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Old 2007-11-17, 06:42   Link #61
Arg, Inspire me
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"If you don't live for something, you'll die for nothing."

from a metal song, Live for this, by Hatebreed
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Old 2007-11-17, 15:41   Link #62
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"You need to take a long hard look at yourself, and then maybe you'll see how ridiculas you appear to other people." - (Can't remember where this is from)

"I am in a duel to the death with this wallpaper. One of us has got to go." - Oscar Wilde, one month before his death in the same room.
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Old 2007-11-17, 22:57   Link #63
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These are all very nice but what to they bring you in the end? A brief moment of enlightenment, a fleeting thought and the assurence that these tiny scraps of knowledge, known to man since before he feel from the trees, will be passed along with someone else's name on them for as long as man does live. As such, I tend to find one-liners such as these hold little to no sway over me, verses and poems which expound apon these ideas move my heart in ways the former fail to achieve. Some provide guidence, others solice and laughter - but some provide something more, and ideal by which one can try to live their life...

"If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

- Kipling, Rudyard

Just something to think about...
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Old 2007-11-19, 17:44   Link #64
Hotaru Suzume
Ten oorlog!
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Mr_Paper, very meaningful... Grand collection of virtues, shall I say.
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Old 2007-11-19, 19:14   Link #65
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"Nietzche is dead" -God
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Old 2007-11-19, 21:03   Link #66
Moving in circles
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I tend to find one-liners such as these hold little to no sway over me, verses and poems which expound apon these ideas move my heart in ways the former fail to achieve.
I prefer Shelley.

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

My other firm favourite, this one by WB Yeats.

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.
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Old 2007-11-20, 02:14   Link #67
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Never waste a lie when the truth will do.

A city is a large community where people are lonesome together.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking.

A drunk mans' words are a sober mans' thoughts.

A little bit of powder, a little bit of paint, makes a girl's complexion seem what it ain't.

A little inaccuracy sometimes saves a ton of explanation.

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.

A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience.

A smart man covers his ass, a wise man leaves his pants on.

According to my calculations the problem doesn't exist.

Admit nothing, deny everything and make counter-accusations.

After all is said and done, more is said than done.

Alcohol is not the answer, it just makes you forget the question.

All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.

An apple every eight hours will keep three doctors away.

Any clod can have the facts, but having an opinion is an art.

Any time things appear to be going better, you have overlooked something.

Anybody with money to burn will easily find someone to tend the fire.

Anything worth taking seriously is worth making fun of.

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups.

Be naughty - save santa the trip.

Be safety conscious. 80% of people are caused by accidents.

Beauty lasts for a moment, but ugly goes on and on and on.

Better late than really late.

Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.

Carpenter's rule: cut to fit; beat into place.

Character is what you are. Reputation is what people think you are.

Children in the dark make accidents, but accidents in the dark make children.

Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum. I think that I think, therefore I think that I am.

Could crop circles be the work of a cereal killer?

Crime doesn't pay... does that mean my job is a crime?

Don't be irreplaceable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted.

Don't believe everything you think.

Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Don't let yesterday take up to much of today.

Don't tell any big lies today. Small ones can be just as effective.

Don't tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done.

Don't trust reality. After all, it's only a collective hunch.

Early to rise, and early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead.

Earth first! (We'll strip-mine the other planets later).

Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow they may make it illegal.

Every absurdity has a champion who will defend it.

Every snowflake in an avalanche pleads not guilty.

Every solution breeds new problems.

Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.

Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.

Examine what is said, not who speaks.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

Experience is the name that everyone gives to their mistakes.

Failure is not an option - it's a lifestyle.

Failure is not falling down, it is not getting up again.

Failure teaches success.

First rule of acting: whatever happens, look as if it were intended.

For every action there is an equal and opposite criticism.

For every problem there is one solution which is simple, neat and wrong.

For good, return good. For evil, return justice.

Free speech carries with it some freedom to listen.

Freedom of speech is wonderful - right up there with the freedom not to listen.

Friends come and go, enemies accumulate.

Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.

