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Old 2008-05-08, 19:02   Link #21
Join Date: Jul 2007
1. Personality
1. Describe about yourself hmmm...
2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? hardsubs, fail timing and idiots
3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? dorama?
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? DrX
2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place? no actual reason?
2. Why do you continue fansubbing? to do something while i'm bored
3. When are you into fansubbing? ?
4. When do you start fansubbing? ~1 year
5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub none
3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s) timer, qc
2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now neet, menclave, umai
3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past hrmm
4. Do you freelance? not yet.
4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? anything that interests me
2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? sometimes, it helps your skillz improve?
5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs timer/qc
2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do time/qc
3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly. time dialogues, look for errors?
7. Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? in an year or two or when i get bored
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? depends.. i've given suggestions, does that count? <_<
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? no.
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Old 2008-05-08, 19:51   Link #22
Join Date: Jan 2008
1. Personality
1. Describe about yourself: Nerd who likes anime and video games.
2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? Nothing really to be honest...
3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? The whole community.
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? LGDArm
2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place? Like a lot of people, boredom was the main reason. Followed by wanting to give back to the anime community.
2. Why do you continue fansubbing? Continue to be bored.
3. When are you into fansubbing? When I'm bored(quite a bit)
4. When do you start fansubbing? Year ago? Can't remember, but relatively recently.
5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub- To provide anime to the people who want it most; the industy hasn't recognized how to do it yet.
3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)- Animanda, AniYoshi and sae. I mainly QC for them all, but I also time for them as well.
2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now- same as above^
3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past- none
4. Do you freelance? Haven't yet, but maybe in a few years.
4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? I don't have a genre in specific, so I would say shows that don't suck. If I'm being lazy, I'd say shonen. Easier to time/QC.
2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? I've worked on shows I didn't enjoy in the past, but instead of taking them seriously, I just laughed at how bad they were.
6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs Timing/QC
2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do Timing/QC/Editing/very basic TS

7. Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? No idea.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? I don't plan to, but if someone asked for help, I'd give it.
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? No.
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Old 2008-05-08, 20:19   Link #23
Ancient Fansubber
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: KS

1. Personality
a. Describe about yourself
An old fansubber from ancient times.

b. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
Unhelpful fansubbers who hate how others do it and think that hard subs suck, and won't even make a chronicle on how others could improve their encodes but claim to want to change everyone's way of fansubbing.

c.Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
Groups that care about what they release and try to help out others. Hard Subs.

d.What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
Never used a nickname. My name was always spelled out in the group credits.

a.Why do you fansub in the first place?
I enjoy it.

b.Why do you continue fansubbing?
Because I love anime and showing to others.

c.When are you into fansubbing?

d.When do you start fansubbing?

c.Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
A fansub is an accurate well timed presentation meant to let non-Japanese-speaking fans understand what is being said and what the story is about.

3. Groups
a.List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
Central Anime - Supreme ruler, timer, editor, type-setter

b.List the Group(s) you're working with now
Central Anime

c.List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
Central Anime, R.A.A.D.O.R.S.(Re-Doing Arctic Animation's Disgusting Orange Road Scripts), Anime West, Orange-Side, NT-Anime, and a few others my memory can't come up with(Sorry, other groups)

d.Do you freelance?
Not really

4. Projects
a.What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
We work on any series we like. We've done comedy, romance, sci-fi, yaoi, fantasy, etc...

b.Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?

5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
a. Do tell why do you start a group?
Started Central Anime at first as a watching group and then got into fansubbing from there.

d. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
We're all friends who love anime. Even if we argue(like friends do) we carry on as friends and continue to fansub and watch anime.

6. Jobs

a.What are your current fansubbing jobs
Timing, editing, type-setting, encoding, capturing.

b.Which fansubbing jobs can you do
See above

c.What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
Timing(Get to watch it- I time on the fly), and final edit pass(You're nearly done)

d.Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
See bove, they don't need a definition

7. Other Plans

a.When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
No plans currently. But when I'm not needed anymore I'll know when to quit.

b.Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
I try to. We have editors and suggestors. One other knows how to do the type-setting.

