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Old 2008-05-07, 12:05   Link #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2004
[Fansubbers] Introduce yourself

I would like to get to know about fansubbers lurking and posting in animesuki and in this forum. I'm here to learn from fellow fansubbers. And, try not to post anything to comment on any of the introductions posted here. Reply them as a private message. The point of this thread is to get to know with fellow fansubbers lurking in anime-suki. I am not sure if this type of thread was posted in Anime-Suki--but if it's not, I am surprised why this wasn't posted. I think there's a similar thread, but that thread, I think, only questions about why are you into fansubbing; so the target is everyone--I am more curious about fansubbers.

Here's a guideline what you can write in your post. You don't have to answer all of my questions. But this is just out of curiosity.
  1. Personality
    1. Describe about yourself
    2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
    3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
    4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
  2. Mission
    1. Why do you fansub in the first place?
    2. Why do you continue fansubbing?
    3. When are you into fansubbing?
    4. When do you start fansubbing?
    5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
  3. Groups
    1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)
    2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now
    3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
    4. Do you freelance?
  4. Projects
    1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?
    2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
  5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
    1. Do tell why do you start a group?
    2. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.
    3. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this
    4. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.
  6. Jobs
    1. What are your current fansubbing jobs
    2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
    3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
    4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
  7. Other Plans
    1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?
    2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
    3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?

My Profile

I am known as pichu/pichus in fansub projects. Right now, I am basically an After-Effects typesetter and is still trying to understand how to perfect some of the most difficult "signs." To me, perfecting signs typesetting is a challenge and fun rather than something feasible; I find it fun to make them rather than making them just to watch. That's my mission. I started typesetting in the mid-2004. I picked up using After-Effects about two years ago, so I am quite new in After-Effects, but I am constantly discovering many techniques for typesetting. Refer to my typesetting thread for my definition of typesetting.

I despise show-offs or people who tried to trash other people's work for fun. I am probably the same, but I'd prefer to show people my failed work so that they can comment on how I can improve them.

Watching fansubs, to me, is to understand what the episodes are talking about. I don't mind about minor English errors or minor typesetting/video problems as long as they don't hurt my eyes that much and as long as I can understand without rewording the subs in my head. However, working on fansub is completely different; I find it necessary to perfect them, even though as a viewer, I don't mind about flaws.

The current groups I'm working with are Froth-Bite, Static-Subs, and Menclave. The groups I freelance for include Ureshii for some loli series. The slower groups I helped with include Lolidan for Moetan. The past groups I helped include Huzzah for Bamboo Blade, Megami-Anime, etc. I've been a typesetter (logo designer, credits typesetter, subs styler, and signs typesetter) in all. I started watching fansubs only in 2002, and I was dragged into fansubbing by some founder from Freedom-Anime in 2003. Then, I got addicted to fansubbing since then.

I helped re-founding Freedom-Anime (it was actually my first group in 2003--and since I wasn't active at all, I didn't join any other groups and projects until much later) back in 2004 because I hate to let a group die, and we did the first two episodes of Mahou Sensei Negima. The project died because of lack of interests. I later helped founding Ryoumi because I've wanted to found groups, and it died because the projects got overloaded and most of the staff lost their interests. After Ryoumi got disbanded, I made promise to people that another group will be formed. Since I hate breaking promises, I helped founding the FTW group and released two episodes of iDOLM@STER Xenoglossia; it was our first attempt to do everything in After-Effects including subtitles. The project and group died because doing everything in AFX took too long and that after starting to work on the series, we were told that the project is 26 episodes instead of 13 episodes. Then, I've decided to just help with other groups instead of founding groups since leadership is something I can't handle. ;p

Right now, I can do karaoke in After-Effects, logo/credits/signs typesetting, subs styling (I'd rather not to), subs and karaoke timing, encoding, and translating from chinese subs (again, I'd rather not to). Current projects I'm working on are Oinari for Static-Subs and Toshokan Sensou for Menclave. I'm the main typesetter for both series.

I love loli series for the cuteness of little girls. I also like somewhat a different type of series--anime with some actions. Most of the projects--if not all--I am working on are those that I am assigned to work on, as I am doing them as favors. I don't really have any real preference as long as I can have some fun working on them.

When am I going to retire? I'm not sure about that myself; I keep on telling me that it's about time to retire--after all, it's been almost five years; but projects and my fellow fansubbers tell me otherwise. In the meantime, I am willing to contribute my discoveries in After-Effects typesetting techniques to prospective typesetters so that they can easily perfect the signs. However, I haven't found anyone with that mind to do this way. Hence, I am still searching for compatible trainees.


And, finally, I would like to greet you.

Last edited by pichu; 2008-05-07 at 12:15.
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Old 2008-05-07, 14:04   Link #2
My E-Penis > Your E-Penis
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Age: 39
1. Personality
1. I am.
2. boobslol.jpg
3. The game?
4. ScR3WiEuS, Raou-sama

2. Mission
1. The challenge? The game? Egowars.
2. Pretty much the same reasons
3. don't quite understand this question
4. beginning of 2003 or so
5. deliver a decent translation (timed and edited) to an anime show.