Give a jackass an education and you get a smartass.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Happiness isn't having what you want, it's wanting what you have.

Hear and you forget; see and you remember; do and you understand.

Hey! It compiles! Ship it!

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.

I am willing to make the mistakes if someone else is willing to learn from them.

I didn’t say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

I doubt, therefore I might be.

I have a strong will but a weak won't.

I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.

I only drink to make other people more sociable.

I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.

If I look confused it's because I'm thinking.

If a man tells a woman she's beautiful she'll overlook most of his other lies.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

If at first you don't succeed, look in the trash for the instructions.

If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0

If everything seems to be going right, you obviously don't know what the hell is going on.

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.

If two wrongs don't make a right, try three.

If we don't protect freedom of speech, we will never know who the assholes are.

If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure.

If you are willing to admit faults, you have one less fault to admit.

If you cannot convince them, confuse them.

If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.

If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.

If you try and don't succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.

If you understand what you're doing, you're not learning anything.

Learning from your mistakes is smart, learning from the mistakes of others is wise.

Love may be blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

Married men live longer than single men, but they're a lot more willing to die.

Most people don't act stupid - it's the real thing.

Never argue with a fool, they will lower you to their level and then beat you with experience.

Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.

Never tell a lie unless it is absolutely convenient.

Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

No life is totally wasted, one can always be a bad example.

No one dies a virgin, life screws them all.

Of course there's no reason for it, it's just our policy.

It has recently been discovered that research causes cancer in rats.

It's better to keep your mouth shut and have people think you are a fool than to open it and remove any lingering doubt.

Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.

Lead me not into temptation. I can find the way myself.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Optimist: Someone without much experience.

Quando omni flunkus moritati - when all else fails, play dead.

Send lawyers, guns and money!

Sex is like air; it's not important unless you aren't getting any.

Software isn't released, it's allowed to escape.

Sometimes a majority only means that all the fools are on the same side.

Support your local Search and Rescue unit. Get lost.

The future will be better tomorrow.

The only job you start at the top is digging a hole.

The problem with the future is it turns into the present.

The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.

The trouble with ignorance is that it picks up confidence as it goes along.

There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who don't.

There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.

Trying is failing with honors.

Vidi, vici, veni. I saw, I conquered, I came.

Wasting time is an important part of living.

What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens.

When you have nothing to say, say nothing.

Why do they use sterile needles for lethal injections?

Wise people think all they say; fools say all they think.

Work harder: millions on welfare depend on you.

You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you're all the same.

You're only young once, but you can be immature forever.
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Old 2007-11-20, 03:10   Link #68
A fuckin' genius!
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Heard these a long time ago.

Evolution is a competition between programmers, trying to create simpler and more idiot-proof programs and universe, creating bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.

Fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others.

We aren't so rich to buy cheap stuff.
If vegetarians care about the animals, then why are they eating all their food?
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Old 2007-11-20, 03:35   Link #69
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"Trust me and I will protect you, betray me and I will destroy you"

In Hoc Signo Vincus (Under this sign, we shall conquer all)

I may not be the one who holds your heart right now but I can still protect it.

Last edited by kyoji-kun; 2007-11-20 at 03:56.
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Old 2007-11-20, 03:59   Link #70
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"Work hard or fall hard."
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Old 2007-11-20, 23:15   Link #71
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"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

- Friedrich Nietzche (who else?)
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Old 2007-11-22, 11:49   Link #72
aka Providence
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hm, can't remember any quotes taken from outside sources, but here are four of mine which defines my life:

"half-plan life, half-ass it."

"if i can remember it a day later, then it's something important."

"if a person pesters me with something for more than five minutes, it's also important." (kinda inspired by discworld.)

"life is too short for caps lock."
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Old 2007-12-02, 12:00   Link #73
Kaede/Ama Fan boy
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-Live long and prosper (i dont know how this isnt on already)
- Go forth and multiply

These are some of my Wheel of time qoutes i got lots more back in the lair:P

only the wary dare trade with the ever-shifting sands.
-a Sea Folk saying concerning Shara

All your dead are belong to us!
-a very confused Ishamael

One pretty woman means fun at the dance. Two pretty women mean trouble in the house. Three pretty women mean run for the hills.
-Abel Cauthon

The Wheel grinds exceedingly fine over three thousand years imprisoned.