c.Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
I haven't thought about it. I'd like to get pointers from other fansubbers if I do so. I'm from the video tape era and still have more to learn.
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Old 2008-05-08, 21:27   Link #24
Join Date: Aug 2004
  1. Personality
    1. Describe about yourself: Eh... I hate this question... stupid interviews... >.<;;
    2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? Group specific: fansub groups that don't care about the quality of releases, yet claim that they do, but still release episodes that haven't been reviewed for errors; generally unmotivated and immature staff; Scene-specific: series that are oversubbed by groups who cannot do a series proper justice in fansubbing basics (decent English, typesetting, timing) that a former-QCer can still pick up; Groups who do not try to improve. (I guess I'm one of those old-guard and elitist fansubbers.)
    3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? JP anime >> US cartoon series these days. 'nuff said.
    4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? chaos4ever, c4e, wraith- (>_>);;
  2. Mission
    1. Why do you fansub in the first place? Hopped on as QC just to try it out.
    2. Why do you continue fansubbing? Out of habit, also hoping I'll be able to fansub a series that I enjoy working on to its entirety, though that will most likely not happen. Also for the glory and the girls.. pfft. yeah. right.
    3. When are you into fansubbing? Uhm... when shows interest me? When I'm bored?
    4. When do you start fansubbing? 2004, QC for Anime-Kraze. Back when it was actually easy to get in <_<;;
    5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub: Fansubs translate foreign media into a native language which a viewer can view the translations through subtitles. Fansubs can be done however people want to do it, via .ass, .srt, .sub files. However, I put anime fansubs on a much higher standard, since there are so many resources out there in the large fansubbing community.
  3. Groups
    1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s): Menclave: TS/AFxer. More like the random lazy dude, though... Not sure why they still keep me around...
    2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now/in the past: Anime-Kraze (QC), Ryoumi (TS/AFx), FTW (TS/AFx). They were great groups to work with, for the most part. Genjo-Subs (TS/AFx), We're in Denial (TS/AFx, Logos), Avalon (TS/.ass Karaoke, Logo (kind of), Kaze no Koe Fansubs (TS), Bakakozou (QC) (all quit). WTFansubs (TS/QC/.ass Karaoke) (slow death).
    3. Do you freelance? I try to, but I'm not popular enough or fast enough for groups to ask/wait for me D:
  4. Projects
    1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? Anything that sounds interesting and that can hold my attention. I had a articular interest in Shoujo-ai, but it doesn't seem that there's any decent ones that have come out since Kannazuki no Miko.
    2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? Not a fan of Shigofumi. The story doesn't help with the motivation to do the demanding TS that is required of the series. I'm keeping mum about the other series I didn't like to prevent drama on the forums.
  5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
    1. Do tell why do you start a group? late 2004/early 2005, I felt that a lot of the groups that came out were pretty junky and they went for the popular series. I felt that I could have started a group that would have infused some quality releases back into the scene, which was diluted with badly done releases. Easier said/thought than done.
    2. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse: Collapse mostly because of a lack of a reliable TLer. They're impossible to find without 1> connections; or 2> a whole ton of luck. IMO, I've seen crappy groups that get great TLers only because they do popular shows. Those that really care about the not-so-popular shows and doing good jobs on them mostly don't. It's a sad way the cookie crumbles. The group finally disbanded after things stalled and I took a leave of absence.
    3. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this: N/A
    4. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful. N/A
  6. Jobs
    1. What are your current fansubbing jobs: Mainly AFx. .ass TS has mostly fallen by the wayside, though I can still do it. I am mostly inactive due to a job, but I come out from under my rock to do a job or two once in a while.
    2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do: AFx, .ass TS, .ass karaoke, QC, some editing, [was] learning encoding (kinda fell by the wayside lately), logos (not great)
    3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs: .ass Typesetting. AFx typesetting. (I avoid font matching, extensions, redoing jp text, and frame-by-frame typesetting whenever I can >>;) I also like to style.
    4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly: Typesetter: May include dialogue subtitles, but the main job is signage, making the typesetted signs look and feel integrated with the original video flawlessly in both placement, movement, and design/implementation. The highest level of typesetting avoids using note boxes as a substitution for proper sign typesetting at all costs.
  7. Other Plans
    1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? I will most likely truly retire indefinitely for real after July, when real life priorities will take over and my vacation from real life is over.
    2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? Not really. Most of the people don't bother to listen to constructive criticism once they start fansubbing, unless they truly have an open mind, which is rare. Aside from GWi-AFX, I haven't seen anyone else who wants to learn how to typeset, but then, I'm not experienced enough or reet enough at typesetting to teach.
    3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? I had copies of previous work, including scripts, .aeps, .psds for the .aeps, and overlays from the .aeps, and the .avs scripts for the overlays. Unfortunately, an accidental external hdd reformat (stupid windows xp installer), to my knowledge, has wiped an external hdd clean of all of the files.

