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Old 2020-02-25, 20:10   Link #21
just a devil
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Was the first zombie even his girlfriend? From the prologue I got the feeling she was a class above him
"..This is my honest opinion, but I feel it is much easier to teach cows how to walk on their hind legs than to find rationality in humans."

favorite novel: Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?
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Old 2020-02-25, 20:12   Link #22
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For those who read this, does the blonde join? The one that was just introduced in the webtoon? And does he ever get any non-zombies?
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Old 2020-02-26, 05:23   Link #23
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yes yes. no.
they all zombies or will become lol
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Old 2020-02-26, 09:01   Link #24
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I think he had a date with her and that was why she on the bus, I don't know if the novel had a different setting, fairly certain they were a couple, maybe fresh or not public, but together.
Giving gala and cute clothes to his gilrs in a zombie apocalypse seems pretty stupid, the author most likely just wanted eye catching covers or didn't think about it, Main girl having it in the beginning was ok because the urgence of surviving ombie and supplies, but dressing them as models with horny bastard everywhere is like painting a target on them, doesn't matter if they can fight any person, no reason to trigger them.
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Old 2020-03-04, 09:04   Link #25
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Originally Posted by pervypig View Post
For a Chinese story, why are the characters so Jap looking, with a katana, and somehow named with Chinese names?
Thats normal, some authors that are more open to japanese culture seems to be somehow actually get it more present in their workss ,or at least i've seem it a fair amount of times

They also took the style that its used in animes/mangas for several of their works and soem adapted a bit

I'm pretty sure all the girls will get personality back at least should happen until the end, but i have to wonder if it will be same as before, or it will be already different from the original
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Old 2020-03-04, 11:51   Link #26
Confused Shark
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I read the webcomic
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Old 2020-05-19, 13:05   Link #27
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No idea about the original girlfriend personality, we start with her braindead and now she seems like a pure innocent child that goes terminator when in combat.
The second girl was pretty different, from serious class prez, leader of the group to lewd jokester.
Blondie is similar to 1st girl, we don't know much about her before the virus spread.
BUt from looking at the 2nd one seems lke they can recover memories but not overwrite the new personality they developed, at least not in the manhua until now.
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Old 2020-05-21, 08:54   Link #28
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Originally Posted by darkofficer View Post
Was the first zombie even his girlfriend? From the prologue I got the feeling she was a class above him
Agreed however it seems they both confessed to each other and were about to start going out and or were going out but have yet to do anything intimate before doomsday.

Originally Posted by VooXoo View Post
No idea about the original girlfriend personality, we start with her braindead and now she seems like a pure innocent child that goes terminator when in combat.
The second girl was pretty different, from serious class prez, leader of the group to lewd jokester.
Blondie is similar to 1st girl, we don't know much about her before the virus spread.
BUt from looking at the 2nd one seems lke they can recover memories but not overwrite the new personality they developed, at least not in the manhua until now.
Think of it this way. The virus is more like a stimulant. It forcefully stimulates part of the brain. By doing so the persons body gets stronger and perhaps awaken something. Most can't handle it and turn into zombies. (Also having parts of the body destroyed doesn't exactly help.

The more of the "virus" the the stronger the being. People and zombies alike. They evolve. It creates a core or gel in their brains. (not immediately as it is originally spread throughout the body) We learned that zombies not only use these gels to get stronger but need it to sustain the energy these "power ups" provide. To sustain the massive amount of strength, hyper reaction speed and power it has a lot of energy consumption. Reason the girls need many gels. Since they are strong the more gels they need. The purer the better.

Those before the "virus outbreak" had some of this in their system thus giving them "special powers." By slowly ingesting the "virus" these stimulates develop the brain further. Reason our MC is slowly getting stronger but each step is dangerous as he himself might fall/lose himself which is turn will cause the girls to lose themselves...

If people w/ special powers want them to grow well...they need to somehow ingest gels super diluted. Remember even when Ling Mo was strong he could hardly handle his girlfriends saliva so....yeah. So now you can think how diluted the virus was when they were born. Also how diluted it neess to be for those with special powers to develop.

