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Old 2016-08-09, 18:36   Link #2861
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Congratulations. You saved Armin but lost humanity.
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Old 2016-08-09, 23:36   Link #2862
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So Armin is the new leader of the corps?
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Old 2016-08-10, 20:02   Link #2863
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Originally Posted by Pen3 View Post
So Armin is the new leader of the corps?
Hanji is next in-line. Assuming they can form another Survey Corps anyway, since the new batch from the Military Police have been wiped out...
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Old 2016-08-10, 23:38   Link #2864
The Small One
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Wouldn't it be ironic, if they found a set of those injections in the basement? All this argueing on who to get the serum wasting time, just to find out they could have saved all of them.
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Old 2016-08-11, 06:24   Link #2865
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Originally Posted by The Small One View Post
Wouldn't it be ironic, if they found a set of those injections in the basement? All this argueing on who to get the serum wasting time, just to find out they could have saved all of them.
I really doubt they would have had time to get to the basement, find a serum, and then go back to the other dying person and save them.

Plus, they only had one shifter to eat, so they'd just be turning the second into a normal Titan.
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Old 2016-08-11, 08:46   Link #2866
Hu Tao
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Just read the chapter, and I felt sad of Erwin's death, especially at the part he was "dreaming". It is heartbroken scene for me because in the end, he was never meant to be demon.
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Old 2016-08-11, 09:51   Link #2867
Yandere Otoko Ruki-tan
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Awwww.... Erwin is dead... damn, even though I truly like him.. hell, he is my favorite character...
Belt? He got what he deserves... too bad, his suffering end so fast and quick...
And next chapter... we will see what Grishia hide...
I hope we won't got something like
Behind that door... there is small box...
Inside the box would be a piece of paper saying, ‘Thank you for your patronage!’
All member who reading that only can have blank face...
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Old 2016-08-12, 06:01   Link #2868
Hu Tao
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Originally Posted by Ruki0089 View Post
Awwww.... Erwin is dead... damn, even though I truly like him.. hell, he is my favorite character...
Belt? He got what he deserves... too bad, his suffering end so fast and quick...
And next chapter... we will see what Grishia hide...
I hope we won't got something like
Behind that door... there is small box...
Inside the box would be a piece of paper saying, ‘Thank you for your patronage!’
All member who reading that only can have blank face...
and stash of titan porn.
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Old 2016-08-12, 07:38   Link #2869
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Originally Posted by Semblance_of_Power View Post
While both the show and the books have great (and different) flaws, I have never felt neither was relying on shock value as far as character deaths go. It's just a story less constrained by the clichés of mainstream storytelling.
I don't have much to say about the chapter that hasn't already been said but I just wanted to mention I couldn't agree more with this comment in particular. It always frustrates me when GoT is constantly brought up whenever characters die, both because I feel it misses some of the point of that series, as well as because it's disheartening that seemingly so few works actually have narrative stakes now that one that does has become the ur-example that must always be used.

In general I always found the comparisons between AoT and GoT to be kind of silly
I mostly agree with this as well but I actually think such comparisons are becoming more and more appropriate with AoT and the television version of GoT headed in similar directions, based on the events of last season, though this isn't the place to go into detail on that.

To be slightly more on topic, I find your signature very interesting because despite it referring to a different series, that is exactly how I felt about AoT and what really drew me into it. Stuff like, being able to go back to previous chapters after big plot reveals and see tiny details, like the fact that indeed Armin WAS staring suspiciously at Annie's maneuver gear, or that Annie's "I'm sorry" upon seeing Marco's corpse now made perfect sense in multiple contexts, including a much more direct one than the reader may have initially guessed.

It just seemed so expertly crafted and I feel the series has lost a lot of that as time has gone on. More things appear to me to have been made up on the fly now and characters seem to just get dragged along with the plot rather than everything having been set up beforehand. Perhaps I am just really jaded because these past couple years of this battle and the political arc before it really felt like a massive slog.

I wonder if they will change anything up for that political arc if it's going to be featured in season 2 of the anime. I have a feeling that the more casual fans who never picked up the manga after season 1 ended and were mostly in it for the fights and cool characters will absolutely HATE season 2 if they adapt it just as-is.
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Old 2016-08-13, 02:59   Link #2870
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Originally Posted by Semblance_of_Power View Post
I honestly think this manga has been severely damaged by it's own popularity.

Not that it was perfect early on but at least it seemed like a serious story with artistic integrity and real stakes.

At this point I can just picture the author's conversation with his publisher/editor/whatever:

Spoiler for Spoilers:

What a shame.
This is a really big assumption, the author has given little to no evidence to imply this.

First of all, two important characters DID die this chapter (or did you miss the part about Erwin passing away and Bertolt being eaten by Titan Armin?).

Secondly, what "asspulls"? I hope your not talking about Reiner, because those were already explained in detail, (the first time when Levi attacked him, Reiner activated his regenerative power down throughout his whole spinal cord before Levi stabbed him in the neck so he could regenerate from that, and the second time when Reiner had his head blown off Bertolt stated that he transferred his conciseness down into his spinal cord, again, neither of these are asspulls as it's been stated for a while before hand that Titan powers have to do with the brain and spinal cord and the liquid within it and whatever. The third time, I'm pretty sure we were aware of Zeke (aka the Beast Titan) and the dog Titan for a quite a while now) so this argument is pointless.