Last edited by chaos4ever; 2008-05-08 at 21:43.
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Old 2008-05-08, 22:07   Link #25
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2008
1. Personality
2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? - Hardsubs, xvid, oversubbing
3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? - HD. Competition/drama
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? - I'd rather not say any other than Calan
2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place? - I was tired of seeing groups release stuff that I could do better.
2. Why do you continue fansubbing? - Something to do. It's fairly interesting and I believe it has made me a (somewhat) better writer.
4. When do you start fansubbing? Just over a year ago
5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub - Mission? Try to make the best release possible?
3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s) - Not including groups I joined but never got any work in: AnimeYoshi (Editor), Conclave (QC), NEET (Editor/QC)
4. Do you freelance? - If someone asked me to, yes, but I don't think I have thus far.
4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? - Whatever I'm told to. Never really been in a situation to have a ton of choice.
2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? - Yes, most of the series I work on/have worked on were not my favorites. There were some good ones, but for the most part I just worked on them so I could stay in x group.
6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs - Edit, QC.
2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do - Edit, QC.
3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs - Edit, QC.
4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly. - Engrish -> English.
7. Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? - Whenever my social life, school, etc take up enough of my time that I can't find "adequate" time for fansubbing.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? - If someone wanted help I'd help them, or point them towards someone with more experience.
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? - Not really... it's fairly straightforward: I joined a group, figured things out, then joined other groups.
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Old 2008-05-08, 23:45   Link #26
Join Date: Jan 2006
a. hi
b. .avi faggots, shitsubbers
c. .mkv, drama
d. Hisana, Meer, etc.

a. fucknuts
b. it's fun to fuck around with other groups, really.
c. if there's something I find interesting.
d. summer 2004
e. prove to american licensors that they would die w/o fansubs. i'm looking at you bandai! *____*

a. none right now --> "retired"
b. .../me smacks pichus
c. Menclave, Mendoi, Diffusion, Yu-Gi-Oh!, etc.
d. if i likes you enough. :>

a. mostly mecha (Gundam) and drama (ef - a tale of memories.) series.
b. i might not care about the series itself, but the music might be nice!

a. mendoi. the other founder and i got tired of playing mmorpgs. no way.
b. it died about 3 times, because the editor was a lazy fuck which made the tl/founder run away. :'(
c. still alive, but stalled due to editing.
d. menclave (the gayer half)'s successful, i guess? lol

a. song tl/hunter, karaoke timer, karaoke effects, fill bitch, and some other crap.
b. if I really tried/cared, almost everything except encoding (computer-tan is old T__T) and editing (editors are hosers).
c. song tl/hunter - only good if the song is nice + hunting is fun
d. it's what the title says &__&

a. yes i am. would you like to recommend me a mmorpg?
b. lol, no.
c. nah.
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Old 2008-05-09, 01:59   Link #27
False Dawn
Florsheim Monster
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: UK
[Fansubbers] Stroke your e-penis here

Subject in question: FalseDawn (also answers to movax)

Rather than doing a wall of text, I thought I'd just write a paragraph (to jump on the bandwagon, y'know). I'm an editor/timer/qcer who's been in far too many groups in his time, though I've whittled it down to three active groups -- believe me, that's plenty -- Saizen, Umai and Ureshii. I started fansubbing in Spring 2006, editing Solar's Ouran, and in those first few months, learnt timing. From there, I've subbed a number of series that I don't remember and one that was fairly well-received by others (Umai's Romeo x Juliet).

Likes: The em-dash, unusual words, alpha timing, Ishie, TheFluff's explanations.
Dislikes: Projects stalling because of TS, bad editing, bad timing, Shinsen, Your-Mom/Ayako, AEN, dattebayo, fail groups, anidb's rating system, joke subs, trolls, "Englishlising", gx_st, SERIOUS BUSINESS, long meaningless lists.

My mission is to make SayaSP a household name.

Last edited by False Dawn; 2008-05-14 at 16:58. Reason: I've been englishlising my post...
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Old 2008-05-09, 02:19   Link #28
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Originally Posted by silverfire View Post
I see that the newbies who haven't barely even been around for a year yet still haven't developed the proper sense of cynicism yet. I'm seeing entirely too much idealism in their posts. Don't worry though - that'll change soon enough :P

Sooner or later, everyone goes political.
I've been around more than a year and i've seen that cynicism embedded in others in my group, who've already told me all the traumas of fansubbing and political issues in the last 3 years or more, I've already got my camouflage outfit and war paint in my wardrobe ready just in case. :P
I'll just stick with my ideals and remain optimistic thank you

heibi, i just read your bunch of answers;
Marry me already :P

Last edited by Mystique; 2008-05-09 at 05:40.
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Old 2008-05-09, 03:40   Link #29
Join Date: Apr 2007
hangWhy is everyone replying the subpoints in numerals? pikachu listed them in alphabetical order...

a. Describe about yourself
>> I'm a bastard if you want me to be one.

b. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
>> "Oh-I-am-better-than-you +1" People.
- They're best dealt with by silent treatment.

c. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
>> Competition, drama, HAET, serious business, trolls, and self-trolling.

d. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
>> marsd, marsd2

a. Why do you fansub in the first place?
>> Got tricked into it while drunk, then for the fun of it, and out of boredom, also because I can.

b. Why do you continue fansubbing?
>> Because I like what I do and also because I can.
>> Also why in the group that I am in (listed below) - Because whatever you do, someone will always claim to do better. So do what you claim to do, while I do mine.

c. When are you into fansubbing?
>> Been watching fansubs since 2003.

