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Old 2012-02-16, 20:07   Link #21
North American Haruhiist
Join Date: Oct 2010
Age: 43
Spoiler for Comments after episode 3 for series I watch:

From what I'm hearing, I guess I am not missing too much regarding Black Rock Shooter(I don't want to watch Nico Nico and I guess it won't go to a better site). From what I'm hearing of Rinne no Lagrange I am tempted to get a Hulu account, just so I can marathon that.

Name of Series: Ano Natsu De Matteru
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: B
Comments: It keeps on getting better due to great supporting characters. Kaito is still a spineless, worthless jerk who can't be bothered to tell one girl that he doesn't like her that way. Likely beta couple is miles better than the presumed lead couple. Remon is still awesome.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep (I likely will watch this to the end, but Kaito keeps making me want to throw him out a window)

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: A+
Comments: This is probably the best written series of the season. The deaths keep coming, and there looks to be some romance between Kouichi and Mei. The dancing fantasy of episode 6 was just great. The BGM used in this series does a great job of keeping the atmosphere. Looks to be an intense second half.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep (I am going to buy the DVD when Sentai releases it)

Name of Series: Area No Kishi
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: B
Comments: Soccer scenes are well animated. Kakeru and Seven are still very engaging characters, and now that they're in high school, I really want to see Seven in action too. Music direction and writing in this series is mediocre to awful unfortunately. Some of the BGM used sounds like rejected BGM from Another. Series is about as frustrating as Ano Natsu but for different reasons.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep(for now. I just hope I don't wind up stalling this after episode 9 for the squandered potential. I want to love this show but it keeps blundering and it keeps shafting Seven too)

Name of Series: Inu X Boku SS
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: A
Comments: Episode 5 was the weakest for me, even though Kagerou's S and M bit was hysterical. The Reply Button loves to be pushed, so it's a masochist. LOL. Anyway, episode 6 was the most moe episode of everything I have seen this season. I am officially shipping Karuta and Banri. I love the romance in this show since we see that the characters have deep feelings for each other and we can see some of the reasons why they feel that way they do. This is a show that needs more love here. I think it's popular on MAL though.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep(also a purchase from Sentai)

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: A+
Comments: This is still my favorite series of the season. Objectively, it is either the second or third best of the ones I watch but I just love this series. Episode 5 was all sorts of awesome. I am loving many of the characters here, and I look forward to seeing some of them again(I hope it's not 10 episodes before we see Jenny again). Marika is one of the best heroines of the season and she has a surprising introspective side to her too. Chiaki is one of the most adorably tsundere characters I've seen and I hope for some Marika X Chiaki goodness in the future. I feel so immersed in this series that 22 minutes go by so fast. The OP is just metal and awesome in one package and I can't resist the ED either.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep (I can't wait until I can buy this)

Personal ranking:
Spoiler for 1 to 5 ranking:
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Old 2012-02-17, 12:45   Link #22
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Name of Series: Kill Me Baby
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: C
Comments: A 3 min format would've been so much better for a series that repeats the same gags over and over. I don't hate the humour, but it simply takes too long.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Dropped

Name of Series: Recorder to Randoseru
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: F
Comments: It started with an interesting premise, but then the jokes became really unfunny (elementary schooler is mistaken for pedophile and accidentally harrasses his female teacher...yeah, right)
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Dropped
Name of Series: Natsume Yuujinchou Shi
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: A+
Comments: Definitely the best series this season. It's a miracle that a series can still be this refreshing and heartwarming after three seasons.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: A-
Comments: My second favorite of the season. It took me a while to get used to it (it was so slow and uneventful at the beginning) but episode 5 convinced me. Thoroughly fascinated by Marika's world now.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Rinne no Lagrange
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: B
Comments: Silly show, but fun to watch. OP and ED are extremely catchy and the animation is very good, too.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: B
Comments: The slow build-up was rather anti-climatic imo. If everyone had told Sakakibara the truth in the hospital, no one would've died. Nevertheless, things are starting to get interesting now.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Symphogear
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: C+
Comments: This series is trying too hard to shock people (massive amounts of blood, naked BDSM woman, Hibiki's berserk mode). But apart from that, the poor quality, the artificial characters and the silly premise, I intend to finish it. Yes, I actually want to know how it ends.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Danshi Koukousei
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: C-
Comments: The jokes lost a bit of their effectiveness after one or two episodes. And then more girls appeared. I like the guys, but I hate the girls with a burning passion (especially Kobayashi Yuu's and Saito Chiwa's characters). The only exception is Tadakuni's coworker.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Unsure, somewhere between drop and keep

Name of Series: BRS
Episodes Watched: 1
Rating: ??
Comments: Not sure what to think of it yet. I don't really like obsessive "best friends" and all that jealousy stuff, so I have to watch a couple more episodes first.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): ?? Keep, most likely because it only has 8 episodes
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Old 2012-02-17, 14:13   Link #23
Lord of Fire
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Spoiler for former list:


