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Old 2023-08-24, 10:01   Link #21
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Dang, they brought out the good animation for this episode! Perfect for Suzuno pounding on Libicocco and then demonstrating her character development by not executing him before they ascertain exactly how much of a threat he is...even Urushihara gets a hero moment of protecting them from a surprise attack by Angels. Not that he comes out unscathed from it .

Ugh. Not Gabriel...but brave of Rika to just throw whatever is on hand at a battalion of angels and even try to pry Ashiya away from them to save him from getting kidnapped along with Emilia's dad. Not that it does her much good, though Amane shows up just in time to save her !

Alcieth acting like she's about to join Maou's Harem with the way she reacts to him holding her hand and that whole bonding sequence. Also finding out that, yes, Maou's name is pretty much literal .

Oof. Suzuno puts up a brave fight but she gets overwhelmed and stabbed, slashed, and beaten up. All for the purpose of stealing the Yesod fragment Chiho has. They're not messing around here .

Maou with the epic entrance! Complete with slicing Libicocco's arm off, holding Suzuno and Chiho in his arms (with his arm being in a very precarious position on Chiho's bottom), and showing off his own Sacred Sword !

Dang, this Chamuel guy really has a grudge against Satan. Probably didn't expect to get beat up by a loli though .

Well, Amane can only address people messing with her turf and humans, she can't really do anything about people from Ente Isla dragging people from Ente Isla back to Ente not really much help in the end. Poor Ashiya and Emi's dad .

Of course Maou walks in on Suzuno when she's topless from treating her wounds .

Well, bad news...Ashiya and Emi's dad have been kidnapped. Good news is that all that investigating Ashiya did in the past seasons has paid off and he's possibly found them an entrance back to Ente Isla. Looks like Maou's about to go home sooner than expected to save his generals, both Ashiya AND Emi !

Speaking off...the Hero doesn't really weep, but she's obviously not happy, being confined with Alas Ramus by none other than our least favorite old man Olba, who seem to be holding her hostage using her father as leverage. And it's rough seeing Emi so desperate for help .
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Old 2023-08-25, 20:48   Link #22
Nekokota Festival
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Location: Lost in the Fairy Forest
So Alciel still proves that he is useless and Crestia is holding her own against that demon and Maou getting help from Acieth witch packs a mean punch
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Old 2023-08-31, 10:15   Link #23
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We now flashback to Emi returning to Ente Isla, and things started off so good! She returned to her homeland, got to have a nice parting with Eme, and had everything she needed to investigate her mom's whereabouts .

Of course she also realizes that having lived in modern Japan for so long, returning to a medieval society with less than stellar hygiene and living conditions is a bit of a culture shock. Especially when she's got Alas Ramus and having to be a single mom on the road, which is never easy. But once she sees evidence her dad is alive, it re-energizes her .

So Emi found her mom's little hideaway (or maybe her parents' loveshack?) which helps her realize that Alas Ramus views her and Maou as her parents because she recognizes Lailah, her real mom, in Emi and she was born from Maou's influence too. And Emi has to grapple with the fact that her mother not only saved her future nemesis but basically put him on the path to where they are now .

Things were going so well and then Alas Ramus had a freak out over Acieth being gone and gets so upset she gives them away...see, this is why you don't bring kids to what's meant to be a more covert operation. And then Olba and his group basically capture Emi under threat of holding her father hostage, even though at this point in time they didn't have him in custody. Rotten luck for Emi .

It takes a lot to get all your shifts covered when you take time off, especially when you have a Yesod fragment in your head who won't shut up. At least he has Chiho and her jealousy over Acieth's closeness with Maou to keep her in check .

I'm glad Rika is taking things well after finding out the truth (figures Chiho would have to be the one to tell her), once Emi and Ashiya come back she'll probably feel closer to them than ever .

Suzuno with the mopeds! And the license! And with Ashiya gone it's time for Maou to be the one to freak out about how much everything costs .

So Acieth REALLY hates angels, the way she just pounces on Sariel to try and kill him. Seems like it stems from the angels committing experiments to break the Sephiiroth off for the sake of preventing God from being born. Um...okay .

