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Old 2007-01-21, 07:08   Link #221
Hentai Guy
REdiculous (see profile)
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Location: I live in a freakin' desert...not even a cool desert with cacti and stuff...just a whole lot o' nada
Age: 40
Eh...sorry for going off like that. 'Twas kinda dickish of me.

What part of Germany are you from? I lived there for two years in a village called Dudeldorf about 20 minutes from Bitburg and about 35 minutes from Trier.
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Old 2007-01-21, 07:45   Link #222
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i live in a village of hagen , 20-30 minutes from dortmund^^

dont excuse , everything is ok now
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Old 2007-01-21, 08:46   Link #223
Hentai Guy
REdiculous (see profile)
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Location: I live in a freakin' desert...not even a cool desert with cacti and stuff...just a whole lot o' nada
Age: 40
Anyway, here's my guy:

Name: Utsuro Hangaku
Age: 15
Height: 170 cm (5’7”)
Weight: 54 kg (120 lbs)
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Black
Blood Type: A
Village: Konohagakure (originally none)
Rank: Unranked
Style: Taijutsu, chakra control

Father – Utsuro Kataki
Mother – Utsuro Gisei (deceased)
Sister – Utsuro Reihai (deceased)
Grandfather – Utsuro Hensetsu
Uncle – Utsuro Jiten

Bio: The Utsuro Clan was reasonably respected in the Land of Fire, but by no means a prominent clan. It was during the Great War of the Ninja the clan suffered their greatest defeat, resulting in the loss of nearly half the clan’s members. It was then the leaders of the clan decided to withdraw from the ninja world entirely. They left their village and lived a solitary and peaceful life in the sparsely inhabited countryside bordering the Land of Rice Fields, all members of the clan taking oaths to never fight again, as it was war that had nearly destroyed them. This was the life Hangaku and his twin sister Reihai were born to. This idyllic lifestyle would come to an end with a tragic attack by missing-nin bandits. The clan, all members having sworn themselves against violence, was completely defenseless against the brigands, who pillaged their home and killed any who got in their way. Reihai was trampled to death by the horse of the bandit leader as Hangaku watched. Hangaku’s father, Kataki, and uncle, Jiten, pled with their father, the now high-elder of clan Utsuro to allow them to fight, but Hensetsu refused saying that fighting would only bring more destruction. So the bandits left unhindered, and in the days following Hangaku’s mother was overcome by grief and took her own life. This last loss was too much for Kataki and Jiten to bear, they took young Hangaku and left the clan. Hardened by the memory of his mother and sister, Hangaku began training in the way of the ninja under his father and uncle. It was only then they discovered his woefully inadequate amount of chakra, making most forms of ninjutsu impossible for him to perform. To compensate for this they created a training regimen for Hangaku consisting of heavy taijutsu under Kataki and exhaustive chakra control under Jiten. In time, Hangaku learned to use what little chakra he had to a level almost unheard of. His chakra training was almost nonstop, eventually each movement, each ebb, each flow was under his full command. When the adults felt Hangaku was ready, they began tracking down the missing-nin who killed Reihai. When they succeeded, a terrible battle ensued, in which both Kataki and Jiten were killed. Hangaku was left for dead by the leader of the missing-nin bandits who also escaped death. Now alone, Hangaku dedicated his life to vengeance on those that killed his family. He became muscle for hire, providing security or bounty hunting for those who could not afford the services of a hidden village. While he never was overtly evil, he had no qualms with taking jobs that were decidedly unpleasant or dirty so long as they didn’t require him to harm women or children, and it furthered his purposes. He first encounters the ninja of Konohagakure when he takes a mission to claim a secret technique scroll created by the First Hokage. This scroll had already been stolen by ninjas from the Land of Grass, and several of the rookie nine (Naruto, Hinata, Choji, and Ino) had been sent to retake it themselves. They encountered each other and Hangaku quickly took to the offensive quickly subduing Ino and Choji. While battling Hinata, Naruto takes Hangaku by surprise and nearly strikes him with a Rasengan. Hangaku barely avoids the attack and surprises Naruto by returning the attack, albeit in a considerably weaker form. In the end, Hinata strikes Hangaku, neatly crippling his chakra system with her gentle fist. He escapes, but is intrigued by these ninja and their abilities, especially the gentle fist that so neatly slipped through his powerful Eye of the Wind God. He abandoned his mission and followed the ninja back to Konohagakure, secretly observing the village for some time. It is unknown exactly where his loyalties will lie from moment to moment, and what impact he may have in Konohagakure.