Name of Series: Ano Natsu de Matteru
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: 8.5/10
Comments: Still doing nicely. Nothing much changed from my previous opinion.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: 10/10
Comments: Though some part of the mystery is solved, other questions have been raised. I like how we're lead to believe one thing, while it's quite possibly something else entirely.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: 10/10
Comments: Without a doubt, the best comedy of this season. Even though we've seen more girls enter the fray, the guys keep their screentime balanced.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Gokujo.
Episodes Watched: 3
Rating: 9/10
Comments: This show proved to be super-silly. But that's a good thing, though.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: High School DxD
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: 8/10
Comments: Any doubt I had about this show has been completely erased. It's funny at times, yet quite action-packed as well, and it doesn't feel boring for a single second
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Inu x Boku SS
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: 10/10
Comments: Though there's still lots of funny moments, it's clear something else is brewing as well. Hopefully, this will continue to be interesting.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Kill Me Baby
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: 9/10
Comments: Jokes are still so-so at times, but they keep me amused nonetheless.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: 7.5/10
Comments: After a very slow start, things are finally getting serious and the show is starting to live up to its name
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Nisemonogatari
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: 10/10
Comments: SHAFT continues to deliver.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai!
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: 8/10
Comments: SO far, the show seems to be playing it safe. Nothing overly dramatic is going on, though Sora's antics towards Yuuta are starting to wear on me.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Recorder to Randoseru
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: 7/10
Comments: This show definitely would fit a 24-minute timeslot better. It has potential, but the short time makes it hard to fully appreciate it. Oh, and Rie Kugimiya not playing a tsundere loli is a welcome change of pace.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Zero no Tsukaima F
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: 7/10
Comments: I think it's time Louise got over that inferiority complex she has. We're four seasons in, and she still has trouble fully trusting Saitou's feelings towards her and manages to get herself in trouble once again.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stalled

Carryovers from last season

Name of Series: Chihayafuru
Episodes Watched: 14
Rating: 9/10
Comments: To be honest, my interest in this has been slipping a bit. I'll continue some time later.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stalled

Name of Series: Mirai Nikki
Episodes Watched: 18
Rating: 9/10
Comments: Just when I thought I had seen everything this sow had to offer, things get changed for the worse.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Phi Brain; Kami no Puzzle
Episodes Watched: 19
Rating: 9/10
Comments: Things are getting interesting with the new developments
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Shakugan no Shana III
Episodes Watched: 18
Rating: 9/10
Comments: It's still unsure what everyone's true motives are, but one thing i certain: the series will probably end on a high note.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep
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Old 2012-02-21, 14:44   Link #24
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Been an average season so far, not great like Summer, Autumn and Spring, but not weak like say almost any winter season from like 2008-2010:

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: 7.5/10
Comments: Solid suspense/horror piece with great tone setting and a set of characters that just keep getting more and more interesting at the same time they get more mysterious. No real antagonists to speak of, just people who don't want to die and have different ideas on how to overcome a curse on their classroom. Contains strong themes of loneliness and isolation as well as a little Misaki Moe.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: 7.5/10
Comments: Holy crap it's like a 4koma comedy style and like it's actually funny. I don't know if it's the Sunrise/Gintama production team factor, I don't know if it's the existing male presence complete with characters in that category that aren't non-entities, I don't know if it's the fact that the female cast are actually dynamic and not just constantly adorably cutesy, but all of it's working right now. Also enjoy that this show is giving classic voice actors from the 80's/90's era of anime work again.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: 5.5/10
Comments: Slow and uncompelling is how I'd describe this shows opening stretch, along with maybe frustrating. It seriously feels like every Satelight show I go to watch that has so much potential to be interesting to me just gets killed by weak writing and a pace that resembles that of a Soccer match involving the Spanish national team. I just could find no way in which to justify 3 episodes being spent on establishing one particular aspect of a characters ability as anything less than redundant in this particular case and perhaps even typical of sci-fi anime of late. Also the total lack of chemistry and emotion going on between the characters and probably even on a meta-level with their voice actors didn't help much either, whereas strong voice acting and directing could have made the first 5 episodes a little less bland.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stall

Name of Series: Rinne no Lagrange
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: 7/10
Comments: I'm really enjoying this one even if the latest episode kind of caught me off guard with a sudden upswing in the yuri subtexts that I just don't care about even if I don't necessarily mind the cast going skinny dipping for a bit. That said the cast is all quite amusing, especially the lead Madoka who is just constant energy all the time in a way that reminds me of a Kotono Mitsuishi character from the 90's. The visuals and island setting are also gorgeous and the mecha combat of a calibre I haven't seen in a while outside of OVA's. It really helps when it feels like the staff genuinely does give a damn about the sci-fi aspects of the series and not just putting it's female cast on display....coughstardriverguiltycrownhrmph
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Names of Series: Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Episodes Watched: 7
Rating: 6/10
Comments: Perhaps I'm no more surprised to still be watching this show than any other. I didn't expect this to be as decent as it is...maybe it's just not having seen powered armor shows in a while, maybe it's the quality voice acting from Yuuki Aoi who kind of disappeared in the hype of Madoka, but is making me aware of her of late, but it's a decent show. A little overwrought, perhaps even a little cheesy at times, but far better more enjoyable than it probably should be. Also Hibiki is moegar. Also noteworthy as the only show produced (in this case partially...hmmm) by Satelight this season that I'm actually still watching right now.
Status: Keep

Name of Series: Aquarion EVOL
Episodes Watched: 4
Rating: 3/10
Comments: Awesome visuals, script that is crap of the absolute highest basically everything I hate about recent mecha shows like Star Driver and Guilty Crown. Just the premise itself is pretty contrived and insulting, but the execution isn't helping matters either and having Mari Okada who is really making me loathe the idea of her scripting much of anything else I might plan on watching since a decent romp with AnoHana last summer and Yuki Kaji voice acting the main character round out the rest of the weaknesses present in this shows production for me. Not that I had many fond feelings for the original Aquarion series, but to take that concept and somehow make it that much worse took some doing. Yet another Satelight sci-fi show that's at the bottom of the barrel for me this season and it has me starting to wonder if I might want to be putting their name on the blacklist before long when it comes to Sci-fi/mecha fare.
Status: Dropped
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Old 2012-02-21, 15:56   Link #25
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Age: 32
Originally Posted by creb View Post
Another - 3/10
People tell me this is supposed to be a good show, but life has been hectic so I've only seen episode one. I thought I was watching an eroge, but without the ero (and I think eroges are about the second worst thing in anime). Eventually, I'll be watching more episodes, and maybe it'll grow on me. All the 'critics' can't be wrong, right???
Rofl. I would attribute your impressions to the character design and that alone. I can definitely see why you would feel like you were watching an eroge. After all, cute girls after cute girls along with some boys who have that character design that screams "eroge stock" and just so happen to be classmates pop around the MC who just so happens to be sickly and new to the area. I suppose it's a good thing I don't mind eroge feel (although eroge adapted into anime suck hard indeed). But I assure you another isn't anything like an eroge. And if and when you do get around to watching more episodes, I suggest re-watching episode 1 after you watch episode 3. The change in feel of the episode should send shivers down your spine. So to speak.