The reason these zombies can gain intelligence or regain their memories is because the "gels" stimulate they brains. So it might slowly restore it like in Shana's case. (However due to becoming a zombie she has her personality split. One as a zombie that has dense blood lust and a need to destroy things and her as a person w/ knowledge and memory as a human) Later they merged which causes a different kind of trouble. Her personalty now its like "Its a good day to go slicing and killing things then go back and be naughty with Ling Mo and Ye Lian."

In short its a stimulant for the brain that causes different reactions. This well caused all sorts of trouble. xD Who created it and how it was introduced to the population had yet to be explained.
Welp that was a lot to write. Sorry for the wall of text. Hope it helps.
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Old 2020-05-21, 16:10   Link #29
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Oh right, I didn't think about the fact that even if the zombie are really mutants their body decay if not powered up, the girls brain got damaged in the infection, and even if the gels restore their bodily functions the brain isn't fixed so easily, they will be able to restore old memories but would be like switching a PC from apple to windows and the info are on a USB.
At best the 2 personalities will merge.
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Old 2020-05-22, 02:33   Link #30
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Pretty much. Shana's personality has merged and I will quote my self. It is like this now "Its a good day to go slicing and killing things then go back and be naughty with Ling Mo and Ye Lian."
She didn't originally like killing, heck near her end of her "human" life she finally made the resolution to kill people.Now she loves slicing and dicing people/zombies...xD

As for Ye its completely innocent. Unlike Shana her brain was damaged to near disrepair. There was hardly anything left. As her brain redeveloped its really innocent/blank. (Which both Ling and Shana take advantage of to do naughty stuff to her ) It has yet to merge.
However yes your right with the gist of it. Even w/ repair its like trying to merge near incomparable systems. Lots of errors and hardship. xD

This is kinda the reason Ling Mo freaked out when he saw a colleague (Blond girl and 3rd harem member) who had a pure virus, was extremely strong yet kept like 40-60% of her original self. (Without assistance) He was like how did she not lose herself? Its a miracle. (I must have her because of this and....shes his type)
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Old 2020-05-22, 06:15   Link #31
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It could be that it depends on how much the infection took to take hold and where it started on the body too, the stupid rich kid was proof that one could become a superior mutant zombie depending on how they were infected, the virus changes not only depending on the victim but even who gave it, and the author is returning on that with infected animals.
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Old 2020-05-22, 06:58   Link #32
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Hmmm true. Good point. With that kid (rich brat) the virus was too pure and his body couldn't assimilate it that quickly turning him into a zombie. Also a thing to note was he was touched by the zombie with possible minor scratch's so it slowly got into his system. He was hit in the guy and flew across the room into boxes so no direct exposure. Unlike others where they are well bitten and it goes straight into their blood system.

The same thing happened with Shana a minor scratch (or something similar) so it was slow to enter her system. Reason Ling Mo could "save" her. It progressed slowly and didn't directly turn her into a zombie. Well that was the explanation at the time.

I agree the author is going back and forth with the definition of what a zombie is in some ways. for example that boxer kid that was stabbed by that knife/ screw driver with lots of zombie blood. (After Ling Mo got it from w/e that blond kids name at the university. He was jealous of Ling for being strong and having a special ability who was kind also stupid) The one that was killed by the boxer guy. You know...him. Anyways the boxer guy didn't turn instantly. Rather he only became a half zombie. (Reason Ling has trouble controlling him) So we will see.
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Old 2020-07-04, 10:52   Link #33
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Latest comic chapter is a bit weird, Shana weapon becomes a scythe, a complete change to her attack mode, and it ruins her image as swordwoman, she already resembled Rory Mercury and now this, and China dislike the stereotype of their stuff being copied from others.
Plus she showing off incredible skills with a scythe that her old human body should not have been able to do in the first place as trained for years, training even with a prop in using a scythe is dumb as is not a real weapon and in real combat is useless, is really just to look cool and for big monsters with insane strenght, if she have done that it make the original her look stupid.
MC changes from super close combat dagger to game-looking katana