d. When do you start fansubbing?
>> June 2006 as ex-ddl distro, Jan 2007 as a translator.

e. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub.
>> Fans subtitling whatever they wish, however they want, and whenever they like.

a. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
>> Ayako - Translator/Editor/"Everything passes" non-QC

b. List the Group(s) you've worked with now
>> Ayako, Your-Mom

c. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
>> Ayako, Your-Mom (what's the difference with part b??) [edit: oh! there are a few more, but their reputation would probably go down the shitter if I went public with such classified information]

d. Do you freelance?
>> No

a. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
>> Any, as long as I feel like working on it.

b. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
>> Yeah, Shuffle Memories. Because fapping to episode 12 made doing 1-11 worthed my while.

Founder: Only if you start at least one group
a. Do tell why do you start a group?
>> Because we were fucking drunks.

b. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.
not available

c. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this
>> Lazy MIA slaves who should be whipped to work.

d. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
>> Slave drivers, and slave driving.

a. What are your current fansubbing jobs
>> What's the difference between this and Groups(a)?

b. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
>> Translate,
>> Crap QC,
>> "Englishlising" our infamous Singlish before editors actually work on it before they just straight out commit seppuku immediately,
>> Rough Timing
>> Slave Driving (Project Managing)
>> Recruiting

c. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
>> Slave Driving

d. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
>> Everything that doesn't require timing, afx/ts, karaoke and encoding.

Other Plans
a. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
>> Who knows...?

b. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
>> Nope, also I doubt anyone here will even consider or acknowledge that me/anyone else from where I come from as "half-decent".
>> Newbies are taught the essentials on how to utilise tools and how to lessen the load for the other phases of production. i.e. Aegisub, Notepad, MPC, etc.

c. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
>> Already done, but only for internal group use.

Also, hi to cowgoesmoo, Tapio, SpiegelEiXXL, Rengemaru, Tenshi, shadow, Gains, creamyhorror and a few of you damned lurkers that I missed out. Stop lurking and GB2WORK! You know who you are!

Last edited by Zarifar; 2008-05-09 at 03:57.
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Old 2008-05-09, 04:35   Link #30
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
1. Personality
1. I'm a 25 year old guy. Usually calm, but gets bored very fast. Anti alcohol, tobacco and any kind of drugs.
I love being out in the nature, take a nap in the sun, play football, or simply just watch anime.
Need to be in activity with something to do almost all the time.
Like the relax inbetween, but I prefer having work to do most of my time. Love sports and working out.
I think I'm a nice and caring person irl.
Online I tend to be impatient and very passionate about the projects I do, and that can be a problem sometimes.
2.Oversubbing and other fansubbers bashing each other and talking "behind back" about someone they don't even know.
3. I like when people work hard and fast together and get out good quality subs.
4. sangofe

2. Mission
1. I started providing dvd's for a dvd rip group, the founder asked me if I wanted to come with him and fansub for real since he was starting a new group, at that time, i was into fandubbing, but I tried it.
2. I'm addicted, sadly.
3. Sadly, I'm always into fansubbing, lol.
4. I started about 4 years ago.
5. Actually I'm not sure what the purpose of fansubbing is anymore. I initially wanted to start to sub "forgotten" and good series,
but unfortunately, I'm stuck on oversubbing now and that sucks. I wanna do classics.

3+6. Groups
1. a-one, anime-empire, anime-yuki, BSS, digitalpanic, genjo, gwi, heart of madness, mendoi, neet, nozomi, ryuu rogue, sd project, saizen.
I'm a timer and QC, and that's what I can do. I prefer timing.
Mostly active in anime-empire, BSS, digitalpanic, sd project and Saizen.
I do freelance.

Last edited by sangofe; 2008-07-20 at 03:17.
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Old 2008-05-09, 09:55   Link #31
Join Date: Mar 2006
Age: 42
Send a message via MSN to Xabin
1. Personality
a. Describe about yourself - Dunno.
b. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? - Either I don't care enough, or I forgot what I dislike.
c. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? - I like Koda.
d. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? - Xabin.

2. Mission
a. Why do you fansub in the first place? - Because Koda is cute.
b. Why do you continue fansubbing? - Otherwise Koda would become sad.
c. When are you into fansubbing? - On sundays.
d. When do you start fansubbing? - 2006.
e. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub - To bring about world peace.

3. Groups
a. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s) - gg, translator/qc.
c. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past - Xabin.
d. Do you freelance? - No.

4. Projects
a. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? - Stuff like Kashimashi as long as it doesn't suck.
b. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? - No.

5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
a. Do tell why do you start a group? - Because Doremi was slow as hell.
b. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse. - Kashimashi ended.