Anyway, here are my impressions (as of today):

Shows that I can't wait the next episode for:

Daily Lives of High school Boys - always been a sucker for gag shows. And this "slice of gag" is pretty good on its own too.

Another - The atmosphere in this show is haunting. Awesome BGMs (better watch this with a pair of good headphones), cute (perhaps too moe, and in a sense, troll) character design and pretty good directing. If you can ignore a few instances where it feels like the show is trying too hard to create a creepy feel (and it is possible you'd feel this way in the early episodes) or feels like an eroge (the first episode certainly can feel like watching a protagonist go through one lol) and continue through, this is a pretty good show. Oh, one last warning, don't try too hard to make sense of everything. There's a reason you won't be able to and that's that nobody in the show knows everything.

Chihayafuru - I actually got stalled last season and only caught up last week. While kinda predictable and with the romance pretty much on halt, this show is still very good. The characters are the biggest reason to watch this. Unfortunately, the titular character herself is rather bland in comparison to the rest of the cast.

Recorder and Randsell - It's only 3 mins long and it's totally worth that amount of time.

Roundcat (Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki) - The latest episode felt subpar but so far this has been interesting.

Shows that I will watch every week even if I don't particularly care for them:

Rinne no Lagrange - Hard to say what this show is trying to be. Its all over the place and running on foolhardy gas alone, much like the MC herself does.

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai - To be honest, I don't know why I am watching this but oh well. I hope the focus shifts to that oppai senpai (who is actually interesting due to her behavior) sometime at least ._.

High School DxD - Ah well. My share of fanservice and harem for the season kthx.

Gokujo - They could have gone somewhere with this but they chose not to. It's a decent watch for how long it is.

Shows that I will catch up to once in a while during the season:

Kill me Baby - I had seriously expected to absolutely love this show but it wasn't meant to be I guess. I will check it out here and there but perhaps due to super high expectations, this disappoints me.

Mirai Nikki - As awesome as Yuno is, I have managed to get stalled with this and considering I know the plot anyway, I might get to it sometime or I might not.

Shows that I don't think I will get around to but who knows:

Kami No puzzle - Boring. Very boring. How could a show about puzzles be this boring >_>

Black Rock Shooter - That character design. ;_;

Shows that I didn't pick up yet or that I dropped for good:

Anything else. Maybe. Unless I forgot something.
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Old 2012-02-26, 03:21   Link #26
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Natsume Yuujinchou Shi
Enjoyment Rating: B+
Overall Rating: A-
Thoughts: Still awesome, but the last few episodes have been weak..well for this series' standards that still is like a B-. lol

Ano Natsu de Matteru
Enjoyment Rating: B
Overall Rating: A-
Thoughts: Best romance series I've seen so far. Note to male MCs in a romance series: be like Kaito a nerd that can be completely confident and make the moves!

Inu x Boku SS
Enjoyment Rating: B+
Overall Rating: C+
Thoughts: Still very fun to watch, but Miketsukami is getting a little too overprotective of Ririchiyo. More Watanuki and Karuta!

Mouretsu Pirates
Enjoyment Rating: D+
Overall Rating: B-
Thoughts: So slooooowww..can we get some real piracy going on? That actually involves some actual violence and not "for show"? I like Chiaki, her love of parfaits!

Enjoyment Rating: C+
Overall Rating: C+
Thoughts: Somewhat better, but I'm still not feeling the love this series has. Next episode = beach episode and with the OOOH SCARY MUSIC for the preview music. Really, P.A. Works?

Senki Zesshou Symphogear
Enjoyment Rating: C
Overall Rating: C-
Thoughts: Horribly animated, but the music (aka, Nana Mizuki) redeems this series. Hibiki is your stereotypical genki girl.

Black Rock Shooter
Enjoyment Rating: C
Overall Rating: C
Thoughts: Only 8 episodes? I hate Kagari with a passion, and Yomi's gone nutso. More other world scenes please?

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Enjoyment Rating: B-
Overall Rating: B-
Thoughts: Three weeks ago, these scores were a solid A but the latest episodes have not been as funny particularly the high school girls skits.

Area no Kishi
Enjoyment Rating: D
Overall Rating: D
Thoughts: It's not as interesting as other sports anime like Oofuri and Chihayafuru and the god awful music is just painful. Ironically the biggest complaint with this series coming in was Kakeru's seiyuu reminding me of Renton from E7 and that was the least problematic thing this series did.

Kill Me Baby
Enjoyment Rating: D+
Overall Rating: D
Thoughts: I agree with others: this ought to have been 3 minutes or less, it's so boring and the ninja girl's voice is annoying. Still love the OP and ED though.

===Fall 2011 Series===
Enjoyment Rating: C+
Overall Rating: A-
Thoughts: This show is extremely boring when it's not about karuta. I'm waiting for the series to end so i can watch 20-25 in one sitting. This show is fantastic, don't get me wrong but sports series are very hard for me to watch.