Personality: Hangaku is a highly conflicted character. He simultaneously rejects others while longing to be a part of something larger than himself. He wishes for friends and family, but believe that all such things end in tragedy. He is constantly training his chakra in one form or another, more often then not you will find him walking along the walls or sitting on the ceiling, which makes many people uncomfortable. Initially people either find him cold or ill-tempered, but those who get to know him find that he is also caring and thoughtful. He has difficulty working with others due to the fact that he’s spent the last 10 years more or less alone.


Name: Eye of the Wind God
Type: B-rank, Defensive, No range
By cycling chakra at an incredible rate throughout the body, inertia is built up deflecting most blows & thrown weapons at high velocity. Speed cannot bypass it, but powerful strikes and pin-point chakra attacks may. This technique requires both a very precise control of one’s chakra, and an intact chakra circulatory system (CCS). Broken bones and damaged organs can hamper its effectiveness, but a damaged CCS (such as that caused by the Hyuga’s gentle fist) can stop it completely. Hangaku almost always has this ability active when fighting, providing an effective defense against most attacks.

Name: Cry of the Thunder God
Type: C-rank, Offensive, Long range
By expelling chakra from the palm forceful stream, the user creates a violent blast of air that can damage opponents and is also very useful for making an escape. This technique is wasteful when it comes to chakra, and must not be used carelessly.

Name: Breath of the Light God
Type: D-rank, Supplementary
Using body to body contact while cycling chakra, the user of this technique can stimulate another’s CCS allowing for better recovery of chakra, healing, and overcoming diseases and poisons. It requires time, and is not suited for use on the battlefield.

Name: Touch of the Death God
Type: A-rank, Offensive/Supplementary, Short range
By latching onto a chakra gate and creating a vacuum, one can draw some of an opponent’s chakra out of their body. This attack is extraordinarily difficult, leaves the user open to attack, and may actually backfire if not properly controlled. This cannot leech chakra that has been molded, only the chakra flowing through whichever gate the user grabbed. Theoretically this technique could be used on any chakra point, but few points outside of the Eight Gates are known enough to hit without using visual augmentation (such as Byakugan).

Sealing Techniques

Name: Gale Seal
Type: C-rank, Supplementary
The user collects chakra in a seal on their body much like Tsunade’s Shadow Seal, however the technique is not fully developed and cannot store as much chakra, however this also means that it doesn't take long to recharge. Hangaku uses this stored chakra to augment his attacks and perform jutsus he would otherwise not be able to use. Additionally, it provides a buffer-zone in case he accidentally expends too much chakra normally, keeping him from losing consciousness.


Name: The Hands of Fate
Type: Unknown
The fighting style of the Utsuro clan, it is characterized by a series of high-speed, circular blows delivered along the body’s long axis along with trapping strikes and counters to catch incoming blows. It focuses on delivering multiple blows of moderate strength rather than single powerful moves. It begins as a reactive style, but quickly becomes aggressive as the opponent allows blows through.

Name: Prayer to the Earth God
Type: C-rank, Offensive, Short range
By focusing chakra in the hands and spinning it at the moment of impact, the user can deliver attacks that resonate with the skeletal structure of an opponent causing stress fractures and weakening joints. This technique can also be used to destroy inanimate objects with moderate success.

Name: Offering to the Fire God
Type: B/C-rank, Offensive, Short range
By focusing chakra in the hands and thrusting it at certain points on an opponent’s body, the user can raise the temperature of the opponent with each consecutive strike. The effects of this attack are not always readily noticeable, but several strikes in a row will quickly limit an opponent’s ability to think and fight. This attack is C-ranked when used normally, but by spinning the chakra as well one can raise the heat of an opponents body to critical levels, making it B-ranked when used as such. Additionally, this attack relies on stimulating the opponent’s CCS, and will not work on anything or anyone not having sufficient chakra. Also, if used improperly, this technique can stimulate an opponent’s CCS to the point where it actually helps them.