I guess it's good to know Sariel has gone native over becoming a Kisaki simp, so he will neither hinder or help them unless it involves her. Better than the alternative I guess .

Time for Maou and Suzuno to ride their way to Ente Isla to save everybody .
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Old 2023-08-31, 17:03   Link #24
Kana Hanazawa ♥
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I saw a McDonald's commercial on TV with this show in it. I was pretty surprised.
Rize and Kaneki
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Old 2023-09-01, 20:40   Link #25
Nekokota Festival
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So got to see Emi go back to her original world and now she cant stand the food after eating all that japanese cuisine plus how she got got captured
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Old 2023-09-07, 10:01   Link #26
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Emi is dreaming of returning to her life back in Japan, with her friends, her job, and even Maou and the gang. Really, it's her thoughts of Maou in her dream that turns into a nightmare that seems to stand out the most because she was the most desperate to see him and make sure he was there .

(I can't help but feel like season 1 would've done a much better with that dream sequence though. Or the entire episode...)

Well, Maou is finally back in Ente Isla with Suzuno and Alciel in tow! With the two even wearing their sleeping bags, which is...definitely a look. I'm with Maou, though, Suzuno looks a lot better in her Church Vestments, and his compliment is enough to make Bell blush hard. Better make sure Chiho and Emi aren't around when you're making Suzuno swoon, Maou .

So Emilia is being used as a political prop to rally an army together to fend off the demons, but I guess she's basically just back to her old job. Though now she knows how much of a scumbag Olba really is .

Ashiya is 100% Alciel again and now back running Heavensky...though he too seems to be just a political prop for Heaven that can only sit back and watch as Emilia returns to defeat them. But what is Gabriel after? How does this save Heaven? Why is he keen on the existence of a "Great Devil?" .

It's hard for a good Demon King to keep a Dulahan, huh? But it was cute learning how the origin of the name came from, and it's rather sweet watching Maou and Suzuno open up to each other and grow closer. Suzuno even uses her position to let Maou give a confession about the real reason he invaded Ente Isla .

All Maou ever wanted to do was improve things for demons, change their society from one driven by survival of the fittest to one of peace and unity...but the problem is he succeeded and deprived the Demons of the fear that gives them power, leaving him no option but to invade Ente Isla. Which also didn't work because eventually Emilia ruined everything and he was lead to Japan and found out the answer to his problems was food all along. And Maou can't help but feel guilty that he lead his people astray and caused more problems than he solved, even if he never sought out to eliminate humanity .

But Suzuno forgives him, on her own terms and not God's, and I think at this point even Emi accepts him. Especially when she's suddenly feeling guilty about killing demons, even if she's powerless to stop the army .

Oh hey, Albert! Maou and Suzuno could use the help. Kind of sucks that Emerada is on trial by an inquisition after being accused of being an apostate .

So turns out the Yesod fragments resonate with demons as well...throwing another curveball into the validity of anything to do with Heaven or the divine in this world. Though it seems like Maou fusing with Acieth is limiting his demonic powers? Is that why he hasn't transformed back into his true form ?
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Old 2023-09-08, 20:53   Link #27
Nekokota Festival
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Location: Lost in the Fairy Forest
Well Suzuno, Sadao and Acieth driving around on scooters and camping in tents he can barely set up a tent maybe they should of started earlier well at less before the sun goes down

Poor Emi just being used
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Old 2023-09-14, 10:01   Link #28
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So Amane is just making herself feel at home at their apartment, although I guess it IS owned by her aunt...and in fact they all hail from the Sephirah in a way, Mikitty and Amane's dad being from the Sephirah, while she's only half since her mom is human. Also, Mikitty returns! In the flesh! That's when you know things are getting serious .

The crusade against the Demons is going well, not that Emilia is happy about it...but Alciel seems to be taking command like he never left, though he also knows his Lord's work schedule so well that he knows when to count on him for getting their butts out of this .