3. Groups
1. Menclave (+Mendoi), Yoroshiku?(kinda)
3. Maboroshi-Fansubs, Dragonball Vortex 5, Vagrant-Anime, Nanashi-Fansubs, Umai-Fansubs, Hikari no Tamashii, NN
4. Did. Shinsen, Shounen-Ai, SD-Project, + some other big groups

4. Projects
1. anything

5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
1. First group because i wanted to try out fansubbing, so I started a group with some other newbies. Second group because I wanted to try something more large-scale.
2. First group: too many projects.
4. Why does it work well? Meh... because we have some cool and skilled people who're willing to put in some effort to keep things running.

6. Jobs
1. Group Leader, Project Leader,
editor, timer (+kara), QC, all the shitty stuff people don't want to do
2. read above
3. editing
Editing: Correct grammar, spelling, syntax, style, while enhancing the flow.
Timing: ...timing the subtitles to match the dialogue, adding some lead-in and lead-out to make it easier to read, cutting off subs that pass scene changes
QCing: looking for mistakes that slipped past the people responsible for that aspect of the release
Project Leader: scapegoat. taking care that everybody does their job at a decent rate. keeping the bar high. finding quick solutions to problems that might endanger the project. settle conflicts. communication hub.
Group Leader: same as project leader but on a larger scale.

7. Other Plans
1. when my group won't die in case i leave
2. good? lol. well, depends on whether or not i find someone with the necessary motivation.
3. thinking about writing an editing guide later, but w/e
penis, lol
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Old 2008-05-07, 14:27   Link #3
Join Date: Nov 2004
I'm a young attractive male fansubber residing somewhere in the country where they all smoke weed and fuck hookers all day.
I'm looking for fellow fansubbers that share that passion and want to get high with me 24/7 and also accompany me when I go to the hookers.
What I love about fansubbing is that most of the male fansubbers are sexually frustrated 32 year olds with apparently no job and have too much time on their hands. This makes up for interesting discussions.
What I hate about it is that they actually try to hit on women on IRC and abuse their ircop powers to say that they're a sad panda.

My mission is to liberate the people of earth from the evil terrorists and become the president of the united states. Oh, and I blame koda for me being a fansubber.

I'm into groups yeah. Group sex mostly -_-.

Projects: Fuck those.

Founder: I've got my own little group, but I'd rather not see you in the channel.

Jobs: I'm currently a student and work part-time renovating a building. You?

Other plans: Planning to take over the world, after saving it.

And yes, I love to use the Enter button.

Edit: Hi False, juggen :>.

Last edited by Dnous; 2008-05-07 at 15:06.
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Old 2008-05-07, 18:14   Link #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
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1. Personality
1. Dunno
2. How 1000 different groups like to pick up the same thing, even good ones >_> (i.e. Geass)
3. Community of great people (for the most part....)
4. Dragon(5152)

2. Mission
1. Dunno, guess I just enjoyed crap like anime enough
2. Cause I like to do it, anyone who hates it shouldn't be there. Fansubbing is sometimes called a job, I disagree, fansubbing should be done for fun, yet taken as a challenge.
3. when am I into it? like, have a mindset?
4. Summer 07
5. Create subs for people to watch and sprinkle a little extra on top of that (karaoke) for fun (cause we know i'd be sooooo boring without them >_>). Fansubbing is not a JOB, it's a challenge (or I like to think of it that way). Make subs that flow as well as providing a good translation.

3. Groups
1. Static-subs, Ureshii, encoder in both
2. Dunno
3. Various, mostly speedsubbers at first, but then again, who didn't when they were n00bs
4. I would if I knew how to whore myself out. I would do it for OVA's or something, but not series I think. Movies I'd do it as well, contact me if someone wants some encoding done

4. Projects
1. Lots, Ghost in the Shell type stuff sometimes, others I really don't care, I watch a lot of stuff save a few special things.
2. Not really much I don't like, save kid shows >_>

5. Founder: Not for me

6. Jobs
1. Encoder
2. Encoder
3. Encoder
4. Encoder - make crap look respectable, fix flaws, without fucking it up (which I've done, many times, I admit to screwing up but it's experience that teaches us.)