On the subject of Authors getting screwed over by their editors, publishers and insane and moronic fanbases, I think the person you REALLY should be pitying is Tite Kubo.

Originally Posted by Semblance_of_Power View Post
Spoiler for Spoilers.:

In any case, there were 3 things that made me like AoT initially:

1) It seemed to have a concise storyline, there's this mystery and we're gonna explore it and find out what's happening in a reasonable amount of time.

Now the plot progression seems to have crawled to a standstill.

2) While not exactly fully original and cliche free, it still felt like it was trying to break some conventions of the medium and not just follow the same basic formula that so many other manga/anime do.

Now the author seems scared to take any risk and do anything that may upset any segment of the fanbase.

3) No fanservice, silliness or otaku pandering.

Not to say those things are always bad, but nothing kills what's supposed to be a serious drama like such things.

So at least there's still point 3, let's just hope the author doesn't manage to somehow cram in a beach episode.

I'm going to go on a little bit of an off topic here.

I really disagree when people try to make it seem like GoT is like the Akame ga Kill of Western television.

What Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire does is simply to tell a rather expansive, dramatic story with a huge ensemble cast while removing the plot armor from all except but four characters (which are two too many in my opinion but oh well).

This adds a huge dramatic tension to most of the story simply because of the fact that characters, outside of those four, facing life and death situations will in fact often die as a result of their own actions or as a logical conclusion of the events of the plot. Some times this means the "good" guys die, or the"bad" guys, or the cool character that was introduced recently or the ok character that was introduced long ago, there's not a defined pattern that can be easily recognized and predicted (well, at least until the latter seasons of the show, when there's no source material and the TV writing starts to get into Hollywood levels of laziness).

In general I always found the comparisons between AoT and GoT to be kind of silly, maybe if Eren had actually died when eaten by the titan then it would be more valid. AoT as it stands is far, far more conservative when it comes to killing actual, important characters.
I'm pretty sure Marco was an important character, at least in how he affected other characters such as Jean, also the people that got wiped out weren't all "nameless grunts", remember Marlo? He's been established for quite a while and we've seen his character arc and it's pretty clear his death will have an effect on Hitch, etc. and those "nameless grunts" are still going to have an impact as seen by the recent chapter, and again, Erwin and Bertolt died. People seriously need to stop using the dumb term known as plot armour, EVERYONE has plot armour in a story until they kick the bucket

1) I hardly call what we've been getting the past 30+ chapters a "stand still", most notably that whole revelation about the First King, King Reiss, you do realize that we're not only building up finding the basement but also what happens AFTER the basement. I don't see people complaining to One Piece about this, it's not only building up the treasure, but also what happens AFTER finding it.

2) Again, big assumption here.

3) Really nothing to say here.

About Game of Thrones, exactly what was "Hollywood levels of laziness" in the most recent Season? Also, no source material? Even if the next book isn't out yet, George R. R. Martin has got a good portion of it written out to be made into a season.

Finally, you do realize if Eren really did die there, that would made that whole build up with Grisha wanting to show him the basement and that flashback of Grisha injecting him with the serum completely pointless, right?

Last edited by Jmariofan7; 2017-07-16 at 23:59.
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Old 2016-08-14, 20:03   Link #2871
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Hmm so there's people disappointed because Armin didn't die? I don't think there was even the slightest chance he would.

I'm actually relieved that at least Berthold died for good and wasn't saved at the last minute by someone or something.

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Old 2016-08-28, 20:25   Link #2872
Speed Blitz
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Spoiler for Just some predictions and theories (and I guess hopes as well) based on where we're at in the manga:

Last edited by Speed Blitz; 2016-08-28 at 20:43.
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Old 2016-08-31, 13:43   Link #2873
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Originally Posted by Semblance_of_Power View Post
The comment you're quoting was before the latest chapter.

Nevertheless I still consider the outcome as safe and risk averse given the context of the situation; a desperate battle against overwhelming odds results in the death of a single, secondary character and a villain that seems closer in his role to a foot soldier than to a general.

AoT has/had a reputation (perhaps a really undeserved one in retrospective) as a mix of horror and fantasy elements with a semi "realistic" outlook on the realities of war, in which people (even the good characters we like) are facing a serious risk of death when facing life and death situations.

When you have a type of battle like this one, presented as one of desperation against superior forces, and your casualty rate looks like this:

Actual, named characters from the "good" side: less than 10%.

Random, nameless grunts: around 99%.

Then I'm sorry but I think the author is playing it really safe.

This is a show heavy on the fantasy/scifi and by extension he can come up with whatever titan power he wants and say it was always there and it was just recently revealed. However, It doesn't necessarily make it good storytelling.

And I was referring more to things like Zoe's miraculous survival while being protected by the plot armor of semi relevant characters, I mean, being the only one pushed behind a wall at the last second which seems to save people from massive explosions at short range.