Till shade is gone, till water is gone,
into the Shadow with teeth bared,
screaming defiance with the last breath,
to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the last Day.
-Aiel Oath

It is the enemy you underestimate that kills you.

Are you so eager to destroy us?
-Amys, to Rand al'Thor

You know the Prophecies! When the Dragon is reborn, your worst nightmares will seem like your fondest memories!
-an Emond's Fielder

But trust is the color of a dark seed growing.
Trust is the color of a heart's blood flowing.
Trust is the color of a soul's last breath.
Trust is the color of death.
-ancient song

They killed Mother! I saw them! I might have saved her, if I had a sword. I could have saved her!

The leaf lives its appointed time,and does not struggle against the wind that carries it away. The leaf does no harm, and finally falls to nourish new leaves. So it should be with all men. And women.

You? No!

Graendal killed me.

A quick death is better than what I'll find elsewhere.

When a woman says she will obey you, of her own will, it is time to sleep lightly and watch your back.
-Asmodean, to Rand al'Thor

We rode on the winds of the rising storm
We ran to the sounds of the thunder
We danced among the lightning bolts
And tore the world asunder.
-Attributed to the Dragon Reborn

Yes, Rand al'Thor. I hate you with all of my heart. I do. And I always will.

Men always believe they are in control of everything around them. When they find out they are not, they think they have failed, instead of learning a simple truth women already know.

Death comes for us all. We can only chose how to face it when it comes.

If you try putting a woman on a horse when she does not want to go, she may put a knife in your ribs.
-Aviendha, to Mat Cauthon

Only now change blows on the winds of time. Change. This time there is no drifting back.

Three threads woven together share one another's doom. When one is cut, all are. Fate can kill you if it does not do worse.

Some commands are too important to be known even by those who carry them out.
-Ba'alzamon, to Bors

Let the algai'd'siswai dance. Dead vipers bite no one.

The Three-fold Land is not soft, Aes Sedai. Soft things die here.

Wounds to the pride are remembered long after wounds to the flesh.

I think the woman was born in Far Madding in a thunderstorm. She probably told the thunder to be quiet. It probably did.
-Basil Gill, referring to Lini

Forward the White Lion of Andor!
-battle cry of the Queen's Guard


Blessed be the name of the Lord Dragon in the Light.
-benediction from the Prophet in Ghealdan

I always get what I want in the end. And I think I want ... ornamental ironwork. For the windows of my bedchamber.
-Berelain sur Paendrag

I will see Mayene and all its ships burn before one Tairen lord sets foot in my city.
-Berelain sur Paendrag

If you must mount the gallows, give a jest to the crowd, a coin to the hangman, and make the drop with a smile on your lips.

Mat won't corrupt Beslan. I doubt nine feather dancers with a shipload of brandy could corrupt him. They wouldn't know where to begin.

Lead me to this oosquai of yours, Aviendha. I don’t know about you two, but I intend to get drunk enough to…well…to take off my clothes and dance on the table. And not a hair drunker.
-Birgitte, to Aviendha and Min

You always choose women who cause you trouble, Lews Therin.
-Birgitte, to Rand al'Thor

I swear if one more of you monkeys submits "blood and ashes" as a quote...
-Captain Psyko, in the Wot Message Board

The lions sing and the hills take flight.
The moon by day, and the sun by night.
Blind woman, deaf man, jackdaw fool.
Let the Lord of Chaos rule.
-chant from a children's game heard in Great Aravalon, the Fourth Age

The Children have authority wherever the Light is, witch, and where the Light is not, we bring it.
-Dain Bornhald

Only a fool thinks his enemies stand still when he isn't looking, my Lord Dragon
-Damer Flinn

Do you have any idea how long it takes to dig graves for twenty-three oak trees?
-Davram Bashere

I guess being ta'veren isn't all cheese and ale.
-Davram Bashere, to Rand al'Thor

I returned from my ride to find two strange men ransacking our tent. They drew daggers, so naturally, I hit one of them with a chair and stabbed the other.
-Deira Bashere, to Davram Bashere

Any day you wake up, maybe you die.