6. Jobs
a. What are your current fansubbing jobs - Translating, translation checking, QC.
b. Which fansubbing jobs can you do - Same as a, plus everything else but not nearly as good.
c. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs - Translating.
d. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly. - Translate Japanese to English :p

7. Other Plans
a. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? - When Koda quits.
b. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? - No.
c. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? - No.
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Old 2008-05-09, 15:07   Link #32
Join Date: Jun 2004
Age: 39

Last edited by Scab; 2011-03-04 at 10:22.
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Old 2008-05-12, 05:02   Link #33
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Yokosuka, JP
Age: 43
1. Personality
1. I'm a dickhead.
2. backstabbing
3. The process, and working with others, accomplishment.
4. getfresh

2. Mission
1. I use to like anime.
2. I like playing with fonts ;x
3. Now not much at all, but I use to be into it.
4. ugh... too long ago...
5. To spread awareness of Japanese culture.

3. Groups
1. Anime-Empire(Typesetter), Shinsen-Subs(Typesetter)
2. see above.
3. AlphaAnime-Ffansubs, Anime-Keep, A-M, Anime-Network, Anime-Soft, Ayatsuri Sakon Project, Anime-Xplosion, Conclave, Hikari no Tamashii, Ishin-Digital, InuYasha-Anime, Live-evil, MahoMaho, Miyuki-Fansubs, Mithril, Saizen-Fansubs, ToriyamasWorld, Wizzu Fansubs, other... I forget...
4. I use to.

4. Projects
1. Mech
2. All the time. Because I'm asked nicely.

5. Founder: FreelanceFansubs
1. I started it as a project to support projects of other groups that were lacking in staff.
2. I got tired of being lied to by people who were asking for help.
3. N/A
4. N/A

6. Jobs
1. Typesetter/Styler(same diff to me, but some ppl separate them"
2. Typeset, time, QC.
3. Typesetting
4. Typesetting = font molestation.

7. Other Plans
1. After Macross F.
2. Been there, done that, still have the bad taste in my mouth from it.
3. No, don't have the free time for something like that anymore.

Last edited by getfresh; 2008-05-12 at 05:03. Reason: make it easier to read...
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Old 2008-05-13, 05:07   Link #34
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
Since you ask I shall be thick-skinned and treat this as my personal blog.

1. Personality
1. Describe about yourself
Not important.
2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
Members who initiate a project and disappear halfway.
Members who disappear without informing anyone.
Members who initiate projects that are bound to be oversubbed. "Because that show is so awesome, and I get to tell my friends about it!". "Let's all do Code Geass and Kara no Kyoukai!"
Members who initiate projects that they have low chance of completing.
3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
People with different skill sets working towards a common goal.
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
cowteats. My previous nicks are hi-mi-tsu~.

2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place?
Learn Japanese.
2. Why do you continue fansubbing?
Learn Japanese, trolling fans and fansubbers alike, e-peen stroking.
3. When are you into fansubbing?
4. When do you start fansubbing?
Jan 2007.
5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
By fans for fans.

3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
Ayako - Translator.
2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now
3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
4. Do you freelance?

4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
Comedy, harem, fanservice, furry, slice-of-life, melodrama.
2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
Yes, I was young and gullible.

5. Founder: N.A.

6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs
2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
I can only translate. I'm still in the process of polishing that skill.

7. Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
When I get sick of anime. That's said I've been watching for over ten years.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
translation skills = english proficiency + japanese proficiency + experience.
It is almost impossible to train translators, and so far I've only met 1 translator who is interested in discussing Japanese grammar, who is also my translation checker for Spicywolf. I've seen another translator gotten better at English because he moved to a English-speaking country, but otherwise the chance of improving is only dependent on experience.
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
Nothing to document.

