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Old 2003-11-25, 00:27   Link #1
PiGGiEE Judo Chop Chop!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Funny Farm
Talking O.o Scary Ghost Stories o.O

Ok I started it... Hopefully it doesn't get shut down and if it does... and this is a no no then SORRY SORRY!!!!



If you are easily scared...please do not read any further... otherwise read on...

Most of these are actual events that happened to me when I was younger... I'll let you know which are mine and which are stories I've heard from my Friends & Family...


Last edited by PiGGiEE; 2003-11-25 at 00:48.
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:30   Link #2
PiGGiEE Judo Chop Chop!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Funny Farm
First Encounter

It all started when I was a baby... I was living in Queens, NYC at the time in a very small 1 bedroom apartment... This is as told to me from my Dad...

It was late at night... way past midnight... when my Mom & Dad heard me crying in my crib... they opened their eyes... looked over across the room and saw what looked like an old lady holding me in her arms... I was floating in the air. My Dad said that she had a big smile on her face while she was holding me... and me... well I was crying my eyes out... not really knowing what was going on at the time... too young... I don't think I was even a year old. My Dad freaked out and started screaming and yelling at the old lady to put me down and go away. Finally after awhile... with a sad look on her face... she put me back in my crib and then just disappeared.

My parents never saw her again...

Second Encounter

Sept 4th Friday Afternoon 4:30pm

Odd how I remember the date & time...

This was the first day... that we moved into our new home in Brooklyn. Its slightly bigger then the one we lived in in Queens... its a 3 bedroom, 1 bath home... I mentioned how many bedrooms because for once in my life.. I finally got my own room

Well anyways... that night was one of many nights I'll never forget. It was a stormy night... lightning, thunder, the works... It was at 4:00am sharp (I had a digital clock)... and I woke up... feeling a chill in the room... for some reason... I had this sudden urge to look out into the living room... I had a night light out in the living room so that I wouldn't get scared of the dark... but at that moment... not having the light there would've been better. My bed faced the door and I had my door open... I had this fear of being locked in and not being able to get out so I always had the door open... Anyways... I didn't have a choice... I sat up slightly in my bed and looked out past my bed into my living room. I freaked... cuz what I saw was one hand... just the hand part kinda like in Adam's Family... I saw the hand on the side of the door motioning me with the index finger to go over to it. It was not a solid hand... and it didn't have color... it wasn't see thru either.... it was more smokey or think of it like clouds... I was trembling in fear... and I couldn't scream... I tried opening my mouth but I wasn't able to make any sounds... I was helpless... So I hid underneath my blankets... listening to my own breathing and the sound of lightning, thunder and rain pounding on my windows... until... somehow... I fell asleep.

In the morning when it was light... I told my Mom, Grandpa and Uncle about the whole situation... they just looked at me and laughed and said that I was being silly or that I was dreaming. I knew it wasn't a dream... I asked my Mom if I could sleep with her for awhile till I tried to get over it but she refused... saying that I was a big girl now and that I need to get used to sleeping in my own room...

ACCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKK.... night time came again and I was soooooo scared....

Third Encounter

2nd night at new home...

Took me hours to get to sleep... but I finally did... only to wake up later in the night. I turned over and stared at my clock... it said 4:00am... not a minute more or less...

I knew from instinct that it wasn't going to be a good idea to look out into the living room again.. But I couldn't stop myself from doing so... It was as if it was making me do it... I had no control...

I looked out... and this time I saw my grandma... (no she's not dead...she's sleeping in the room next to mine)... I saw her come out of the bathroom and into the living room... and then she started walking around and around the coffee table nonstop... I called out to her... "Grandma? Grandma?" but no answer... I watched for awhile and then I fell asleep.

The next morning... I asked my grandma why she was walking around the coffee table in the middle of the night but she told me that she never got out of bed. That's when I knew that what I saw was not my grandmother and I freaked... I told them my story but of course once again... they didn't believe me.

My mom still refused to let me sleep with her in her room...

Fourth Encounter

Sigh... the third night...