Name: Dance of the Water God
Type: D-rank, Offensive, Short range
The user delivers a series of blows while vibrating their chakra at the moment of impact. These attacks can unbalance an opponent by affecting their inner ear. This attack is almost always followed by Spite of the Devil God

Name: Might of the War God
Type: D-rank, Supplementary
By storing and releasing chakra at precise moments, the user can increase their strength many times over. Much like Tsunade and Sakura’s super-strength technique, but severely limited by Hangaku’s chakra amount. Hangaku rarely used this technique until he saw how effectively it worked for the Fifth Hokage.

Name: Spite of the Devil God
Type: A-rank, Offensive, Short range
After stunning, trapping, or otherwise rendering an opponent open to strike; the user collects chakra in their hand and delivers a crushing palm strike to the opponent’s head while simultaneously thrusting, spinning, and vibrating their chakra. This attack is almost always fatal, destroying brain tissue and disrupting an opponent’s CCS. This attack is dangerous to the user, leaving them exposed to attack. Additionally, the amount of chakra concentrated in the hand prevents Hangaku from using any of his other abilities until he redistributes his chakra.

Last edited by Hentai Guy; 2007-01-21 at 09:56.
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Old 2007-01-21, 08:59   Link #224
The Superchunky from Hell
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I've got a couple of characters, but Nir is the most developed, so here's her profile:

Name: Nir Nenshounezumi
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Height: 4'10"
Weight: 110 lbs
Hair: Long, but keeps it tied back and tucked under her jacket so it cannot be grabbed. Dark reddish orange.
Eyes: Bright orange
Village: Sand

Uses a method of summoning in which both she and the creature she summons provides the chakra needed to keep the summon out, so she does not run out of chakra quickly. She and her family have always used hamsters as their preferred summons. These rodents range in size from 3 inches to monsterous creatures the size of cows. They may fight like acctual ninjas or like animals.

I'd write more but my brain does not work very well in the morning.
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Old 2007-01-21, 09:11   Link #225
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Here are Ninjutsu I thought of:

Radori (S Rank Technique) = Combination of Rasengan and Chidori
Raikori (S Rank Technique = Combination of Rasengan and Raikiri
Katon Flare Goukakyuu No Jutsu (A Rank) = Combination of Fire and Water
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Old 2007-01-21, 10:35   Link #226
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I appreciate it Cuttastrophe. Sadly, I'm on a government computer though so I can't look at that site. You could send it by e-mail though.
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Old 2007-01-21, 10:56   Link #227
Dragon of the Shadows
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Name: Hakkouton: Hirameki Kiru no Jutsu (Luminosity Style: Flash Kill Jutsu)

Rank: A

User/Creator: Kou Asakura [fictional character]

Effect: Combining his two affinitys of Fire and Wind he is able to create a burning light that spreads through an area of about 75 feet. It causes a temporary blindess and the light remains for about 7 - 10 seconds. Giving the user enough time to use a stealthy kill on the opponant.

Advantages/Disadvantages: The user can see through the light but the victim is blinded temporarily by it, it is a good option for a stealthy kill/quick escape. Mostly used for killings though. On the downside, only extremely fast and skilled Taijutsu/Ninjutsu users can perform this technique, and it is only holmed to my fictional charatcer, Kou Asakura.
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Old 2007-01-21, 12:46   Link #228
Luminion Lancer
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-Name: Ninpou Kuchiyouse: Anima/Animus (Ninja Art Summoning: Anima/Animus)

-Effect: According to Jung (a psychology expert), every person in this world has a Dark side to them (their "Shadow Oposite" if you will). These sides of us are locked within our minds but they are known to us through our dreams where we may encounter them. These entities are known to be complete oposites of the person they reside in. For example gender (if the person is a female then her oposite would be male and be named Animus, if the person is a male then the oposite would be female and be named Anima), personality and ability (say you specialise in Suiton (water elemental) jutsu, but your oposite would specialise in Katon (fire elemental jutsu). This jutsu works to bring these beings out into reality and have them fight by your side.