The HAET directed at the group I belong to is very amusing, and I sincerely look forward to multiplying it using various means.
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Old 2008-05-19, 09:50   Link #35
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Home
1. Personality
1. I'm a happy, out-door person, funny, but also very demanding, fussy, grumpy, stubborn, well, I'm hateful actually D:
2. I dislike fights, people who think of theirselves the center of the world just from putting some stupid subs in a stupid show, the sooooo demanding fansub bosses, fights again...
3. I like from fansubbing the love for anime, the dedication, the effort, the freakism for Naruto lol Naruto lol
4. I've been _Anakyn_, ani, and cuac (the sound that a duck does), and I'm thinking of changing into _Darth Vader_. Please vote if you want it to happen.
2. Mission
1. I fansub because I feel those damn animation studios don't do a good job taking anime to their countries (some of them do a really good job, it's just a generalization). SO I think it's good in the Inet to be some losers (me the first one!) that dedicate a portion of their free time to take anime to as many people as they can.
2. I continue fansubbing because some series are good enough to give them a chance to get them to know to the world.
3. I'm fully into fansubbing once I join Anime-Kraze and mahou as a typesetter and AnimeRakuen (Spanish group) as a karaokeman, TLor, and editor. That is two years ago in summer, September 2006, I think.
4. I started fansubbing a boring December 2005, while navigating the Inet looking for I don't remember what. That wasn't serious, it was a very, very small group and couldn't release hardly anything D:
5. Fansub/mission of the fansub: Sub from fans. Easy, dude.
3. Groups
1. 3. I've worked for these Spanish groups: Animelliure Fansub (catalan actually), AnimeRakuen, ThePhoenix-Team, RedLineSP, Xtasy no Fansub, Wing Zero Fansub (<-- LOL such a huge HOYGAN this group is), Athena no Seinto, The Authority, Inshuheki, Hikari-Anime, Kamonohashi no Fansub, Nou no Sonshou, I think that's all, and now for the English groups: BSS, mahou, Anime-Kraze, For-The-Win (da best group full of AFX users, go go go!), Ureshii, Froth-Bite, Live-eviL, Menclave, and super Shinsen-subs.
2. Shinsen-subs, Ureshii, Inshuheki, Menclave. Well, I'm working for a hotel right now, I'm out from the fansubbing world till I get a decent laptop.
4. Yeah sure, I freelance, otherwise I wouldn't have been in so many groups. I helped them in specific moments, not alwayz! D: I'd be crazy dude.
4. Projects
1. Oh please not lolis, I don't like lolis, I like the Mnemosyne ones, I find them too... little? I don't know, I enjoy fansubbing shows like Death Note
2. Hmmm, since I'm a karaokeman basically, more than a typesetter, I only AFX it and I'm done. I usually don't watch the shows I fansub. That's rude but that's it D:
5. I haven't founded anything yet, gomen.
6. Jobs
1. Hmmm, I don't know my jobs right now, first I have to go back to fansubbing.
2. AFX karaoke and typeset mainly, QCing secondly, and in Spanish groups, TLing, editing and timing but very, very slowly.
3. AnimeOne, Anime-Kraze, Tanoshii (Spanish fansub), and Inshuheki, of course.
4. AFX karaoking: open AE, run Shinji's script and load your SSA, duplicate layers, modify layers, add some presets and a keyframe style. And if you're in the mood, add some particles there. That'll do the job.
7. Other Plans
1. Soon. Nah, not really, but when someone tells me DUDE YOU HAVE/MUST/ARE GOING TO DO THIS, I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OPINION I'll quit and I'll bring down that group. Well, actually I'll only send a skunk to the person who hypothetically says that.
2. I'll try, I promise, but not to be as good as I am, but as bad as I am.
3. I will, at least in Spanish editing and karaoking, cuz I feel I've gotta share something with my fellas fansubbers. Accept it can be their ruin, but they're free to follow my tips. Guys, you're warned. I'm not responsible of the consequences D: D: D:

Last edited by _Anakyn_; 2008-05-19 at 11:08.
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Old 2008-05-19, 12:00   Link #36
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Virginia Tech
  1. Personality
    1. Describe about yourself
      Well, I'm a female in college who loves anime. That's a rarity in itself. I don't have many friends in real life, but I am close to the few that I do have. I like relaxing activities, and a bit of senseless repitition isn't bad. I'm an introvert, and I can be stubborn. Basically... Think Nagisa from Clannad. She's kind of like my personality's identical twin. XD
    2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
      I hate it when groups release shows at a slow rate for quality, forcing many leechers to wait for quality they do not want. I'd much rather have them release a v1 at speed for the leeches, and a v2 for archivers.
      I also hate it when a fansub group thinks they are amazing for releasing one episode. You do not judge your fansubs, the leechers do.
    3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
      I like the team effort, and the friends you can make in doing it. I also like helping people who don't understand Japanese see anime.
    4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
      I use the name "Kristen" right now. I used to use "ChrissieXD", but when I cut my hair in March, I suddenly wanted to be called by my real name. Don't know why.
  2. Mission
    1. Why do you fansub in the first place?
      To help people who don't understand japanese so they are able to watch it in their native language, and to facilitate other languages to start their own projects, since most go English->Their language
    2. Why do you continue fansubbing?
      Because I still want to help out, and people are liking what I'm doing.
    3. When are you into fansubbing?
      Mainly weekends. Friday->Sunday are my busiest times this season.
    4. When do you start fansubbing?
      I started in January of this year. However, that's fansubbing in general. For my present job of a timer, just this March.
    5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
      To be used as a tool for people to read anime, and to be as minimalistic as possible
  3. Groups
    1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
      Chihiro: Timer, Encoder, Editor, Co-Webmaster, Co-Founder
      TK: Timer
      Moetaku: Timer
      Tweakanime: Timer
    2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now
      See above.
    3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
      See above.
    4. Do you freelance?
      Not for a real sub. I'll freelance a parody sub occassionally.
  4. Projects
    1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
      I love the harem genre in general. Easy to work on, easy to watch, and nice stories. Note that this means things like M;Y, Clannad, or Kanon. A tradition harem.
    2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
      I am working on two series I don't like now. One of them I got forced into accidentally. Simply, I joined a group because they were subbing a show, and they told me to sub the other show. The second is because I don't want to leave that group yet, and that show is my only project with them.
  5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
    1. Do tell why do you start a group?
      Because I was sick and tired of groups calling themselves "Speedsubs", but still did TLC, QC, and Karaoke. Especially groups that say "We're speedsubs! We have the 1st episode ready. Just waiting on kara."
    2. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.
    3. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this
      We're not really stalling too much on anything. A lot of the reason is because we lack raws, so most of our releases got pushed be a day.
    4. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
      We release frequently, and only do shows because we want to do them. We also are not bottlenecked anywhere, since we only have 2 steps to a release, TL and Time. By eliminating steps where a lot of groups get stalled (TLC, Kara, Typesetting), we make a lot of releases, get a lot of leeches, and keep morale/motivation high.
  6. Jobs
    1. What are your current fansubbing jobs
      Timing, Encoding (Not real encoding. Just, run the scripts I have)
    2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
      Timing, Editing, Encoding, and maybe French translation if I sat down for a day
    3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
      Oddly, I love timing. It's always fun to race against the clock to see how fast you can time 25 minutes. Plus, it's a lot of music and stuff, so it's fun. Also, it allows me to rewatch and episode once I'm done without needing to stop. I find pre-timing to be even more fun for those same reasons. XD
    4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
      Timing - Aligning audio to subtitles, and then making the subs easy to read.
  7. Other Plans
    1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
      When I get bored of it.
    2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
      I've already trained people. XD
    3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
      Possibly. I'll probably make a timing tutorial eventually to show the basics of timing, with a special section to say how to time fast.
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Old 2008-05-19, 15:43   Link #37
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Canada
1. Personality
a. Describe yourself

