like a Neuron:

"One thing that’s kept engineers from copying the brain’s power efficiency and quirky
computational skill is the lack of an electronic device that can, all on its own, act like a
neuron. It would take a special kind of device to do that, one whose behavior is more
complex than any yet created.

Suhas Kumar of Hewlett Packard Laboratories, R. Stanley Williams now at Texas A&M,
and the late Stanford student Ziwen Wang have invented a device that meets those
requirements. On its own, using a simple DC voltage as the input, the device outputs
not just simple spikes, as some other devices can manage, but the whole array of
neural activity—bursts of spikes, self-sustained oscillations, and other stuff that goes
on in your brain. They described the device last week in Nature.

It combines resistance, capacitance, and what’s called a Mott memristor all in the
same device. Memristors are devices that hold a memory, in the form of resistance, of
the current that has flowed through them. Mott memristors have an added ability in
that they can also reflect a temperature-driven change in resistance. Materials in a
Mott transition go between insulating and conducting according to their temperature.
It’s a property seen since the 1960s, but only recently explored in nanoscale devices."

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Old 2020-11-26, 20:12   Link #36
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World's biggest computer chip:

"Cerebras CS-1 has the world’s largest chip. It is 72 square inches (462 cm2) and the
largest square that can be cut from a 300 mm wafer. The chip is about 60 times the size
of a large conventional chip like a CPU or GPU. It provides much-needed breakthrough in
computer performance for deep learning.

They have delivered CS-1 systems to customers around the world, where they are
providing an otherwise impossible speed boost to leading-edge AI applications in fields
ranging from drug design to astronomy, particle physics to supply chain optimization, to
name just a few applications."

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Old 2020-12-12, 18:53   Link #37
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What is neuromorphic computing? Everything you need to know
about how it is changing the future of computing:

"As time goes on, von Neumann architectures will make it harder and harder to deliver
the increases in compute power that we need.

To keep up, a new type of non-von Neumann architecture will be needed: a
neuromorphic architecture. Quantum computing and neuromorphic systems have both
been claimed as the solution, and it's neuromorphic computing, brain-inspired
computing, that's likely to be commercialised sooner.

As well as potentially overcoming the von Neumann bottleneck, a neuromorphic
computer could channel the brain's workings to address other problems. While von
Neumann systems are largely serial, brains use massively parallel computing. Brains are
also more fault-tolerant than computers -- both advantages researchers are hoping to
model within neuromorphic systems."

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Old 2021-09-25, 19:49   Link #38
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Single Photon Switch Can Speed Computation Up to 1,000 times

"An international research team led by Skoltech and IBM has created an extremely
energy-efficient optical switch that could replace electronic transistors in a new generation
of computers manipulating photons rather than electrons. In addition to direct power
saving, the switch requires no cooling and is really fast: At 1 trillion operations per second,
it is between 100 and 1,000 times faster than today’s top-notch commercial transistors.

It only takes a few photons to switch per the author of the study, Dr. Anton Zasedatelev.
They achieved switching with just one photon at room temperature. There will be a lot of
work to scale the proof-of-principle demonstration into an all-optical co-processor."

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Old 2022-03-08, 15:09   Link #39
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Graphcore Uses TSMC 3D Chip Tech to Speed AI by 40%

Unveils plan for $120-million “brain-scale” supercomputers in 2024

"“When we started Graphcore...the idea has always been in the back of our mind to build
an ultraintelligent computer that would surpass the capability of a human brain,” says
Toon. “And that is what we are now working on.”"

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Old 2022-06-14, 11:45   Link #40
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Dell, Lenovo and HP kill laptops with hard disk drives, marking the end of an era

"The biggest laptop vendors in the world no longer sell laptops with hard disk drives, at least in the US.

Research carried out by TechRadar Pro on, and across more than 100 laptop models revealed that HDD have been eliminated entirely from product lines due a combination of chassis rationalization, lack of demand for laptops with hard disks and falling component prices (eMMC and SSD).

Hard disk drives have followed optical drives (CD/DVD) and floppy disk drives on the path of storage obsolescence. As a whole, the 2.5-inch form factor is likely to be scaled back significantly, if not eliminated entirely, in laptops by the end of the year as the average price per storage of solid state drives continue their downward trend. Hard drives still maintain a presence in desktop PCs where they often come in a larger, more widespread form factor (3.5-inch) where they don’t carry the same stigma as their laptop counterparts."

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