7. Other Plans
1. No idea
2. I'd do it. Yatta anyone?
3. If there's anything I'd do, I'd make some proper documentation for yatta, updated.
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Old 2008-05-07, 18:17   Link #5
Saizen Supreme
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Sweden
Age: 38
  1. Personality
    1. An always smiling optimist who likes to watch/archive anime and comment on group releases at AniDB ^^
      Irl I like to work out, party (all night long), hang out with friends and study apparently. I also like swimming and skiing a lot ^^
    2. Speed-subs, leecher-horny groups, groups dropping a series because they found something better/newer, VLC
    3. Lots of people to talk with, and I like to deliver perfect quality subs ^^
    4. Juggen
  2. Mission
    1. Because it's fun, and I like helping out
    2. Slowly getting more and more addicted
    3. Usually a little every day
    4. Winter '06
    5. To bring translated, sweet animu to the public for free ^^
  3. Groups
    1. TS/QC/Timer/Distro - QC/Distro - QC - QC/Distro - QC/TS/Distro - TS/Distro
    2. AniSubs, Funnuraba, Moetaku (sorta), Saizen, Yabai, AKH
    3. Yume-Subs
    4. Yes
  4. Projects
    1. Sports/Shounen ^^
    2. Himawari. Reason: simply helping out >_>
  5. Founder: Sorry, not your guy
  6. Jobs
    1. TS/Timer/QC/Distro
    2. TS/Timer/QC/Distro >_<
    3. TS/QC
    4. Ehhh... Make pretty .ass-signs, fine-time, bitch about everything from scene-bleeds to encoding errors, seed like a maniac ^^
  7. Other Plans
    1. When I marry Keira Knightly...
    2. Trained one timer and made him my whore/slave
    3. No...
  8. Want to say hi to
    1. Dnous
    2. sangofe/dj_tjerk (since they weren't mentioned even though they also were lurking!)

Last edited by juggen; 2008-05-09 at 12:39.
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Old 2008-05-07, 19:05   Link #6
makes no files now
Join Date: May 2006
I thought this was meant to be sent as a private message... Anyway, I'm obviously bored right now and who knows why I ended up posting in the end... @_@

1. Personality
a. Boring and quiet
b. Speedsubs, groups that cannot deliver proper dialogue without screwing up horribly and how certain people like to create new groups each week that die after two releases -- give us your translators dammit! We'll make better use of them! *shows fist*
c. The enjoyment
d. No reason to use others

2. Mission
a. Too much free time and I enjoy doing it
b. Read above plz
c. Huh? When my head doesn't hurt...?
d. Late 2006
e. To have fun

3. Groups
a. Secret
b. Secret
c. Secret
d. Seems like I turn(ed) most people down for it, unless it's something really awesome that I'd like to work on which hasn't happened yet (in the end from my point I'm not limited just to fansubs hehehe). n_n

4. Projects
a. Anything apart from scat, guro, bondage, s&m, etc... you get the idea.
b. Yes. Stupid never-ending shounen anime; someone has to do it apart from speedsubs

5. Founder
a. To do something that's been left out
b. After finishing, we did... I think...
c. -
d. Taking a year to sub 75 minutes... Is that considered successful?

6. Jobs
a. Encode, some odd AFX stuff, rest only in emergency or when others slacked off with their part (and project leader if that counts too)
b. All apart from editing and any sort of translation (nobody cares about the other lingos anyway :P)

c. Threatening leechers and making them unhappy with all sorts of funky things Encode
d. Huh? Smooth out cute anime girls' faces so that they'll have less noise on them... ^_^

7. Other Plans
a. When I'll no longer have time for it... doubt that'll be anytime soon lol >_>
b. Does this include being harrassed on IRC with questions/etc?
c. Most has been documented already or is like "zomg! GOOOOOOGLEEEE!", plus I'm too dumb and lazy to figure out anything new. :P

P.S. AVI go die!
"Light and shadow don't battle each other, because they're two sides of the same coin"

Last edited by martino; 2008-05-07 at 19:52. Reason: broken formatting AGAIN!, blame notepad AGAIN!
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Old 2008-05-07, 19:30   Link #7
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Originally Posted by martino View Post
I thought this was meant to be sent as a private message...
I think everyone is just too lazy to read the post, including myself. Does it really matter if it's PM or not?
Not like there's anything wrong with the stuff posted here.
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Old 2008-05-07, 20:20   Link #8
Seeker of Power
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: ΔHidden Forbidden Holy Ground
Age: 39
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1. Personality
1. A quiet, unsociable person. Kind of like the guy you expect to snap and walk in with guns, except I'd much rather take a nap.
2. Long-standing "hate" between groups disgusts me the most. These are usually only personal problems between a couple people gone too far. Also oversubbing.
3. I like working with others toward a common goal.
4. the_Merines in my earlier days, now just Merines/Gunbuster

2. Mission
1. Boredom, sense of obligation to fellow group members
2. I feel like I am still improving.
3. All the time. Ask the people I work with. It's bad when fellow group members ask if I ever sleep.
4. October 2006
5. A fansub is a fan-produced episode of anime/j-drama/whatever. The fact that they are distributed doesn't matter much in my eyes.

3. Groups
1. Formula (leader), Shinsen (go-to guy?)
2. Currently at Formula and Shinsen
3. Worked with Fansub no Tameni and Guardian Project in the past
4. I don't, not l33t or well-known enough. Too busy.

4. Projects
1. Anything not overly "moe" or ecchi. Absolutely no mahou shoujo ever again. Mech or sci-fi preferred.
2. Yes. Because I was asked to. It's even possible to grow to love a show you start off hating (see: Hitman Reborn)

5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
1. The group I had joined was falling apart, and I felt I was not good enough to attempt to apply to another group. I started Formula to sub only Wangan Midnight, but somewhere along the way it became a real fansub group.
2. Feels at times like we might collapse, but it hasn't happened yet.
3. null
4. We were successful at the start due to being offered joints by a larger group. I really didn't/don't do anything to make us successful. Just lucky to be surrounded by competent people.