Gundam AGE
Enjoyment Rating: C- (first generation), B- (current generation)
Overall Rating: C+ (first generation), C+ (current generation)
Thoughts: Flit's arc sucked + pointless filler episodes. Asemu's is better but the pacing is super fast akin to Persona 4's pacing.

Persona 4
Enjoyment Rating: C+
Overall Rating: C-
Thoughts: Can we please get back to the mysteries? Though i'm fine with more Nanako..

Guilty Crown
Enjoyment Rating: A+ (as an insult), D- (closer to reality)
Overall Rating: F-
Thoughts: If AnimeSuki was more lenient towards spoilers, i would spoil the living hell out of this series to avoid people from falling into this pithole of awfulness. JUST STAY AWAY from this series.
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Old 2012-02-28, 04:01   Link #27
Rock on ^^
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It seems that for echchi anime, studios+writers are no longer concentrating on boobies in recent animes. Their new addition is flashing men's asset and erection related. Finally, we men are getting recognition.
There's multiple situations for any scenario which can lead to inifinite number of parallel worlds. Let's look at things positively, shall we? - me!

Cosplay at it's best Thread
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Old 2012-03-08, 17:00   Link #28
North American Haruhiist
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Age: 43
Originally Posted by AbZeroNow View Post
Spoiler for Comments after I had seen 6 episodes.:
For a few shows, what a difference a few more episodes makes. It looks like I am sticking with all of the shows that I started with for the Winter and am going to carry two over into Spring, which at the moment will have four on my watchlist. If Summer isn't too busy, I can catch up on my backlog and check out other series that aren't on Crunchyroll but are on Hulu.

Name of Series: Ano Natsu de Matteru
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: A-
Comments: The most improved series of the season and the series with the best second half so far. Kaito has gained a lot of respect from me for manning up in the last 3 episodes. Remon and Kanna are just awesome in their own way. And with one couple together, the more interesting love triangle remains. Alien sub-plot is hopefully over or almost over.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: A-
Comments: Second half has ramped up the death, but the deaths in the last two episodes have been cheap and the cassette tape being pulled by the idiot friend was a wallbanger. There is also no logical reason for the deaths to escalate other than to pressure Kouichi and Mei to end it. Still a good series though.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Area no Kishi
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: B+
Comments: Seven getting her chance to shine on her own just makes the series better. Music choices seem to be better too. A united soccer club is also what the plot needed and hopefully Kakeru can keep growing too. The Kakeru X Seven moments are just well done.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep(going to carryover into Spring barring anything really bad with the series)

Name of Series: Inu X Boku SS
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: B+
Comments: Series has had the worst second half so far. Three episodes of basically filler with some enjoyable moments. Beta couple of Karuta X Banri are adorable. Advancement regarding Ririchiyo and Soushi badly needed. Hopefully the last three episodes bring this series back to the high level of the first 6 episodes.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: A+
Comments: Series looks like it is getting into some political intrigue and peeling back more of the layers of the worlds that this takes place in. Gruelle is a good addition to the cast, and I have liked getting to know the crew of the Bentenmaru like Schnitzer. Episode 9 has more Jenny awesomeness. Hopefully I won't have to wait another 4 episodes for her to reappear. Hunt for the "golden ghost ship" should make the next few episodes very good.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep(definite carryover into Spring)

Yeah, Winter has been a pretty good season so far. Spring could be an even better season since it looks like both NoitaminA series will actually be good.

Personal ranking:
Spoiler for Rank of series 1-5:
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Old 2012-03-08, 21:10   Link #29
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Spoiler for past comments after 3 episodes:

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: A-
Comments: This anime is slow but I like it even though I don't know why. Maybe the world itself or Marika...?
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Ano Natsu de Matteru
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: A+
Comments: I was already sold by episode 3, but now I'm even more. It got much better than it already was, Kaito is awesome as an MC.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Rinne no Lagrange
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: B+
Comments: I don't care much about the plot itself, but the characters. Now that everything is resolved, it got a little bit boring. I hope it gets better by the next episode.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 2
Rating: C+
Comments: Still stalled.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stall

Name of Series: Aquarion EVOL
Episodes Watched: 10
Rating: A-
Comments: A few episodes weren't too exciting since then, but the latest one was awesome.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Hunter x Hunter
Episodes Watched: 21
Rating: B+
Comments: Good enough. The creepy parts weren't cut down so much, but the animation still bothers me.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Episodes Watched: 6
Rating: B+
Comments: I put it on hold for now, for no reason. I was watching too many animes, and this one is episodic so I will watch it later for sure.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stall

Name of Series: Last Exile Fam the Silver Wing
Episodes Watched: 18
Rating: B+
Comments: I still hate Fam, but the twist in the latest episode was awesome.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Mirai Nikki
Episodes Watched: 20
Rating: A-
Comments: Just caught up with this, so much mindless fun and crazy plot twists all around. Epic anime is epic.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Papa no Iu Koto Wo Kikinasai!
Episodes Watched: 9
Rating: B-
Comments: Not much happening these past few episodes, but it's still very heart-warming to watch it.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

My ranking(not including the follow-ups from the previous season, like Last Exile Fam):

1 - Ano Natsu
2 - Aquarion EVOL
3 - Mouretsu Pirates
4 - Rinne no Lagrange
5 - Papa no Iu Koto Wo Kikinasai!
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Old 2012-03-08, 23:12   Link #30
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
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Its way too early for me to say much (and I'm actually behind in episode watching but SO FAR...