Though it won't be easy. Maou is basically powerless and can't do anything. He's little better than Urushihara! Not that Acieth is helping because she just sleeps and eats all day .

Albert isn't Maou's friend, so why didn't he just kill him when he first realized he was in the human world? Well, Emilia didn't want him dead (at least not at the time), and he saw the humanity and nobility of demons for himself, so he was willing to give Maou a chance. Now it's Albert and Suzuno's turn to make things right .

Poor Emi has so much on her plate while also basically taking care of a child with an established pallet that does not agree with the fantasy equivalent .

Maou is nothing if not confident, planning to celebrate both Emi and Chiho's birthdays once they get out of this. Although, yeah, it is kind of hard to make sense of his relationship with Emi .

Ah yes, puking rainbows...and then firing a forehead beam that flings Maou and her all across the sky and landing them in a river. Has Acieth done anything good for Maou since they've arrived in Ente Isla ?

The moment Emi immediately jumps at the prospect that Maou is there in Ente Isla after hearing Aciel is in Heavensky, the way she hoped that he was there to save her...seems to have made her realize something about her feelings for Maou and how important he is to her, something that makes her feel even more emotionally anguished to realize that someone she hated for so long has now become an irreplaceable part of her heart and someone she wants to save her. She's just about hit her limit, but now it's Alas Ramus' turn to comfort her mom .

Good thinking on Ashiya's part to use a letter in Japanese to convey to Emi that Maou is on it's way and she's completely re-energized and ready to challenge Heavensky! To think the Hero Emilia is so happy at the prospect of Demon King Satan arriving to save her! Why she positively looks like a girl in love !
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Old 2023-09-15, 20:39   Link #29
Nekokota Festival
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Location: Lost in the Fairy Forest
Well that is some projectile vomiting Acieth did there maybe she ate to much but got to hand it for the distance they made it all way to a lake

Well Emi happy that Maou is coming how things changed in Japan
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Old 2023-09-21, 10:00   Link #30
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Smart of Suzuno and Albert to try and steal the Emperor from under the Demons' notice and rob them of their hostage...had everyone's least favorite angel Gabriel not planned for that and absconded with him and replaced him with Emilia's dad. But hey, at least Norn Justina gets to enjoy sleeping in the bed of an Emperor .

You can tell Emi is now committed to playing her part when she dons her Hero form again, complete with white hair and armor (although is it just me or did she have shorts under her skirt now?). She and Alciel are both ready to commit to this farce for the sake of buying Maou enough time to save the day. Bonus points, Emi is finally THIS close to her father .

Kind of funny how Olba's been manipulating the Malebranche only for them to be the ones to keep him occupied during Emilia's fight .

So something about Demons just don't completely agree with Yesod fragments compared to humans or Angels? Is that why Maou fusing with Acieth is limiting his powers ?

The Angels are watching what's going on and hoping their plan succeeds, but what is Gabriel after? He seemingly planned for Maou to show up and also teleported Suzuno and Albert to where Emerada's trial is being held .

Pizza Delivery Trucks vs Ente Isla soldiers! And the delivery truck wins! Don't underestimate the power of Japanese automakers! And Maou and Acieth even throw some candles and DIY bombs at them. Pretty amateur hour for the Ente Isla army .

I see Olba took something out of his time in Japan. Not that Maou needed to see that .

I love how they're just barreling through stuff and even Acieth is freaking out .

Maou was not prepared for Emi to show more of her Dere side to him. It's a stark contrast to how she usually acts and he can't quite make sense of it. But then he helps deliver her father to her and there's no way she could ever hate him again after that .

It's a whole scene of reunions! Maou with Emi and Ashiya, Emilia with her father, Alas Ramus with Acieth...bonus points for Acieth pointing out how weird it is that her big sister is still a baby .