Same thing... 4:00am sharp.. I woke up scared as usual... and looked out into the living room. This time I saw my mom... but it wasn't my mom... it looked like my mom from her younger years... like in her teens. She stood outside in the middle of the living room facing my room lookng at me... and grinning... till this day.. even now.. talking about it... I still remember her grinning at me... I'll never forget that look. It was sickening... I sat up... frozen.. trying to scream... but nothing came out as I opened my mouth... and I couldn't move. I sat there in my bed for what seemed like hours... and I couldn't do anything... except look at this thing in the face as its staring at me... knowing that I fear it and grinning. Finally... when I was able to move... I did the dumbest thing... I jumped out of my bed... hit the light switch next to my bedroom door... closed my eyes and ran into the living room... thru "IT".. and into my Mom's bedroom... I ran to her side and tried to speak softly to wake her up but startled her instead... and she screamed... When she realized it was me... I told her what had just happened and she came out into the living room with me. We turned on the lights and of course... she saw nothing.

But for some reason... from that day on.. she let me sleep with her in her room. I didn't sleep in that room ever again. My aunt moved in later and took the room over.

Fifth Encounter

Since then.. I've had strong feelings of them around me but it was awhile before I was able to see something again...

It was when I started playing with the Ouija Board....

One day, I was playing handball with a bunch of friends at the park... it was late a night... around 9PM... it was dark.. we couldn't really see but we played anyways...

I stood at the handball courts looking out into the park... it was dark... I dunno what I was looking for... but when I turned to look out and back at my friends... I realized that I saw something... and when I turned to look back out into the darkness... I saw nothing. I looked up and down the street... and not a sign of anyone. I called my friend over... (he has tons of experience with ghosts...he's been possessed b4)... I told him what I saw and he looked for it but didn't see anything either. What I saw... was what resembled the Grim Reaper... the hood... not seeing the face.. it was sooo alike... it was scary... I tried ingoring it and started to talk to my friend... hoping that I'd forget about the whole situation. Minutes later... he whispered to me... "Do you see that?" I looked out into the dark and saw nothing. He told me that night that he saw a person dressed in all white standing/hiding behind a post... looking at us... but I couldn't see anything.

Later that night... after we were done playing handball... we went back to my place... I had a little store we were trying to rent out underneath our apt and so we just made it our hangout place until it was rented out. We played the board... and I asked it who was the person that I saw that night.. and it replied with... it was someone out to get revenge? I was scared... hell yeah... really scared... and my friend asked who that person in white he saw was... and it replied over and over...

I didn't know who it was talking about... and then realized maybe it was my guardian angel? Or perhaps it was that old lady... that was holding me when I was a baby... I still till this day... don't really know... but it did say that it was there to protect me from the other thing that was trying to come after me...

It also told me not to play the board anymore.. and from that day on... I never touched it again...

Sixth Encounter

My friend once told me that once I turned 13... that it would be harder for me to "see" things... and after the last encounter... I didn't see anything anymore... though... I always felt them...

Years later..

I'm living in New Jersey now.. living with father for the first time. He did really well for himself and bought a really big house and I had my own room... a big room.. and I didn't like it... the room was cold and so was the house... in certain spots...

One night... I leave the light on when I sleep... anyways... one night... I was trying to sleep and laid on my bed... trying to doze off... when I suddenly felt the bed moving up and down... as if someone was jumping on it. I remember my mom one time told me that if you lay really still at night on your back.. that when you feel the bed move.. that it was just your heart beating... so I thought... it was just my heart beating...

A few minutes later... the bed moved up and down... more frequently... and I was scared... but before I could do anything... something had jumped up on the bed and jumped on top of me. I couldn't move... I couldn't breathe... I was hearing sounds...whispers... of a language I didn't understand in my ears...and I was choking... it seemed like a long time... but seconds later... it got off of me and I jumped out of my bed, ran to the door and opened it and started knocking the door... beggin my sisters to let me in... since then... I haven't slept in that room...

And since then... till this day... I don't lie on my back to sleep anymore... I'm always on my side... and I always have the blankets covering my ears....sigh.. even till this day...
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:31   Link #3
Oscar winning black actor
Join Date: Nov 2003
IM sorry piggiee, but i dont think this thread is going to last long, cuz the last line in your thread literally makes it too general of a topic.
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:32   Link #4
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... isn't this a general forum....