Would either of them enter a top 10 of most relevant characters? certainly not, top 20? maybe Marco if we're being rather generous.

1) A matter of opinions, you may find the current pace acceptable, I find it unacceptably slow. I personally think that for a story to have true artistic integrity then it must have a defined starting point, a climax and an ending and while the path towards there may change along the way, it shouldn't do so due to factors besides storytelling.

Given that I personally find the rate of plot advancement to have gone significantly down since the anime adaptation and explosion in popularity, I can only conclude that there are external factors motivating this change.

2) Again, casualty rates:

Actual, named characters from the "good" side: less than 10%.

Random, nameless grunts: around 99%.

If that's not playing it safe with a story then I don't know what is.

It was specially noticeable with episode 9 of the last season, while arguably the most cinematic episode in TV history, comparable in it's visual and production qualities to many blockbuster movies, it was also written and set up as a blockbuster movie, meaning almost any sense of logic, strategic considerations, military realism or internal logic for the actions of many characters were thrown out the window. I could write a long post about it but it would be far too much off topic for this thread.

And at this point the show has very little in common with the books except for the broadest of plot points, there are many large plot points and characters that have been completely dropped and many remaining plots have take very different routes that future books essentially cannot take.

Mr. Martin may have told the showrunners the grand picture of what happens but the path there curently is and will likely be completely different.

Those elements could have been woven back into the story in any number of ways, but doing so without Eren would have implied a break from the conventions of most traditional forms of storytelling. Which is, to a good degree, what Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire does by killing we know who at the end of season/book 1.

Hence, I find the comparisons between the two works to be rather inane, since AoT adheres to a much higher degree to the traditional chiches of dramatic storytelling.
I'd hardly call Erwin "secondary", and we've know for quite a while that Bertolt "was a foot soldier" it was the moments when the beast Titan was introduced and when Bertolt confronted Eren and Ymir, and the foot soldier comparison is a really dumb one, considering how broken the colossal Titan's powers are. Regarding all the complaints about who's going to replace Erwin as leader of the Survey Corps, ummm, did everyone forget about a certain someone who was introduced in the very first chapter, and was the previous leader before resigning due to "certain events" and is now the instructor: SHADIS. It's obvious that Shadis is going to take up the mantel again.

You do realize that if we tried to give detail to almost EVERY SINGLE "GRUNT" this battle would have gone on for MUCH LONGER, it's one of the reasons the Arrancar arc of Bleach ran for so long (though mostly due to the editors forcing Kubo to show almost every single fight, regardless of relevance and whom the opponent was, especially the Fraccion members, in it's full intirety and drag it out, and forcing more screentime on the captains that the fanbase were treating as Dracos in leather pants), and you've been complaining about the length quite a bit, so you're being a huge hypocrite, and you're completely missing the whole point of this and One Piece. All these things are connected.

Again, the Titan powers have been stated and forshadowed to have a lot to do with the brain and spinal cord, you have a very low attention to detail. Honestly lots of complaints are just due people having really low attention spans.

Zoe wasn't thrown behind a wall she was thrown inside a well, and she still lost an eye, so I'd hardly call it "miraculous", and PLEASE... stop using the term "plot armor" it's one of the laziest forms of critic ever, along with "Sue".

I'm getting so sick of seeing this dumb term get tossed around, I'm going to make one thing perfectly clear, EVERYONE has "plot armor" in a story until they kick the bucket, it depends on when, so it's a really pointless term.

Regarding Game of Thrones, one) Ned Stark didn't have a mysterious memory flashback that implied there was something more going on, two) you're acting like Game of Thrones had only one main character, Jon Snow, remember him? I don't see you complaining about Snow coming back from the brink of death, in Game of Thrones people have been revived.

And again this is only the halfway point of the series, I don't see people complaining about this from Harry Potter were only one major or notable character starting with book 4 (the midway point), dies near the end, and then with the seventh book, starts killing of major characters left and right, One Piece might do this as well.
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Old 2016-09-08, 00:51   Link #2874
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oh, hi there claymore world design
~Anime Songs Chord~
latest update 1 September 2016
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Old 2016-09-08, 05:28   Link #2875
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Latest chapter is out and...

After so many years...finally basement reached! That's a new milestone imo right there.
<img src= border=0 alt= />
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Old 2016-09-08, 06:11   Link #2876
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I was literally blown by the latest manga chapter.

Spoiler for Spoilers for chapter 85:
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Old 2016-09-08, 06:48   Link #2877
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Spoiler for Chapter 85:
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Old 2016-09-08, 07:52   Link #2878
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Spoiler for Chapter 85:
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Old 2016-09-08, 09:17   Link #2879
Utsuro no Hako
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Originally Posted by Brother Coa View Post
Spoiler for Spoilers for chapter 85:
The people inside the wall are ...

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Old 2016-09-08, 09:23   Link #2880
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Originally Posted by Utsuro no Hako View Post
The people inside the wall are ...

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Spoiler for OR:
__________________ Lovers for Eternity
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