I like food, and I like sleep.
b. Do tell what disgusts you the most in fansubbing?
c. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
Fans working for fans.
d. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?

2. Mission
a. Why do you fansub in the first place?

Good question! Probably to help out in the community or something rather like that. Has been awhile since I've thought of it.
b. Why do you continue fansubbing?
Why not?
c. When are you into fansubbing?
d. When do you start fansubbing?
e. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
To add subtitles to stuffs.

3. Groups
a. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)

AonE-Conclave (Typesetter), BSS (Karaoke Stylist), Diffusion (Karaoke Stylist), Genjo (QC), Menclave (??QC??), NEET (Everything except TL).
b. List the Group(s) you've worked with now

c. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
This is better left blank
d. Do you freelance?

4. Projects
a. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?

Action, intense stuff.
b. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
Yes. Somehow, I get captured and r forced to works.

5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
a. Do tell why do you start a group?

Well, being the leader of the group let me sub some of the shows I wanted to sub. I have my own quality and speed standards, though I think the speed standards died somewhere along the way?
b. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.
c. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this
d. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
Not functioning well at all.

6. Jobs
a. What are your current fansubbing jobs

Major Season 4 (NEET) - Timer, Editor, Typesetter, Karaoke Stylist, and Quality Control.
Nabari No Ou (AonE-Conclave) - Typesetter
Vampire Knight (Karaoke Stylist)
Insert random other jobs for random other groups here.
b. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
See above.
c. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
Good question. I have yet to figure out which I like best.
d. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.

7. Other Plans
a. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?

Next year.
b. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
Depends on who it is I might be training, and their attitude.
c. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?

Last edited by Crotoss; 2008-05-20 at 14:46.
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Old 2008-05-20, 12:47   Link #38
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
- Describe yourself.
24, British.
- What attributes do you dislike about fansubbing?
Groups not announcing projects in advance.
- What attributes do you like about fansubbing?
- What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
Grv, Groove

- Why do you fansub in the first place?
Learning Japanese.
- Why do you continue fansubbing?
Still learning Japanese.
- When did you start fansubbing?
When I formed Yoroshiku in February 2006.
- Define fansubbing or state the mission of fansubbing.
"Subtitles provided by fans, for fans at no profit".

- List your current groups and your positions within those groups
Yoroshiku - Founder/Various
Mendoi - Timer
Animeforever - Timer
Menclave - QC
MUJI - Timer, QC
- List the groups you've worked with
- List the groups you've worked with in the past
Hell Fansubs
- Do you freelance?
Haven't yet.

- What kind of series/genre do you enjoy working on?
A mixture: some shounen/shoujo shows have their appeal for a short time but I would prefer to work on seinen/josei on an enduring basis.
- Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why are you working on them?
I have worked on series I don't like and still do. The reason is simply to keep people happy. It's a small sacrifice to make to work on something you're not keen on now so that others will work on shows you wish to in the future.