nazi mods....
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:34   Link #5
PiGGiEE Judo Chop Chop!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Funny Farm
Originally Posted by p3psi
IM sorry piggiee, but i dont think this thread is going to last long, cuz the last line in your thread literally makes it too general of a topic.
Ok I shortened it to just Ghost Stories so its not sooo general Hope this works...
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:42   Link #6
in silent opposition
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Location: oh...I've been there
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OH MY GOD!! you made that up ;_; Your bed actually shook!! like in the exorcist?...scary
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:43   Link #7
Oscar winning black actor
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oh oh< DO they have to be real ghost stories?
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:47   Link #8
PiGGiEE Judo Chop Chop!
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Location: Funny Farm
Ya they are real... happened to me when I was younger.. between the age 12-15... I wish I could say that it wasn't real... and that it never happened but unfortunately it did happen. But at the same time... it helps me get over the fear of ghosts... I'm not really (hahaha notice I said "not really")... scared of them anymore... ok maybe I am a little but not as much as I used to be when I was younger... I have a little more control over those fears now... I heard from a friend that they feed on your fear. The more scared you are of it then... its more likely that you'll see them.

That's what my friend and the Ouija board told me anyways...
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:49   Link #9
Lord Sesshoumaru
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Wow, you had some experiences...if that was me i probalby would of died of heart failure...

But if you heard all the stories that come out of'd probably never sleep, or leave the house ever again...there are stories about vampires, werewolves, witches and of course ghosts...although i can't remember most of them...or actually describe it enough to actually make sense...i wont say anything...

but i do have a witchdoctor that lives across the street from me...and everytime i go to portugal, there's always someone waiting in front of my house to go visit him....
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:55   Link #10
Gobble Gobble
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about your foruth encounter I know some people who went through the experience of feeling like they were being choked where they couldn't talk or move. Its called kawee in korean and, well they're christians like me, the way they got out of it was by calling on God and they said that they felt better again.

but yea thats scary
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Old 2003-11-25, 00:55   Link #11
in silent opposition
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I have absolutely no paranormal experience...the ouija board told me I was going to marry someone named eggbert (I think my friend was moving it though) and thats as far as its gone
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Old 2003-11-25, 01:04   Link #12
PiGGiEE Judo Chop Chop!
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Location: Funny Farm
Other Encounters

There are times when I feel things... sometimes I can feel a presence or two and know whether they are female or male, old or young, tall or short... but that's usually as much as I know. I used to have 2 people looking at me sleeping at my Dad's house. Just standing over me... grinning and staring at me... grinning because they know that they are scaring me. I've had many sleepless nights... till one day... I guess I just snapped out of it and decided not to let them scare me. My friend told me that they feed on fear... Its usually the really weak that can see them most of the time.. One night I got so mad after a long day of work at the restaurant... all I wanted was sleep but its kinda hard when u feel eyes watching you. I just yelled out in anger telling them to leave me alone and to let me sleep. Hey it worked most of the times... the other times... I just learned to ignore it.

I can still feel things now a days... though not as strong as I used to be... or maybe its cuz there hasn't been that many things around here that I need to worry about. I can usually tell just by walking into a house... whether or not it is "clean". That's how I bought my house... I knew it was clean and I was like that's the one I want lol... Occasionally I'll feel something here and there but not big enough to let it bother me.

My step-dad on the other hand... is born with the gift (well dunno if I'd call it a gift) but the ability to see it... daytime.. nighttime...anytime... he says it runs in the family... and boy does he have alot of stories that he told me.....


Originally Posted by GATX207_Blitz
about your foruth encounter I know some people who went through the experience of feeling like they were being choked where they couldn't talk or move. Its called kawee in korean and, well they're christians like me, the way they got out of it was by calling on God and they said that they felt better again.
I don't remember if I mentioned something about God or anything... but my goodness it was the scariest feeling... the worst is feeling helpless and you can't even move or scream for help... it just seems unreal... like it was a movie or something.


Originally Posted by Tzurial
I have absolutely no paranormal experience...the ouija board told me I was going to marry someone named eggbert (I think my friend was moving it though) and thats as far as its gone
Reminds me of this one time I was with about 6 people and one of them was this guy I had a major crush on... we were playing the Ouija board and everyone always wonders who I like because I never say anything... and so they asked the board... and that was the one time I cheated and moved it to "No, Doesn't like anyone". After that they thought I was gay...
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Old 2003-11-25, 01:32   Link #13
baka manko
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wow im not sure what i would have done if this has happend to me but i allways find stories like this facinating
too bad its not on tape
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Old 2003-11-25, 01:35   Link #14
Tea Pad
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Colour me skeptical.
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Old 2003-11-25, 04:19   Link #15
ninj4 from the north
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Haven't had any close encounters...
just sometimes (even today) at night when I'm watching TV, I feel like someone is walking outside and sometimes I see a shadow moving there, but when I look out of the window the shadow is gone...
and my friend found this very good flash video about ghosts, it's really good stuff except in the end there's the stupid nothing happens then something just appears and a very loud scream is played...
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Old 2003-11-25, 04:42   Link #16
Weapon of Mass Discussion
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Wow. PiGGiEE, it sounds to me like you have some extraudinarily uncomfortable business left over from a previous life. I wonder what was so terrible that someone or something's spirit followed you to this life. It is fortunate that your previous mother's spirit also followed you to protect you from it.