Quit submitting "Blood and bloody ashes!"

You are no longer beautiful, I fear, sweetling...I think you may even be ugly when you are older. But I always enjoyed your eyes more than your face. And your hands.
-Edeyn, Lan's carneira

I must look like a drowned rat!
-Egwene al'Vere

If a woman does need a hero, she needs him today, not tomorrow.
-Egwene al'Vere

Stopping a man from what he wants to do is like taking a sweet from a child. Sometimes you have to do it, but sometimes it just isn't worth the trouble.
-Egwene al'Vere

You put your cat in your hat and stuff it down your breeches, Rand al'Thor.
-Egwene al'Vere

My mother always told me the best way to learn to deal with a man was to learn to ride a mule. She said they have about equal brains most of the time.Sometimes the mule is smarter.
-Egwene al'Vere

If you fell head first into a pigsty, you'd try to convince everybody you did it on purpose.
-Egwene al'Vere to Nynaeve al'Meara

Nynaeve, admitting she had been a fool? She almost looked to see whether the sun has turned green!
-Elayne Trakand

You will have to help me with my buttons, I cannot take this dress off by myself.
-Elayne Trakand, to Rand al'Thor

If I had told Mother I think you are handsome, she certainly would have had you locked in a cell.
-Elayne Trakand, to Rand al'Thor

Women do not become exhausted, they only exhaust others.
-Elder Haman

I had to kill a couple of Warders. Bad business, that, killing Warders. Don't like it.
-Elyas Machera

Sooner or later there's always trouble when there's two humans together.
-Elyas Machera

The Red Ajah, those that like hunting for men who mess with the One Power, they wanted to gentle me, once. I told them to their faces they were Black Ajah; served the Dark One, I said, and they didn't like that at all.
-Elyas Machera

Run when you have to, fight when you must, rest when you can.
-Elyas Machera

I hope you're not Darkfriends. I don't like killing people after I've fed them.
-Elyas Machera, to Perrin and Egwene

You'll use it, boy, and as long as you hate using it, you will use it more wisely than most men would. Wait. If ever you don't hate it any longer, then will be the time to throw it as far as you can and run the other way.
-Elyas Machera, to Perrin Aybara

I think it was the rooster. Wetlander humor is strange.

We'll get you both warm and dry, my Lady, and right into something suitable for meeting mercenaries.
-Essende, to Elayne and Aviendha

-everyone, but mostly Mat

The worst sin a general can commit, worse than blundering, worse than losing, worse than anything, is to desert the men who depend on him.
-Faile Bashere

Men fight when they should run, and fools fight when they should run. But I had no need to say it twice.
-Faile Bashere

I'll not have you bleeding to death on me. That would be just like you, to die and leave me the work of burying you. You have no consideration.
-Faile Bashere, to Perrin

I will find the song, or another will find the song, but the song will be sung this year or in a year to come. As it once was, so shall it be agian, world whitout end.
-farewell among the Tuatha'an

You may have any place you wish, so long as it is not larger than mine.
-fateful words of the first king of Illian
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Old 2007-12-02, 16:06   Link #74
Ha ha ha ha ha...
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Originally Posted by Sakura_Kinomoto View Post
These are some of my Wheel of time qoutes i got lots more back in the lair:P

Spoiler for saving space:
Nice quotes. I like the Elyas quotes. He always get right to the point. Some of my favorite quotes from the series were ones where either Rand, Mat, or Perrin is wishing one of the other two were there because they supposedly understand women better. There's a lot of sexist humor flying both ways in Wheel of Time.