A List - Those I am really interested in.
- Nisemonogatari. -- wordplay and twisted subversion just appeals to me.
- Mouretsu Space Pirates - Was not expecting to like this at all.... but it passed the first episode check.
- Daily Lives of High School Boys - 2 episodes so far and I've seen some of the PVs. Its unusual enough to keep watching

B List - Those I am following, but not avidly.
- Amagami SS Plus - Errr, I have no good reason to keep watching this but I do. Guess I was hoping for a better Kaoru sketch.
- Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai - cute.... nicely cute.

C List - Those I am still undecided whether or not to commit to following.
- Ano Natsu de Matteru - Haven't started but enough interest to leave it on the queue.
- Inu x Boku SS - same, its on the queue.

D List - Those I have tried and dropped
None so far... this season I was much more apt to simply not start a series, I blame Skyrim.
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Old 2012-03-22, 19:52   Link #31
North American Haruhiist
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Originally Posted by AbZeroNow View Post
Spoiler for Comments after 9 episodes:
I was going to update my comments and such after next week since three of the ones that I am watching have their last episode then. I picked up a new series(Spring's Ozuma which is the earliest of the Spring series) so I wanted to share my impressions of that(and I didn't want to wait for when the Spring Impressions thread would be made). Spring looks like I have at least 4 on my watchlist(more to come as Crunchyroll continues to announce whenever they do so).

Name of Series: Ano Natsu de Matteru
Episodes Watched: 11
Rating: A-
Comments: Alien subplot still feels tacked on, as Ichika's older sister appears. At least Kanna and Tetsurou both got their feelings out, and Tetsurou is moving on. Kanna, Tetsurou and Remon continue to shine, but the whole cast is quite good.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 11
Rating: B
Comments: Second half has been really uneven. Tape situation was fixed, and then in classic fashion, made everything worse since that bombshell got dropped. Mei had some interesting character moments but it is almost a wallbanger that she hasn't told Kouichi just who the damn extra person is. Also almost everyone going psycho was a bit over the top and looks like the final episode will have some sort of silly catfight. If this wasn't almost done and I didn't know the twist, I would have considered dropping this.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep(Another is really lucky there is only 1 more episode)

Name of Series: Area no Kishi
Episodes Watched: 11
Rating: B+
Comments: Liked episode 10 in how Seven got more action and now Kakeru knows about her other life. Episode 11 hit the right notes as far as comedy and drama as it fleshed out a character that hadn't been before. It's looking good going into Spring. I also hope that I don't see that counselor woman again after this.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Inu X Boku SS
Episodes Watched: 11
Rating: B+
Comments: 11th episode clearly is the best one of the second half(maybe episode 12 will beat it) as it finally moved things forward and it was quite touching to boot. I still didn't like feeling a little trolled for 4 episodes as things got dragged out. Hopeful for a strong and satisfying ending next week.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 11
Rating: A+
Comments: The last two episodes have certainly ramped up the Golden Ghost ship arc, and shown that Marika is really growing into her role as Captain. Kane's backwards docking while being pursued was pretty awesome. Episode 10 also had Chiaki being very hammy(and just HNNNNNNNNG) as she was pretending to be Marika. I find it hard to wait a week sometimes for the next episode. Looking great going into Spring.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Ozuma
Episodes Watched: 1
Rating: A-
Comments: It certainly has that Leiji Matsumoto touch as far as character designs. Maya looks like a blue haired Maetel. Sam, the protagonist, seems likeable enough. Female Captain is awesomely badass and the masked guy(some are calling him Captain Char-lock) is an interesting antagonist/enemy. Gave me a Star Wars feel at times(the original trilogy, not the crappy prequels). Certainly be interesting to see where this goes for its 6 episode run
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

So yes, I do love science fiction and some old school stuff. Personal ranking:
Spoiler for 1-6 ranking:
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Old 2012-03-30, 02:11   Link #32
Hiding Under Your Bed
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Just going to update my original post with this:

The only 'new' Winter show I finished was Kill Me Baby. I thought it'd grow old on me quickly, but somehow it kept me smiling all the way to the end (something that boys show that veered off course and stayed off course around episode 4-5 simply didn't do), even though it was the same repetitive humor the entire way. I give it a 9/10 for being the only show that managed to motivate me to bother watching every week.

I have never had a season of anime in over 20 years of watching that motivated me the least, as this season did, to spend time in front of my computer. Whether that's an indictment on the season, or a sign that I'm turning a point in my life where perhaps anime just isn't for me (or some combination), I'm not sure.

That said, if Ozma is considered a spring anime, I can definitely say that there are at least two shows I will watch to completion in this new season (Fate/Zero going on break was so cruel), so I don't think I've quite reached a point where anime no longer resonates with me.
It feels like years since they've been updated, btw.
Also, cake.
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Old 2012-03-30, 02:25   Link #33
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Name of Series: Daily life of High School Boys
Episodes Watched: 10
Rating: B-
Comments: It's really fun stuff, but I think it's weaker when it focuses too much with the silly girls. Yes, I know it's parodying them, but the guy's antics are way better. I'll finish this off in my own time
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stall

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: C
Comments: Second half was weak because it just went for the violence, while first half mixed it with atmosphere. Mostly stopped taking it seriously, but it's pretty funny in places.

Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete

Name of Series: Inu x Boku SS
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: B
Comments: Huge stretches of the 2nd half were really boring and they stopped trying to have a narrative until almost near the very end. But they made a good run near the end and Ririchiyo is alluring enough. Show can't do without her, but fortunately, she kept the show going. Karuta.... is amusing as well
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete

Name of Series: Chihayafuru
Episodes Watched: 25
Rating: A
Comments: Well, the ending was kinda the open ended expected one, with pokemon-style "not a champion" plotlines and foregone conclusions. Despite, this the chemistry between the characters are really strong, despite the emo moments. You can really see the "passion" in this series and hopefully there will be second season to bring closure

Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete

Name of Series: Hunter x Hunter
Episodes Watched: 24
Rating: B+
Comments: It keeps getting better. I'm impressed. Hopefully the censors won't get too far in the way still
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Nisemonogatari
Episodes Watched: 11
Rating: C+
Comments: First half had some brilliant scenes, mostly in the form of Shinobu having a personality. I also liked a lot of the screwy humor, but it wore thin when the second arc substituted bad fanservice for a story and humor, plus that conclusion that omitted out something epic was pretty lame. Still, Shinobu and donuts were a success.
than the first season
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete

Name of Series: Rinne no lagrange
Episodes Watched: 5
Rating: C+
Comments: Series is harmless, but fanservice is teasing and could have potential. Mostly focused around Madoka's manic state and Lan's screwiness.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Gundam Age
Episodes Watched: 18
Rating: B
Comments: Assem arc has been building up and quite a bit stronger than the Flit arc with the clash of sides leading to some real conflict and tension which should prop the show up quite a bit.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

Name of Series: Black Rock Shooter
Episodes Watched: 1
Rating: D
Comments: Oy, wtf Okada. Only watching for sexy BRS
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Stall

Name of Series: Shakugan no Shana III
Episodes Watched: 24
Rating: B
Comments: A lot better than its start; Shana finally came back up to par with a conclusion that should thrill most fans. It was way too convoluted though. As for me, I'm happy for closure and the excellent soundtrack.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete
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Old 2012-03-31, 14:46   Link #34
North American Haruhiist
Join Date: Oct 2010
Age: 43
I had wanted to post this yesterday, but got bogged down by other things.

Winter 2012 was a good season, and for the most part, the series that ended finished strong. So here are my final thoughts on the Winter season

Name of Series: Ano Natsu de Matteru
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: B+ (8/10)
Comments: The last episode showed that Remon is the most epic character of the series, and when they focus on Ichika and Kaito, it's not as interesting but it did have a fulfilling ending that was subtle and Kaito really expressed himself. I am still hoping to see more Remon, Kanna, Tetsurou and Mio. I can really care less about Ichika and Kaito so if they do an OVA, I'd be happy if they were there for only 2 minutes.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete

Name of Series: Another
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: B-
Comments: Oh, Another... this kinda fell apart at the end. I had spoiled myself to the ending
Spoiler for The ending....don't read if you haven't seen episode 12 yet:
and so many people probably felt cheated by that. No, my problem was that for the last two episodes(and to a lesser degree the second half of this series) had cheap, meaningless deaths that did nothing for the narrative. Yes, the calamity is serious business but from a story perspective, hard to care about what happens when you start killing off eight people an episode. The last two death scenes were poignant and saved me from further downgrading this series. It's sort of sad that this series got a lot of Western hype and just didn't deliver like it should have when other, better shows didn't get as much attention.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete

Name of Series: Area no Kishi
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: B+
Comments: Seeing Iwaki's motivations for doing what he does was a nice surprise. Shows that he can be cruel in his own way in order to be kind. Kakeru still has a way to go before he can live up to his potential, but him making the team(albeit the bench) is a good start for him. Spring looks to bring some inter-high action and this could really show some growth for the Enoshima High Soccer Club
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Carryover (Episode 13 as of my writing this has been delayed on CR by almost a day. Argh!)

Name of Series: Inu X Boku SS
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: B+(8/10)
Comments: The last episode was one of the best final episodes of the season. Ririchiyo and Soushi finally got their feelings out there, and they broke through the lies to just have emotional breakthroughs. The supporting characters are always enjoyable like Karuta. I hope to see more of these characters soon and I am thrilled that this series enjoyed a following among both otaku and fujoshi.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Complete (I really hope that Sentai does dub this)

Name of Series: Mouretsu Pirates
Episodes Watched: 12
Rating: A+
Comments: End of the Golden Ghost ship arc was well-put together. Shows how good of a leader Marika is by being smart and decisive. The inside of the Golden ship was gorgeous, and the small details really make it a great watch. It will be interesting to see how Spring follows up on how well this show has done things so far.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Carryover

Name of Series: Ozuma
Episodes Watched: 2
Rating: A-
Comments: The second episode had clear influences by WWII submarine movies by how Bainas was listening to various sounds being made by their enemy and how they were dealing with "reefs" in the sand. Gido is certainly an interesting and mysterious antagonist character that seems to care about Maya(the Maetel expy). Bainas and Gido's game of chicken regarding the internal temperture of the sand submarine was a gripping thing to watch, and I look forward to seeing more about this world revealed. This one probably will escape a lot of anime fan's attention, but it is shaping up to be a really good show by one of the legends, Leiji Matsumoto.
Status (Keep/drop/stall): Keep

OK, this is my Spring watchlist so far:
Area no Kishi
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Mouretsu Pirates
Uchuu Kyoudai

Looking forward to seeing what Uchuu Kyoudai delivers later today.
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Old 2012-03-31, 15:01   Link #35
Blooming on the mountain
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Here is a wrap up of the season from me, together with quoting my initial season impressions and mid-season impressions - just for the record if nothing else.

Originally Posted by Flower View Post
Here are my early impressions:

Spoiler for Early in the season:

And here are my mid-season:
Spoiler for Mid-season Impressions:
A List - Those I was really interested in.

- Natsume Yuuchinjo Shi - Just continued Natsume greatness - exactly what I was expecting and received.
- Mouretsu Space Pirates - Did not anticipate liking a show called "Bodacious Space Pirates", but this series is plain great. Absolutely great, great, GREAT!
- Ano Natsu de Matteru - Really good story with excellent characters.
- Thermae Romae - Such an absurd storyline (only something the Japanese could think of), but I hafta admit that I really lol'd at this one. A really solid offering and for me even funnier than Daily Lives of High School Boys, which is saying a lot!