My own ghostly encounters are much more mundane by comparison. I've never actually seen a ghost, but we do have one in our house. Some experimentation with a Ouija board told us that his name is Christopher. We understand that a couple that owned our house back in the 50s had a child named Christopher that died here. I understand that he fell down the stairs, but that might just be a rumor since noone really remembers how he died.

He sometimes moves objects in the house. Usually nothing important, though a few times he has actually tossed something off of a shelf. Once he turned a valve that let the water out of the water tank in the basement. When my father went into the basement it was pouring out of the tank, but there was only a few gallons on the ground so we know that Chris must've just opened it as my dad was coming down the stairs. That was the worst thing that Chris ever did. Mostly he's just mischievous.

A few times he has done good things. Once when my sister was looking for her glasses he threw an item off a table. She'd accidently left her glasses there.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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Old 2003-11-25, 05:07   Link #17
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I can't help but be somewhat skeptical about this, but i won't deny the possibility. I do get a overwhelmingly paranoid fealing occasionally but i don't think it has anything to do with supernatural stuff. If this stuff is reall i think it would be kinda interesting to actually experience it.
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Old 2003-11-25, 09:29   Link #18
Don Eunuch
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Piggiee, I'm sad that those things happened to you, but why should you be afraid. Humans are more likely to harm you, the most ghosts do is scare you(they also possess but thats less likely).

I've been a witness to a haunting and met a few people who have seen ghosts and apparations, sometimes even groups of people have seen them, none has been harmed(except possession).

As a Christian I don't believe in dead people coming back to haunt people anyway, rather in demons and spirits with no power to harm if you are under the protection of God.

As it is have no fear, one more thing. You may want to check whether you suffer from sleep paralysis as it is often mistaken for ghosts and aliens.

The first result in goggle has good info, escpecially under 3. intruder

Of course people who suffer from this don't usually see your sort of things.
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Old 2003-11-25, 10:33   Link #19
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I was in my room with my friend in the middle of the night..
And we both started to scream like girls.. So scary...
We had nothing else to do than to kick the creatures ass.. So we did.
It could have killed us..

I think that's all...


Oh, did I forget to say that we were playing Silent Hill?
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Old 2003-11-25, 12:35   Link #20
PiGGiEE Judo Chop Chop!
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Location: Funny Farm
Originally Posted by Don Eunuch
Piggiee, I'm sad that those things happened to you, but why should you be afraid. Humans are more likely to harm you, the most ghosts do is scare you(they also possess but thats less likely).

I've been a witness to a haunting and met a few people who have seen ghosts and apparations, sometimes even groups of people have seen them, none has been harmed(except possession).

As a Christian I don't believe in dead people coming back to haunt people anyway, rather in demons and spirits with no power to harm if you are under the protection of God.

As it is have no fear, one more thing. You may want to check whether you suffer from sleep paralysis as it is often mistaken for ghosts and aliens.

The first result in goggle has good info, escpecially under 3. intruder

Of course people who suffer from this don't usually see your sort of things.
I'm not scared now... just when I was 12... and yes they can harm you... as in one of my experiences where I couldn't breathe or move or speak... and back then I was also scared because... it didn't help that the Ouija board told me that there was a ghost out to get me or something... something like that said doesn't necessarily ease the mind of a 12 year old or any age for that matter. But I'm over it now...

When I was going through all this... I confided in a friend that had experiences with them... Unfortunately... what would happen is that he would get possessed from time to time... the sad thing is... that I moved away for awhile and when I came back for a visit a few years later... my friends told me that he didn't speak anymore and when he did... it wasn't anything that made sense... they claim that he got possessed one day and never came back. I looked at him and tried talking to him but he flipped out and started calling me names and screamin' and kept saying who are you? It was a sad and scary sight... sigh...

And no I don't suffer from sleep paralysis... and I don't see them anymore... just feel them... I stopped seeing them after 16.
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