Some of my favs from the ones you posted:

I think the woman was born in Far Madding in a thunderstorm. She probably told the thunder to be quiet. It probably did.
-Basil Gill, referring to Lini

I always get what I want in the end. And I think I want ... ornamental ironwork. For the windows of my bedchamber.
-Berelain sur Paendrag

Mat won't corrupt Beslan. I doubt nine feather dancers with a shipload of brandy could corrupt him. They wouldn't know where to begin.

Lead me to this oosquai of yours, Aviendha. I don’t know about you two, but I intend to get drunk enough to…well…to take off my clothes and dance on the table. And not a hair drunker.
-Birgitte, to Aviendha and Min

Stopping a man from what he wants to do is like taking a sweet from a child. Sometimes you have to do it, but sometimes it just isn't worth the trouble.
-Egwene al'Vere

If you fell head first into a pigsty, you'd try to convince everybody you did it on purpose.
-Egwene al'Vere to Nynaeve al'Meara

I think it was the rooster. Wetlander humor is strange.

Women do not become exhausted, they only exhaust others.
-Elder Haman

Those ones are funny.

I like this serious one, and it highlights a lot of Perrin's problems:

You'll use it, boy, and as long as you hate using it, you will use it more wisely than most men would. Wait. If ever you don't hate it any longer, then will be the time to throw it as far as you can and run the other way.
-Elyas Machera, to Perrin Aybara
^He was referring to Perrin's axe in this case, which Perrin uses in battle.
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Old 2007-12-04, 01:21   Link #75
Kaede/Ama Fan boy
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The best qoutes come from wheel of time too bad robert jordan is dead....
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Old 2007-12-04, 02:52   Link #76
Ha ha ha ha ha...
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Originally Posted by Sakura_Kinomoto View Post
The best qoutes come from wheel of time too bad robert jordan is dead....
I'm just glad that RJ left behind enough of his work that the series can be finished. A series that epic can't die like that.

And I have a quote that I got from another forum, which is currently in my sig:

"Yo momma's so fat that even Naruto doesn't believe it!"

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Old 2007-12-04, 04:33   Link #77
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Originally Posted by The Chaos View Post
Keep your Friend close ...keep your enemy closer ...
don't ask why...... I heard it from anime (I forget The name)

Originally from Sun Tzu, The Art of War, an 6th century Chinese book studies by generals, CEO, and people through the ages. And quoted on Star Trek.

It is online. Copyrights will expire after 1300 years or more. At least so far.

Last edited by Vanamonde; 2007-12-04 at 04:41. Reason: "I typo, therefore I am" - Me
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Old 2007-12-04, 04:38   Link #78
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Originally Posted by skyfirefly View Post
for me... coffee!! coffee!! coffee!! get some coffee!! heheh its because im always drinking cofee
"It is by caffeine I set my mind in motion,
It is by the beans of java, my thought acquire speed,
My hands acquire shakes,
The shakes become a warning,
Is is by caffeine I set my mind in motion."

A parody of the Mentat poem from "Dune" and my daily morning prayer.

Never even liked the stuff until I turned 40

"Never turn middle-age without coffee"
- Me
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Old 2007-12-04, 04:45   Link #79
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I love quoting. I have heard that Winston Churchhill and Oscar Wilde have been quoted more than anyone in English - but it seems on this thread, Einstein rules! I love that.

My favorite Einstein, "You cannot prepare for war and expect peace"

My favorite anime-related is a single word, from my favorite song, the Sailor Stars Song from the never released in region 1 Sailor Moon season.

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Old 2007-12-05, 11:56   Link #80
An Intellectual Idiot
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Location: The Internet, ranging from the World of Warcraft------Deviantart----and much more!..My mostly WoW
Age: 32
A few of my favorites are "When you've done something right, most don't think you did anything at all." That's a quote from my friend...Then we have "Every good deed done always has a bad outcome as well as every bad deed done always has a good acton." That tis be a quote from myself...Then we have some old guy that I don't know "A journey of a thousand miles starts when the first step." as well as "Karma is a tricky thing, one good deed gives you good karma, but when thay good deed does a bad deed to someone else, does you karma go down?" And that is another one from me
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