- Why did you start a group?
At the time it seemed like a good way to become more involved with this (at the time) new fascinating idea of "anime".
- If the group is functioning very well, why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful?
Opinions will vary on what functioning "well" is, but in my personal opinion Yoroshiku delivers episodes in a reasonably timely fashion and hopefully to a standard acceptable to the viewers. As for the whats and why of how things are running "well", I would have to say it ultimately comes down to compromise and accepting the opinions of others. For example in the context of project selection I selected Kekkaishi on the recommendation of a QCer and Chi's Sweet Home because our main editor has an affinity for cats.

- What are your current fansubbing jobs?
Timer, Translator (Chi's Sweet Home), Quality Control, Editor
- Which fansubbing jobs can you do?
As above with perhaps the additions of encoding but I prefer to assign roles to people who are specialists.
- What are your favourite fansubbing jobs?
Distro - the satisfaction of actually getting to release something after all the hard work that has gone into it!

Other Plans
- When are you planning to retire from fansubbing?
Things will probably come to a natural end but I would like to believe I can complete some older neglected series before that time such as Oishinbo and Monkey Turn.
- Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
I'm already in the process of bringing slightly-less-than-qualified staffers onboard. The idea being to pair them with more experienced people within the group and to secure staff for future projects.
- Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
Unless I come up with something revolutionary I doubt there would be much need for my own personal input. There are people in a much better position to share their knowledge than I, and there is still much to learn before I would consider anything I wrote on the topic to be authoritative.
Yoroshiku Fansubs: Website | Twitter | IRC
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Old 2008-05-23, 13:47   Link #39
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Kentucky!
Age: 37
Send a message via AIM to digiboy123
1. Personality
1. Well, I'm pretty quit most of the time. Mainly on the internets though. I hear I'm a riot in irl, but who am I to say?
2. The thing that bothers me the most is when groups sub random episode. Like one day they sub episode 2 of something, then the next day they release episode 80 of a series that they haven't even done before. I can't stand when they do that. Does no one care to be consistent?
3. It's just fun. You get to watch anime, what's wrong about that?
4. I've always used the name I'm using now: digiboy123.

2. Mission
1. Same reason I said a while ago. Because it's fun. And for other groups to return the favor and subtitle anime for me to watch. >8D
2. Cuz' i'm ttly bored ya! That and i have nothing else to do besides college stuffs.
3. The first sub I ever watched was probably back in 2000.
4. I started fansubbing about Fall 2006.
5. Fansubbing is bringing Japanese anime shows to those that aren't fluent in Japanese with English subtitles. That's basically it.

3. Groups
1. • DATS - Editor, QCer, maybe a timer, upscripter.
• Mishicorp - Editor, maybe an upscritper every now and then.
2. I still work with these two groups.
3. I have worked with Black Lotus, and Anime-Empire.
4. I've been a freelancer once or twice, yes.

4. Projects
1. I enjoy working on action, shounen and historical. FUN! But whatever, I'll work on any show.
2. Yeah, I've worked on shows that I don't like. I help fansub them because i know there is at least one person out there that wants to watch it, so i think of them.

6. Jobs
1. Currently, I'm just an editor. Real life prohibits me!
2. I can edit, TL Check, time, upscript, QC. Everything except karaoke, typesetting and encode.
3. Editor and QCer are my favs.

7. Other Plans
1. I'll probably quit when I die. That or when I don't feel like spending hours to sub cartoons.
2. When do I plan to train others? Lulz. Never. I had to learn for myself. It's not that hard!
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? - Nope. There's many guides and tutorials already out there.
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Old 2014-02-24, 10:23   Link #40
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Indonesia
Age: 30
1a. Describe about yourself: I don't know who i am.
1b. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? Sucks timing and Hardsubbing
1c. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? Working for fans only
1d. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? Chaoss

2a. Why do you fansub in the first place? for fun
2b. Why do you continue fansubbing? Cause i like it
2c. When are you into fansubbing? probably on 2000
2d. When do you start fansubbing? on 2009
2e. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub: Subs that for fans and contain no profit.

3a. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s): Suiriotaku, Watashi, DDY, Kaitou. and sometimes i help people who needs timer. my jobs is timer actually but i can do anything except TL.
3b. List the Group(s) you've worked with now: Look's above. *Anyone who needs timer can PM me here or query Chaoss on rizon*
3c. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past: Chuu, Hadena, Conan Fansub
3d. Do you freelance? Yes.

4a. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? Anything is fine as long as I like the show.
4b. Do you work on any series that you don't like? No.

6a. What are your current fansubbing jobs: Timing, Typesetting and editing
6b. Which fansubbing jobs can you do: Timing, Editing, QC, Styling... everything except translation.
6c. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs: Timing ofc.
6d. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly: Timing - Aligning audio to subtitles, and then making the subs easy to read for watcher.

7a. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? After i got bored
7b. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? i've already trained some people about timing and karaoke.
7c. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? For anyone that i want to teach only.
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