Looks like the final match-up is dealing with the Angels before they can all go home .
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Old 2023-09-22, 00:25   Link #31
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Spoiler for ep11 (23?):

-Blog --> (Mainly about video games)
-R.I.P. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Gaming wouldn't have been the same without you (9/19/13)
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Old 2023-09-22, 20:40   Link #32
Nekokota Festival
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Well assaulting a castle on a pair of scooters while Emi and Alsiel having a weird staged fight

So a secret tunnel in the bathroom
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Old 2023-09-28, 12:18   Link #33
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After S2 was quite the disappointment, this season payed off a lot of the set-up from that season and of course stuff from S1. The animation was better overall and I managed to reconnect to the characters. All in all, a good run. 8/10.
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Old 2023-09-28, 20:57   Link #34
Nekokota Festival
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Well everything worked out with Emi princess carrying her dad slashing Alsiel to get a stone and Maou taking on the angels while destroying everything

7/10 Dont know if theres enough for another season
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Old 2023-09-28, 22:21   Link #35
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There is. The LN ended years ago. So they adapt the rest of the series, if they want.
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Old 2023-09-28, 23:17   Link #36
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It’s the Angels versus the main cast, and Maou has had enough of these angels messing with their lives again! And that means him and Ashiya tag-teaming to take down Gabriel, Raguel, and Chamuel !

OP and ED subs in the last episode? Okay. The OP is definitely from Emi’s perspective as she’s crushing under the weight of her responsibilities, with Maou’s presence helping alleviate that burden and making her happy. And the ED is, of course, from Chiho’s perspective .

Good thing they arrived just in time to use Suzuno’s influence to save Eme !

I love how a simp like Sariel is the only Angel Maou seems to actually respect compared to his compatriots .

Emi has only known Acieth for two minutes and she’s already putting her her hand down Emi’s chest and putting her face up close with Emi’s man .

So all they needed was a Yesod fragment imbued with magical energy to complete the combination between Maou and Acieth? Just in time for a perfect angel smackdown !

Suzuno strutting her stuff as a new Demon General and making deals with demons and telling the soldiers the truth about Angels being frauds and the true enemy! And Olba is totally screwed .

Well, it’s nice of Maou to absolve Emi of any guilt she feels over the demons that died, but I think his relationship with Emi HAS changed. Especially when you see how she blushes or plays with her hair around him .

Sucks that Emi lost her job, but at least she and Rika’s friendship has deepened now that Rika knows about Emi’s past but still accepts her as her best friend. And Emi has her dad back. I guess it’s back to job-hunting !

I love how they’re having a reunited family dinner and Gabriel is knocked up and tied to the side. Now he’s the landlady’s problem .
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Old 2023-09-29, 02:38   Link #37
Join Date: Dec 2006
Spoiler for final thoughts:

-Blog --> (Mainly about video games)
-R.I.P. Hiroshi Yamauchi, Gaming wouldn't have been the same without you (9/19/13)
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Old 2023-09-30, 17:48   Link #38
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Hataraku Maou-sama! Season 2. Final Thoughts

Originally Posted by SILENTANIMELOVER View Post
There is. The LN ended years ago. So they adapt the rest of the series, if they want.
Ah, yes, the Devil is a Part-Timer! How can I forget this show when season one aired ten years ago?

Honestly, I enjoyed season one more than I did the second season, because introducing the whole affair with the Sephiroth and the yesod shards became unintelligible for me to process.

Again, this proves that anime adaptations from LN's are not always a safe bet, since the first season gave neither hints nor foreshadowing on the whole Sephiroth affair rather it straightforwardly told Maou and his company isekai into Japan and adapting to life over there while learning the trades of putting effort and manners at the workplace, appreciating the value of money, and managing one's own expenses.

I mean Maou and his newly-formed gang defeated the baddies angels and brought change for Ente Isla amongst humans and devils, however, they are too many questions unanswered like, for example, Lailah's whereabouts & her agenda and the landlady involvement with the Sephiroth remaining in the dark as well.

I even can tell that the ending for this season finale was conclusive but an improvised one, because with the lots of ups and downs this season suffered in both animation and pacing then I do not blame some Japanese fans neither wanting nor asking this franchise getting revived again in anime format, since the LN ended ages ago.

Lastly, why the heck they named this season 3? The second season was split into two cours/parts.
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