Everytime I see a girl with a skirt in this story my expectations get lower, the worst kind of clothing choice in a apocalypse with zombies and deviants.
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Old 2020-07-06, 09:16   Link #34
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One thing for sure is her strength increases considerably. Even Ling barely able to handle her swords or weapons until Shana gave a suitable weapon for Ling. My guess is Shana do love Scythe-type weaponry since either she's more proficient on it or it is her signature weapon after all.
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Old 2020-07-08, 08:08   Link #35
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The author made her show her skills as if she was used to it, that means she trained in using a scythe from when she was a normal human, that can be explained with her falling in love with the scythe her father had made and training for it even if is dumb, that would mean that she should be able to some absurd things with the scythe in her hands and the mutant power she got, we will know in future chapters if it will happen or is all bait.

Main girl got some gauntlets, again a total change to her previous fighting style, justified from her fighting as a animal guided from instinct.

MC makes the 3 girls dress to club in the night instead of covering them up and at least trying to avoid perverts, survivors are after all good people, deviant, perverts, rapists, cannibals and worse.

A blacksmith for some reason molded his masterpieces like if a middle school kid had to come up with a cool weapon and used pink and fucsia to paint them...

I want to punch someone.
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Old 2020-07-19, 05:25   Link #36
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You guys always going ballistic with suspension of disbelief, and here I am, just enjoying the show :,)

Didn't read many 'manhwa' or wetf it is, but from the ones I did happen to read, I'd say consider it closer to a spinoff than an actual adaptation. For one reason or another, Chinese tend to come up with original stories in their comics (as if that works for Japanese ... think the metric ton of fan flaming for 'original plot' -.-'). So just note if you're talking novel or manhwa or whatever. Though this thread is for novel originally ....

As for the scythe, it's probably an issue of durability. Ling Mo did once note (when Shana's - btw the Chinese characters are Xia Na, I think it was just 'japanicised' like that for some reason - blade was chipping hard before the incident with Yalin and the zoo) that her strength is becoming more and more extreme, which puts even greater strain on the weapon. Scythes tend to be more "meaty" than eastern blades, and the way of using them correctly puts way less strain on them too. Problem was likely that Shana used a weapon specialised in slicing as more of an eastern sword, known for hacking akin to an axe instead of poking or slicing, almost to the level of a blunt weapon. Then again, her skill should've been quite high, so dunno.

And VooXoo, in the end, this is a pretty lighthearted novel, to be fair. From Ling Mo's capabilities, we know the zombie apocalypse is about a tenth of an armageddon for him as it is a playground. You can expect them to be extreme with clothing and 'leisure' activities. Think along the lines of bigwig Chinese characters having a dozen God-ranked Artifacts when most people are clothed in rags on the roadside. Just plopped into a modern environment, ofc.

Also, wouldn't much go for aesthetics on the manhwa thing. Most descriptions in the novel make you seriously think just how much a human being can bleed, since everything is rust-coloured, red, or straight-out black, up to the ceiling. Which makes me think they're not splatters or splashes, but meticulously coated on the wall with brushes to avoid running out halfway ... compared to that in the novel, that one picture (as in, the environment) seems pretty ... clean.

EDIT: Oh right, as for the title gig. I'm pretty sure Ling Mo flat-out said they aren't really going out, he's just been in love with Ye Lian for god knows how long. As such, yeah, it doesn't really make sense (at the start of the series) but, Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere? Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi? etc. anyone? These two had titles that literally made sense at the end of the first season (or the series for the latter) lol. Anyway, it's just the title. It's not always representative of the series. She does become his girlfriend later tho, so why not

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Last edited by RpR1337; 2020-07-19 at 05:36.
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Old 2020-07-19, 08:20   Link #37
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Chinese comics being original is not much true anymore, of the ones I've seen around many copy each other or JP ideas fairly often, something that chinese have is "cultivation" of abilities but almost every manhua uses it with few changes in how is done depending on the authors.
I believe there was a more or less original zombie story in china and then other artists jumped on the idea en masse, could be wrong and they just done it because HOTD was popular, but hey, at least this stories continue.