B List - Those I am followed, but not avidly.

- Amagami SS Plus - A worthwhile successor to 1st season. Was not expecting much, but turned out pretty good overall - could have been a lot better imo though.
- Chihayafuru - Steady HQ show, carryover from last season.
- Towa no Quon - Carryover from last season. Finished up pretty nice overall.
- Papa no Iu Koto o Kikinasai - Enjoyed the slow pace and the fact that it did not go the route of ecchi too much. Finished up strong.
- Inu x Boku SS - Really enjoyed this one. With Bodacious Space Pirates this is another big surprise of the season so far.
- Rinne no Lagrange - Should be called "the Madoka show" imo - the lead is really a great character.
- Daily Lives of High School Boys - After the season is done I have mixed feelings about it. Yes, it was good. No doubt. But somehow for me it got a little "old" around ep 7 or so. It finished up fairly well, but the stretch of it "feeling tired" almost made me drop the series.

C List - Those I followed but which were not especially thrilling.

- Recorder to Randoseru - Really had no idea what to expect. It was okay, but really deserves better treatment imo. Looking forward to S2 though.
- Black Rock Shooter - Yes, it was kinda emo and the production values may not have been what they could have been, but this little story found it's way into my heart for some reason, and I feel it should get more attention and respect than it does.
- Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki - What can I say - I like cats. -_-

D List - Those I have tried and dropped

- High School DxD. Lame. Really dumb too.
- Brave 10 - Wasn't all that bad, but not all that great either. No reason to follow. I guess I liked the ED though.
- Zero no Tsukaima S4. I wasn't expecting much, I guess.
- Tantei Milky Holmes S2. Well, I did not like season 1 much, so maybe it's no surprise I didn't like S2.
- Nisemonogatari. Didn't really like Bakemonogatari to begin with, and yandere moments to start off a series is a surefire recipe for me to extend no benefit of the doubt whatsoever.
- Kill Me Baby. A few chuckles here and there. But not enough to make me interested to follow it.
- Area no Kishi - Was not interested enough to follow, but not so bad.
- Aquarion EVOL. Totally lost and with no idea what was going on and no particular care to know. But then - not much of a mecha fan.
- Another - Very skillfully produced on so many levels, but it did not grab me on a deep level. Guess horror/suspense just isn't my cup of tea.
- Senki Zesshou Symphogear. Um. What? Music idols singing battle songs vs. alien ... thingees? No thank you. Maybe some time later?


The biggest surprise for me this season is without a doubt remains Bodacious Space Pirates, but Inu x Boku also was enjoyable.
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Old 2012-03-31, 23:46   Link #36
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Let's see. I guess it would be:

Another- Not scary in the least, but very entertaining nevertheless. A-

Guilty Crown- Came out of it feeling empty. Wow, was that series bad. D

Mirai Nikki- Pretty much what Guilty Crown should have been, except for the bad production values and direction. A-

Daily Lives of High School Boys- Satire of girls' anime done Monty Python style. A-

Natsume Yuujinchou Shi- What can I say? It's a Natsume series. A+

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Old 2012-04-01, 00:41   Link #37
Snobby Gentleman
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Unlike the Autumn 2011 season, almost all of the titles that I picked up for the Winter 2012 season ran in one cour

Senki Zesshou Symphogear:
Haven't watched the last episode yet, though. I actually liked the execution of the protagonists performing their songs in live to power-up their armors so as to do battle with the hordes of enemy noises. It is not a masterpiece to production value standards, but the combination of sci-fi, dark themes, and magical-girl transformations were a nice treat.

To me this one was one of the most anticipated shows, because I'm a sucker for the: mystery, murder mystery, and/or horror genres. The girl protagonist can be easily taken as the next Jigoku Shoujo archetype given her eerie, physical attributes upon first impression but do not judge the book by the cover. The plus side is that as the show progresses from episode to episode the tension builds to unsustainable levels, as the viewer helplessly watches the targets getting claimed by death. The minus side is that only in the last episode the animation staff decide to take the horror level of the deaths into Hollywood-esque territory.

High School DxD
A show that at first expected to be your traditional romance, harem-comedy, but I ended earning more than what the general story had in store for me. Beautiful high-scooler, devil girls. Your typical high-schooler, boy protagonist in the youth of his healthy appetites and sucker who becomes a devil for the main protagonist, devil girl and does at his best to excel as a Demon, harem king with traditional slice-of-life, school situations plus adding impressive battles a la shounen style.

Zero no Tsukaima F
Along with the conclusion to the Shakugan no Shana franchise, the end of the Zero no Tsukaima franchise means the end of the Rie Kugimiya X Satoshi Hino X Ayako Kawasumi era.
This last fourth season takes off with an amazing start in the first three episodes but slips and tumbles in-between the last quarter of episodes, and the final boss is less than to what the viewers had in store for the high expectations of an epic final battle which doesn't materialize, however, the ending is not only sweet but touching at the epilogue.

Black * Rock Shooter
The general viewers had high expectations for this show which at its beginnings the franchise started only as a song and vocaloid. Too bad not all viewers were able to enjoy the abstract and symbology this show frequently uses to explain the main girl protagonists states of emotion which trigger in a separate world visually stunning fights amongst their other selves, who one of them is the eponymous character that goes by the show's title.

Aquarion EVOL
Only seen halfway into this series and cannot comment yet, until it's done in three more months.
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Old 2012-04-01, 02:43   Link #38
Last Sinner
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A Tier

Ozuma - Matsumoto returns to save the day and make something he's wanted to for 30 years. Character designs look like those of his back from the 70s but a lot cleaner and more defined. Artwork is fantastics. Character mix is good. Intriguing setting. Decent ED theme. This show is light years ahead of anything else this season for me.