6. Jobs
1. timing, editing, typesetting, QCing, group leader
2. ^ those
3. timing... it's the only thing I feel I'm actually good at
4. too lazy

7. Other Plans
1. Depends. Probably not for a while.
2. I don't feel I'm good enough to train anyone.
3. I wrote a "how to time" walkthrough for Formula a while back, but things have changed a lot since then, so it's become outdated. Wrote an editing style guide as well, but it's mostly a mishmash of preferences.
I am bound to pay the debt I owe.
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Old 2008-05-07, 20:51   Link #9
Join Date: Oct 2004
Since everyone's replying, I might as well do it here too...

1a. Not much to describe. Your basic anime otaku and computer geek.
1b. Bad translations and bad english. Especially when people tell you about it and you don't take criticism and don't improve.
1c. Relatively good translations and good editing.
1d. Just the one that I'm using now - ths1138.

2a. I started fansubbing cause a bunch of guys I know requested me to. But I started off as a chinese sub translator encoding with VCDs.
2b. Now it's just a hobby for me. Though I've obviously improved and translating with Japanese and encoding with R2 DVD sources.
2c. I think I started somewhere around late 2000.
2d. I'm not sure what the difference between this question and the previous one.
2e. To present your own interpretation of an anime and the characters through proper translation and accurate editing.

3a. Currently in #anime-gundam (does everything), #AnimeCo (timer) and #TV-nihon (editor, raw provider, encoder, QC).
3b. If you refer to joint projects, then I'm working with SHS at the moment.
3c. I used to work for #anime-empire (c-sub translator). Also worked on joints with #Shinseiki-Illuminati and #Aoshi at one point, as well as #MSG.
3d. If people ask me nicely and I'm free to do it, sure.

4a. Currently working on all gundam series, although I have a personal project on hand.
4b. I don't see a point doing something I don't like, so no.

5a. I'm not exactly the one who started the group, but I guess I'm the one who's still keeping the group there. Also created a smaller branch off that group. I started the branch-off group to do licensed stuff but only those who don't mind will join. This way, if I get C&D letters, the original group can still remain.
5b. Hasn't collapsed, just... become really small? I'm not about to let it collapse.
5c. It's stalling cause I'm the only one doing most of the work. It's mainly a one-man show.
5d. No answer.

6a. I assume you mean the role in fansubbing? Currently I'm doing everything - Raw provider, Timer, Translator, Typesetter, Editor, Encoder, QCer, Distro, BT Seeder, FServe, Webmaster...
6b. As before, I can do everything.
6c. I guess I like to typeset, although I'm not really very creative at that. Especially since I'm still using SSA/ASS script to do the typesetting.
6d. Not quite sure what this question means. A brief runthrough of my fansubbing process would be something like...

1) Rip my DVDs.
2) Create audio file for timing.
3) Use SSA to time and translate and edit at the same time.
4) Apply typeset (or create typeset if none has been done).
5) Create a full encode for QC.
6) QC the episode for all problems.
7) Fix the problems.
8) Repeat steps 5) to 7).
9) Create a full encode for QC.
10) Send it to my other QCers for QC.
11) Fix the problems.
12) Create final encode for QC.
13) Watch through for any last minute problems.
14) Begin distro if there are no problems.
15) Update website and IRC channel topic.

and yes, I do all of the above myself (except for step 10) of course).

7a. Not planning to retire or quit any time soon.
7b. I don't really like to train much. I prefer people learn on the go. On Job Training if you like. too bad I don't get much recruits. Or any at all.
7c. I can't really be bothered to, although if people ask me, I could just make something up I guess.

I hope that answers all the questions.

- ths1138
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Old 2008-05-07, 22:01   Link #10
Join Date: Apr 2007
1. Personality
a. IRL I'm a social type person who can talk with almost anyone with anything interesting to say. On IRC I'm more of a reserved person who'd rather do his work than chat about nonsense.
b. Oversubbing by less than capable groups creating a flood of horrible releases, and HQ groups who compete against each other rather than joint to destroy the speed groups.
c. In most groups I work with there is a sense of camaraderie with other members also sharing your work with other people.
d. b0nk and b0nk^laptop

2. Mission
a. Well it was first to give back to the community after so many years of leeching but after learning AFX it's now to perfect typesetted signs.
b. Certain shows deserve better treatment than a speed sub group can offer and I almost feel inclined to do it also it's just plain fun.
c. Usually late at night when I'm off work and nothing is on TV
d. It was ep 14 of AonE's Sousei no Aquarion I started my fansubbing debut so that was like 3 years ago.
e. To produce a show from another language/culture that the majority of the world can understand.