They can still recover though, koreans had the same problem of copying JP some years ago but now their stuff doesn't give that feel anymore (not everytime at least).
Another problem I noticed in chinese manhua is some create a initial gimmick to get more tags for the comic but then is not really used and the situation in said story would have been almost the same even without it, the gimmick gets forgotten and the plot seems taken by some drama, just seen it used a few times but is bad in itself, the author probably even lose popularity when the readers realize it.

The scythe as weapon used for the durability does make sense, is after all a tool for farming that is used very often to cut, must have a solid structure, when a katana requies a lot of maintenance and only in the hands of a expert can do clean cuts and don't ruin the blade clashing against bones.
Her scyte is a massive lump of iron with a part that cuts, is not normally usable as weapon, it just got popular with the image of the grim reaper and it looking cool.
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Old 2020-07-20, 03:12   Link #38
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Well, the point of the katana is, as said and agreed, slashing attacks. Actually, katana, odachi, nodachi, and tachi (by extension, uchigatana later) are all, to a lesser or greater degree, curved, flexible (unlike western swords, which are usually sharpened metal boards, basically lol), and specialised in deep flesh cuts. The point of these weapons is to slash at specific deadly points, for example the cartoid artery and other critical points of the cardiovascular system. There's also a trend in actual kenjutsu to stab with the kissaki (tip), but only towards the stomach and the nether region, so-called "soft areas". Specifically, kenjutsu tends to avoid stabbing or hacking, mainly because of the blade's structure and use (there are very few examples like Shoukarasuma, which is an uchigatana whose kissaki reaches towards the back edge of the sword, making stabs into less shallow mortal spots possible). My knowledge is a bit superficial on the topic (one of my great life regrets lol), but the blade being ruined when hitting bone is a given, accredited to the base structure of the sword. Any kenjutsu practicioner should learn to avoid bones, not just masters.

On the other hand, scythes are tools which were designed for agricultural use. As for it not being a usable weapon, I'll have to disagree - taking advantage of the centrifugal force and having solid control, it's possible to inflict even greater injury than with the aforementioned blades, but it really is much more technical. Another advantage, similar to spears, is using the butt end, and blocking / redirecting attacks (theoretically, of course - few specialists should be able to wield a scythe designed specifically for combat that way to begin with). And coming from its agricultural use, its strength as a structure is a given, because when using a scythe to mow or reap, you might easily encounter stronger roots, smaller rocks, etc. in the ground. The edge may get blunted, which can be helped by sharpening with a whetstone, but the tool itself cannot break (it would defeat the purpose). How to say ... scythes are more tolerant towards "manhandling" than any Japanese blades, which require at least a decent level of skill in the related sword arts to even reliably wield them.

On the comic logic tho, dunno, actually. Been a while since I read a Cn or Kr manga (I specialise in novels, actually), but I do remember some examples like Long Live Summons (one of my ever-favourites) that got butchered in the manhwa version. Hope that all "original stories" will die out. Just effin adapt, or do a spinoff. That's me at least.

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Old 2020-07-20, 15:47   Link #39
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Can't call myself a expert but looking at how CN comics are mostly the same stuff remixed original content is going extinct, or maybe isn't online but on paper media, some manhua I glanced over like a decade ago had original content, even compared to JP.

The scythe is certainly a world of hurt when it hits...if it hits, it require wide spaces to use, and for gaining the right momentum someone have to take very large swing when leaving themselves exposed, is just not good in a close ranged fight, a small superhuman with incredible strenght, agility and reflexes is possibly one of the few beings that can use it, so Shana should be able to use it now, but all the time she passed on it learning how to use before the mutation was a waste of time for her.
Thinking more on it is a good tool for her, still think a metal pole or warhammer would give similar results, we'll see if the author thought of it as much as we have or it was made just for the cool factor.

What bothers me about the scythe is that the blade is on the inside, so the enemy needs to be in range and then the user must do specifics move for actually cutting them, or slam them with the pole holding the blade, a bastard sword should do the job better.
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Old 2020-07-20, 20:03   Link #40
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does it even help that in this cn comic genre, they all keep using memes? lol
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