B Tier

Chihayafuru - Was once an A Tier but some the magic got lost after the first ten episodes. Having Arata out of the mix for so long was a bad move. He was a catalyst for the best of the moments from Chihaya and Taichi. Both characters were still good, but this had the pacings of a 50 episode saga and the lack of dynamic/must-buy moments after the early episodes lowered its colours for me. Still like it but it's below what I expected.

Thermae Romae - Quite entertaining. Has satisfied my zest for some manliness in these overly moefied/bishified times. Didn't have any issues with the flash animation - frankly I thought it gave it a more organic, rustic, ancient feel which was required. Genuinely funny and rather creative. A little formulaic but a good watch.

Amagami SS Plus - As usual, manages to be not-so archetypical and be better than the average soft omnibus romance. As usual, Tsukasa's and Sae's arcs were sub-par but not as bad as the ones in the original series. The theme music was weak. But Ai's arc was gripping, Kaoru's was hilarious and hot, Rihoko's was very sweet and honest. Haruka's absurdity/otaku-endearing style was tolerable enough. It was a fun watch like the original was. Not in the will-buy range but worth watching.

C Tier

Bodacious Space Pirates - It was okay. Nothing that bad about it but nothing particularly good either. Aside from seeing Kana Hanazawa in a bit of a different role and some decent artwork, I wasn't that impressed.

Natsume Shi - Season 1 was in the A range for me, Season 2 was a B. The content eventually gets very repetitive and overly soft/bishie-fest/even the females look like bishies. Galaxy Express 999, Mushishi and Kino's Journey were able to provide enoguh variety in content and memorable one-off characters to counter the episodic nature. Natsume does not in the long run.

D Tier

Another - Was completely lacking in the atmosphere and content required to be a good horror show from the get-go. Don't know why it took until the last few episodes for a lot of people to reach that point.

Rinne no Lagrange - Mediocre attempt to harken to 90s mecha with yuri subtones. Artwork was sub-par, the backgrounds were pathetic and insulting, the yuri was cock-killing (this from a yuri fan).

Inu x Boku SS - Loli and a bishie being whack around other whack things. Never saw the point of this.

Aquarion EVOL - Looks good visually but was so freaking corny and its excess just wasn't amusing. This kind of romance is doubleplusboring for me. One for those Okada fanboys.

Ano Natsu de Matteru - Being reminded every 5 seconds about how the characters and content is at least 99% like what happened in Please Teacher and Please Twins makes this impossible to like. And unlike those two, it was never hot or sexy.

High School DxD - I adore Miyama-Zero's artwork, but this show generally doesn't do it justice. When Rias is naked, suddenly the artwork becomes top notch. When she's not, everything looks like crap. If Rias was always naked and in every scene, perhaps this show would be worth it. Biggest letdown of the season for me. Just like Rio didn't do Koutaro's artwork justice in 2011, DxD doesn't do Miyama-Zero's artwork justice in 2012. If Tomose Shunsaku or Simosi is the victim in 2013, I riot.

Nisemonogatari - Even more shock factor, gratuitous shlock from an author who admitted Nisemonogatari was material that was what was mental fap-worthy material for him. Episode 8 is the most overrated thing that will happen in 2012 and possibly this decade and most of my IRL friends and old-school brigade are with me on this. This is a show that exemplifies the gaping divide between the 1998-2003 wave and the 2006-present wave. This is for the new gen and for the SHAFT fans. Heck, even my IRL friends that like SHAFT admit it's 'Pornogatari' and that it's all about the visuals and twisting a scenario into something more than it acutally is. Such material has never interested me and never will. What I will say is that Shinbo knows how to bend the masses to his will and he's the most effective in years at doing so. Anno would be proud of Shinbo. Shinbo still has a way to go to reach Anno's level at manipulating the masses though. But he now has the money to provide high level production values consistently.

F Tier

Daily Lives of High School Boys - Doubleplusunfunny.

Kill Me Baby - Doubleplusunfunny.

Black Rock Shooter - A major merchandise juggernaut should have been a sure success sales-wise. Except that the show itself was bland, the artwork was terrible, the characters weren't interesting at all and Okada blending in yuri subtext didn't work either. Imaishi's animation is not enough of a reason to justify its existence. Heck, even the sales can't justify its existence.
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Old 2012-04-03, 18:37   Link #39
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Name of Series: Moretsu Pirates
Rating: 9.5/10
A slow moving space opera much like Crest of the Stars with likable characters. Enjoyed it. An acquired taste, but great for the fans of the genre.

Name of Series: Nisemonogatari
Rating: 8.5/10
How to turn a fan service in to an art form. Like Bakemonogatari mostly form over substance, but what form. The -monogatari's are to anime as what Tarantino movies are to cinema.

Name of Series: Another
Rating: 7/10
Started off really good. A mysterious phenomenon, creepy dolls with matching character designs. Dolls never seem to matter much in the end, and the story degrades from a horror mystery into a dumb slasher. Shame, could have been so much more.

Name of Series: Rinne no lagrange
Rating: 6.5/10
Comments: Fairly unspectacular mecha anime. Place holder for me, until the new Eureka 7.

Name of Series: Gundam Age
Rating: 6.5/10
Comments: Back to the basics, this time in a shonen-format to attract to some young blood to the fan base. Nice gate-way series, love the soundtrack but ultimately forgettable.

Name of Series: Black Rock Shooter
Rating: 6/10
Comments: Like the concept, and show is visually quite nice, especially else-world. The bland personalities make it hard to care much.
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