3. Groups
a. Currently I'm a typesetter for Menclave mostly but I'm also affiliated with AonE.
b. Currently have projects with Menclave, AonE, Yoroshiku, Ureshii
c. AonE, Ryoumi, Mendoi, FTW, Ureshii, Conclave, Saizen, Anime-Empire, probably forgetting some.
d. Yes, but I only do random things like font matching, logos, creds, ep titles

4. Projects
a. Anything with mecha or sci-fi elements I also enjoy a good comedy every now and then.
b. Usually anything that's not on my preferences I don't work as fast on it, but I work on it usually because my "skills" are best used there.

5. Founder
a. Well co-founded FTW with pichu and GWi with pichu and a few others

6. Jobs
a. Typesetting
b. Also can karaoke style, karaoke time, script time, and QC'd before
c. Typesetting
d. Well I specialize more in signs typesetting than styling but my motto to making a good sign is, "the best signs are the ones not noticed". This means to make it match the original sign as much as possible from exact font, to color, shadows, fade, gradient w/e.

7. Other Plans
a. Probably when it stops being fun or when I'm satisfied with the other current typesetter's work.
b. Heh, I think I'm doing that now but it's hard to train people in AFX if they are not familiar with it. I find it's easier to train people that have some familiarity to it.
c. Just ask me for any old project file I'll most likely share it with you, I keep almost everything I've done.

Last edited by b0nk; 2008-05-07 at 22:11.
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Old 2008-05-07, 22:14   Link #11
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: seattle, wa
Age: 38
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Hello out there to all the subbers I am a mature, goal orientated male fansubber looking for the right editor. Basic info on me I am 32 years old Asian male I am 5'1 I am medium built, short black hair clean cut, and thick glasses. I am looking for a fansubber who wants to build a serious fansub group to improve on quality. I consider myself different. I don't tc or ts, I am not into the karaoke or afx scene either.

I'm a quiet person, like to play computer games, watch animes, and be on irc to talk to guys. I am pretty much a big kid who likes to have fun and would like to meet someone new to share my interests.

As I said before I am very goal orientated right now. I pretend I work a full time job that is very VERY flexible and I can make alot of time for a fansub. I am also a very open person who is very blunt and doesnt have a problem saying what is on my mind. If I don't like what you're saying I'll simply just kline you.

What I look for in a subber well as I said who is just about the quality of anime, however someone who is smart, has a good head on their shoulders, honest, open minded, faithful, and goal orientated to meet deadlines. I am not a picky person. Right now I am open for anything as long as it is free and legal of course *wink wink*. If you have kids that is ok too, just make sure they know how to do the following: Translate, time, and typeset. I am very good with kids being that I am a big kid at heart and if they want to learn how to encode, thats fine with me too.

Well I like to thank you for taking the time to read this and if your interested drop me a message. Hope to hear from you soon thanks again for reading this
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Old 2008-05-07, 22:25   Link #12
World's Biggest Douchebag
Join Date: Jan 2006

Somewhere near Bowling Green, actually.

a. Douche bag. See title.
b. Vultures. On any series. It's okay if you speedsub since you most likely suck anyway, but drop in the middle and you earn the official stamp of fail.
c. Being able to tell people they suck to their face, be right about it, and kill groups by demotivating their translators into quitting (<---- have done this about 3 times now)
d. silverfailure, silverfag, silverfaggot, 銀の炎, 銀の失敗, 실버파이어

a. Because I'm a control freak by nature and absolutely nobody does it right unless I'm the one doing it.
b. Because it's fun berating people for below average work.
c. Whenever a project is moving at a consistent pace.
d. About May 2004
e. The goal is to produce something of nearly professional quality.

a. Menclave, CrystalNova, Static-Subs, and freelancing - QC, Timer, and Encoder for all
b. ...Isn't this the same damned thing as (a)?
c. Too many to list. At one point I was concurrently in about eight groups.
d. See (a).

a. I enjoy working on dramas the most, but inadvertently end up working on mechas quite often (see: Eureka Seven, Gundam SEED Destiny, Gundam 00... list goes on)
b. I work on a lot of series that I don't care much about mostly because I do a lot of karaoke timing, where I do something that's mostly a one-shot then forget the project even existed.

5. - N/A

a. Timer, QC, and Encoder
b. Almost everything, though I don't have any patience to translate and I suck intensely at Typesetting (karaoke included).
c. Karaoke timing. It's fast and commitment-free (except Macross Frontier T_T)
d. Timer - Setting start and end times as humanly accurate as possible (without leadin and leadout) in under 20 minutes without filling the translation, then running my scripts to end up with a finished product.
QC - Bitch about everything you can possibly bitch about. Quite enjoyable for people like me who relish in telling people they suck. Not limited to QCing your own group's releases. Can also QC other groups' releases and spread it around showing people how much that group blows.
Encoder - Not screwing up and blurring the living crap out of everything (see: Not Edward_K section). Also involves not oversharpening or oversaturating stuff (see: lots of other encoders in new groups).

a. Fansub retirement is a myth. Only extended breaks exist.
b. No. I don't have the patience to actually teach people. The only form of teaching I do is suggesting that someone do a certain job, then bitching and whining about their work till they fix what they do wrong.
c. No. It's not my desire, nor job to make anyone else better. It's much more effective use of my time for them to improve on their own.

Last edited by silverfire; 2008-05-07 at 23:08. Reason: Gradually posting it all
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Old 2008-05-08, 05:36   Link #13
Join Date: Dec 2005
1. Personality
1. Describe about yourself: I am an FFT Oracle.
2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?: People using VLC.
3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?: People using VLC getting owned by playback.
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?: Kodachrome, and a 50 list of IRC nicks. I've also been credited as "Fuck this fucking tsundere horse whip shit" before. Once as a bunny dingbat.

2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place?: ...uh, silver? Ice? Draders? Why am I here. D:
2. Why do you continue fansubbing?: It's either this or grind. :v
3. When are you into fansubbing?: Sunday starting @ 1am
4. When do you start fansubbing?: Sunday starting @ 1am
5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub: Support and encourage piracy

3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s): gg. My job description is "do everything then RAGEQUIT".
2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now: gg
3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past: ...many.
4. Do you freelance?: Yes

4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?: Shows that are trainwrecks.
2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?: Why the fuck did we sub GaraKan and Red Garden. I didn't like working on any series that Eliza TL'ed and I had to edit, because her English is SURE FINE, THAT FELLOW.

5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group
1. Do tell why do you start a group?: Felt like it.
2. If the group collapsed or is going to collapse, explain what was the reason of its collapse.: 'cause I RAGEQUIT. Then Eliza was a craptastic group leader who picked up 50 comedy series at once, frying the QC'ers brained, thus nothing got QC'ed.
3. If the group is still functioning but is stalling, explain what was the cause of this: It stalled because Eliza vanished.
4. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful.: I came back and used Team Recall to AoE teleport people back to IRC. *egoegoego* Slavery makes things successful.

6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs: Karaoke Shifter, Series Researcher, Series Flavor Editor, Speed Scene Timer, QC Implementer
2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do: Timing, Karaoke Timing, Typesetting, Karaoke Fx, Encoding (Not really but they tell me I can), Editing (Not really but they tell me I can)
3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs: Bossing people around while doing zero work
4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly: ...uh... "being flexible"

7. Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?: I already did that once.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?: Haha, no. However apparently I have a burning influence buff that convinces people like Dnous that they too should fansub.
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?: Haha, no.
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Old 2008-05-08, 06:27   Link #14
... :D
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
  1. One is two is one
  2. Non rainbow karaoke
  3. Rainbow karaoke
  4. Draders
  1. It was something new to learn
  2. I bearly do anymore
  3. When there is fansubbing to be done
  4. It's more a matter of when do I stop fansubing
  5. To spread Japanese propaganda
  1. Freelance
  2. None currently
  3. A lot
  4. Absolutely
  1. Ichigo and Mashimarrow
  2. AKANE
Founder: Only if you start at least one group
  1. On a whim
  2. It's technically still alive, though barely active.
  3. Everyones working in other groups or retired
  4. lolol
  1. Karaoke
  2. Karaoke, Timming, Typesetting
  3. Making rainbow karaokes
  4. Script templates in KM3 and apply them to styled kara timmings to form a karaoke
Other Plans
  1. <citation needed>
  2. Not so much anymore
  3. Yes, I have a giant filing cabinet where I put all my fanubbing documents ordered chronologically by release date, alphebetically by series and colour coded by genre. I also have backup copies at secure locations around the world in case of theft or natural disastor. Each document is lined with a security strip and gps locator to easily trackdown any theves. I also have dummy copies that can detonate on command to deter such actions to begin with.
Draders is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 2008-05-08, 08:26   Link #15
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2008
1. Not awake yet.
2. Font you can't read. Using VLC in general can do this.
3. Speedsubs

1. So no one else needed to die for Red Garden.
2. idk, maybe I'll stop tomorrow if I don't wake up.
3. 8AM Sunday Morning
4. When 5 or more groups are doing the same series.
5. To confuse leechers to the maximum possible level.

1. GG speedsubs - If it's released before I wake up, I don't have to do anything.
2. GG slowsubs - We're not streaming.
3. GG deadsubs - No, we're not finishing what we started.

1. QC
2. not QC
3. Sleeping in
4. Watch subs. Troll subs.

Other Plans:
1. Good question. Lemmie roll a dice.
2. Would eye surgery help qc ability? Maybe I should become an eye surgeon then.
3. If you need help qcing, maybe you should consider quitting now.
ZephyrF is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 2008-05-08, 08:46   Link #16
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2006
1. Personality
1. Describe about yourself

I'm a guy that works far too much, but has an addictive personality. I ususally take on a lot more than I can handle and then kill myself to get it done.

2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?

Groups who lord themselves over others, doign stupid shit like holding subs to ransom, banning people for asking "routine" questions, and that kind of nonsense.

3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
In most groups, the ability of everyone to jsut get along and produce something. There's a chemistry in every group that survives more than a couple of episodes, and that's a pretty cool thing to experince
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?
Only ever this one, Cpl_Crud. I have a few more on IRC (Furude_Rika, Houjou_reika and so on) but I'm always credited as Crud.

2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place?

I was drunk and I wanted to be involved with the Higurashi translation

2. Why do you continue fansubbing?
An insane desire to finish started projects and also the warm fuzzy feeling you get after a release.

3. When are you into fansubbing?
'bout 2003

4. When do you start fansubbing?
Er, 2005?

5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub

To provide high-quality and accurate subtitles without compromise.

3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)

Group Leader, We're in Deinal

2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now
3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
Eh, I've had a lot of cameos, but never really more than a couple of episodes. I guess m33w was one I did some stuff for, and I've been hanging around Nameless crew for some time.

4. Do you freelance?
Nope. Not enough hours in the day.

4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?

I prefer working on the slightly more obscure series, the ones with good storylines.

2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?

I've only ever done that a couple of times when I was helping out fledgling groups. I quickly dropped out of those and none of them exist anymore.

6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs

Head Editor, Higurashi Kai

2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
Timing, editing, QC, basic typesetting.

3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
Editing. A lot of praise for little effort, but it does make a lot of difference.

4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.

Taking the raw translation and turning it into something that captures the original story but is still enjoyable.

7. Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?

I've considered it quite often, however whilst there's still Higurashi to sub, I think I'll be involved with that.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?

I used to train a lot of people, but I jsut dont' have the time anymore. Many of the WinD staff started as novices with us, though.

3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?

I tried once, but it's a lot of hard work, and I already write a hell of a lot, so probably no.
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Old 2008-05-08, 09:28   Link #17
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Canada
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1. Logic and punctuality...not much else to say. Used to be overloaded but got myself to 1 solid group now.
2. Drama of course, but without the drama perhaps this whole thing would be different. In terms of an actual "fansub" aspect, credits.
3. What I like? Just about all of it, I like learning about every job and it makes my days less boring.
4. Rina & Karin mostly, I'm a lurker.


1. Well...I kind of joined up upon a couple of friend's request, haven't regretted joining up yet. I continue subbing because the people I work with are simply phenomenal and I would like to keep working with them.
2. I continue subbing just because I want to I guess, somewhere down there I hope that there'd be a more united community...ah well.
3. Isn't this really similar to question 4? I started about 10 months ago yes I'm a n00bsauce and I phail hardsors, got into it right away.
4. See 3.
5. Mission of fansubs? I don't see it as a mission, I do it for fun and I think if you subbed to get ratings or for your "fans" then you're losing a lot of fun out of the whole experience.


1. Eclipse, typesetter and sometimes karaoke.
2 & 3. Nuke, Ureshii, Anime-Share, Static-Subs, quite a few more but don't think I really ever did anything there...
4. Yep freelancers ftw.


1. School/Horror/Comedy/Romance.
2. Yes I've worked on series where I didn't really like them, but I was bored and it beats reading textbooks.


1. Started one again for fun, knew the people and they were awesome, love working with them.
2. Collapsed since I took a vacation for university, bah.
3 & 4. N/A.


1. Typesetter mostly, karaoke sometimes, editing and bits of everything else as well once in a blue moon.
2. All except encoding well.
3. Typesetting and logo design.
4. Applying English translations onto Japanese text in a manner that is most seamless or blends into the show if possible.

Other Plans:

1. Quit when I have no other alternative, otherwise continue as long as Eclipse lives.
2. Sure, offering help to new subbers is what we all should do. I was offered help and I would like to return the favor to the community.
3. Personally I don't think it's worth the effort to document everything if I'm willing to just help them anyway~

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Old 2008-05-08, 11:18   Link #18
Pioneer in Fansub 2.0
Join Date: Aug 2007
1a. Describe about yourself: Nah.
1b. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? Hardsubs, XviD/AVI releases, H.264 in AVI, people using VLC
1c. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? High-quality releases & trolling & fansub drama

2a. Why do you fansub in the first place? I'm on a holy mission to kill XviD, AVI and hardsubs in fansub releases.
2b. Why do you continue fansubbing? To complete my mission, obviously. And to enlighten (read: troll) idiots.
2e. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub: To deliver.

3a. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s): Underwater, encoder/group leader.
3d. Do you freelance? Yes.

4a. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? Anything is fine as long as I like the show.
4b. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? No.

5a. Do tell why do you start a group? To deliver.
5c. If the group is functioning very well, do tell about why it is successful and what did you do to make it successful: By only having people that get along with each others

6a. What are your current fansubbing jobs: Encoder
6b. Which fansubbing jobs can you do: Timing, Editing, QC, Styling... somewhat everything except for translation.
6c. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs: Encoding.
6d. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly: Hunt RAWs, filter them properly, encode properly and use advanced Matroska black magic (also known as ordered chapters, segment linking and editions).

7a. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? After my mission is complete.
7b. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? I'd be glad to train any new encoders if I can prevent them from using AVI, XviD or hardsubs that way.
7c. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? No. Although I'm working on something regarding that advanced Matroska black magic mentioned earlier.
"A good user is remembered from his posts, not from his 160px tall animated 'pink flying unicorns' signature picture."
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Old 2008-05-08, 16:49   Link #19
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
A Personality
1. Describe about yourself

Bit of a nutty english bird who lives 'aving a laugh with her mates. :P

2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing?
Originally Posted by Cpl_Crud
Groups who lord themselves over others, doign stupid shit like holding subs to ransom, banning people for asking "routine" questions.
Originally Posted by the.merines
Long-standing "hate" between groups disgusts me the most. These are usually only personal problems between a couple people gone too far.
Life's too short for virtual wars and hate against people you're most likely never gonna meet offline, move on people.

3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing?
Originally Posted by Cpl_Crud
In most groups, the ability of everyone to just get along and produce something. There's a chemistry in every group that survives more than a couple of episodes, and that's a pretty cool thing to experince.
Fans getting together to create something for like-minded fans around the world.
Personal answer?
Lucky to be hanging/working together with some kick ass talented people online and offline. *muchos kudos*

4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing?

B Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place?

Keep my language skills up, give something back to the fansub community, learn new things, meet new peeps.

2. Why do you continue fansubbing?
To fufil my answer above as long as I can.

3. When are you into fansubbing?
if you mean watching fansubs, then Oct 2003.

4. When do you start fansubbing?
March 2007

5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub
(mainly) non japanese fans of anime, manga or dramas who get together to volunteer their free time to help produce decent releases for like minded fans to understand and enjoy.

C Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s)

SD Project
Jobs: Adding silver hairs to the male members of the group :P

2. List the Group(s) you've worked you're working with now
SD Project
(which would make this question the same as above, sorry but the tense mistakes got to me ><)

3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past
Nada, I'm not going anywhere for a while either :P

4. Do you freelance?
Nope, ask me in about 3 years time >.>

D Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on?

One's that end!! xD
Umm, shows that i enjoy (but not love else it'll ruin it for me) so shounen, fantasy, magic, action, horror, mystery etc.

2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them?
Somehow ended up on one, however the reason I'm still on it (against sanity, lol) is cause I see the potential of creating something amazing from it... if only for the want of a complete team ><;;;;

E Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs

Project Leader, Translator (in training), ass kicker, male stresser, party starter, mischievous minx.

2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do
Group correspondence, translate, basic editing, basic QC'ing and dealing with the lovely bitchy and rude leechers when everyone else has resorted to sniper guns.

3. What are your favorite fansubbing jobs
Releasing! xD
Well in a sense I guess so, cause it's everyone's efforts combined to give the public something good. ^^

4. Make a definition of the job you can do or your current fansubbing job briefly.
Keeping tabs on the status of a project, making sure team members keep in touch, engage in the art of mental masochism (aka translate), driving my group members around the bend, the usual :P

F Other Plans
1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing?

If fansubbing on the net becomes obsolete, but at most I may have 'extended breaks'; can't really stop learning a language.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are?
Ask me that in 3 years, lol.
Generally, I don't mind making newbies feel welcome and offering all kinds of help, as long as they're willing to work hard and improve in their field.
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better?
Nope, I believe we have a fansubwiki for that already.

Last edited by Mystique; 2008-05-08 at 17:07.
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Old 2008-05-08, 18:29   Link #20
Panda Herder
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: A bombed out building in Beruit.
1. Personality
1. Describe about yourself: I kill people for klondike bars
2. Do tell what you disgusted the most in fansubbing? People who fail at basic things like cropping and using non-fail containers like mkv.
3. Do tell any attributes you like about fansubbing? HD H264 in mkv with chapters. Drama.
4. What are your aliases or nicknames you've used in fansubbing? dryfire, df
2. Mission
1. Why do you fansub in the first place? I thought I could fail less than the massive failures that seemed commonplace when I started. Not sure if I succeeded.
2. Why do you continue fansubbing? People still fail...
3. When are you into fansubbing? When I'm bored/feeling lazy.
4. When do you start fansubbing? I started 2 to 3 years ago? who knows.
5. Define fansub or state the mission of the fansub To make the anime industry realize they fail hard and to generally piss people who take life too seriously off.
3. Groups
1. List your current group(s) and your position/job in that group(s) gg, and a few others with zero presence.
2. List the Group(s) you've worked with now Call me a groupwhore.
3. List the Group(s) you've worked with in the past They're dead.
4. Do you freelance? Always.
4. Projects
1. What kind of series (genre) do you enjoy working on? I don't usually watch what I work on (at least not with sound). As long as the artwork doesn't hurt my eyes I'm ok.
2. Do you work on any series that you don't like? If so, why working on them? See above.
5. Founder: Only if you start at least one group Who has time for that?
6. Jobs
1. What are your current fansubbing jobs Trying not to fail at encoding.
2. Which fansubbing jobs can you do encoding only, one trick pony here.

7. Other Plans

1. When are you planning to retire/quit from fansubbing? When I wake up one day and realize this is a waste of time.
2. Are you planning to train other novice fansubbers so that they'll be just as good as you are? I've helped people fail less at encoding, does that count?
3. Are you going to document everything what you did so that other people can get to know how to fansub better? I don't even take notes in school, so no.
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