-Downside: Although it does give you another person to fight by your side the jutsu has been known to backfire often unless the summoner knows himself/herself completely. Those that cannot control their hidden desires which lie in these Shadow Oposites will be consumed by them and in turn die.
-When all else fails, ram them with a force of an 18-wheeler.
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Old 2007-01-21, 12:46   Link #229
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Naruto Contest ^^

hey guys , hey admins

i didnt ask somebody about this but Fukitsu Naruto gave me an idea with his thread : make your own jutsu or character

i think , the little dream of every manga fan is to have an own mange or anime

and my idea was to make one with all the members of this page
if an admin wants to , he could take charge of this

after capturing some awsome characters and jutsus and storys , we ... or rather you could make an own naruto comic

its only an idea of mine you can take over

i would draw some characters too but the hole thing i would seem you

it would be a multi cultural fan comic , where every character looks different^^

so what do you all think
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Old 2007-01-21, 13:04   Link #230
Luminion Lancer
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-You know if I had the skills to back it up I would create a Naruto manga that continues on after the events in Naruto: Shipuuden (the official name for Naruto part 2). It would be entitled: "Naruto: Oto-san" (Naruto: Father). It would deal with Naruto in his 20's (probably about 26) who is now married (to a certain kunoichi but I won't tell you who), is the current #1 candidate for the Hokage position and has a son and daughter. The main theme would be about Naruto trying to raise his kids properlly but he doesn't know how to be a father since he never knew who his father was. But who needs to know his father when you've got so many friends that are there with you?
-When all else fails, ram them with a force of an 18-wheeler.
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Old 2007-01-21, 13:04   Link #231
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In what is this thread different from this one ^^' ?
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Old 2007-01-21, 13:17   Link #232
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fukitsu naruto

because of this , i want to start this "campaign"

so you have ideas you cant implement
and others have skills but no ideas

so this is where it starts
and syaoran

i dont say : add some characters and jutsus

i say : lets capture some from drawers and make a pick 'n' mixed (i hope the word is right) comic , pursuing naruto or maybe a bonus filler or something

where everybody can show their creativity

i would provide myself as jury and drawer
but not as manager

and beloning to my imagination , it would be an online comic

i dont have any idea of doing this^^

but i think that we have many members who can do something like that

i dont want to force anybody

its only an idea
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Old 2007-01-21, 13:25   Link #233
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ooh moved? ...ah , what the heck!

it was only an idea
everybody who likes my idea and wants to do something like this can write a pm
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Old 2007-01-21, 13:28   Link #234
Luminion Lancer
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Originally Posted by Cuttastrophe View Post
fukitsu naruto

because of this , i want to start this "campaign"

so you have ideas you cant implement
and others have skills but no ideas

so this is where it starts
-Yeah that is always the case with me. I have an idea but absolutely no skills whatsoever. Oh well, I do happen to know some people with incredible skills so I think I'll ask for a favor .
-When all else fails, ram them with a force of an 18-wheeler.
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Old 2007-01-21, 13:43   Link #235
Dan the Man
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Cuttastrophe, that sounds like a really cool idea. I'm up for it, though I'm terrible at story writing, I'm more than willing to give it a shot. If a few more people join in, we could have something really interesting here.
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Old 2007-01-21, 14:05   Link #236
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oleeeeeeeeeee thanks guys

as i said i definetly would be a jury member and provided as drawer

so what we need is : people who make the story
people who convert the characters in a comic at computer
characters and their jutsus : for making it easier for the storytellers to invent a story^^


and this is all for fun and joking around
so dont try to sell it or something
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Old 2007-01-21, 14:13   Link #237
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and , if there are people who only want to do it (eg. the computer work , what is really hard) for money
pls dont even propose or submit (i dont know the right word)

this is something for free where eberybody who wants can join
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Old 2007-01-21, 23:02   Link #238
Dan the Man
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when you say "as i said i definetly would be a jury member and provided as drawer" do you mean you'll be drawing it by yourself, or will it be a joint project? Just curious.
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Old 2007-01-21, 23:11   Link #239
Dan the Man
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Well... this is just a suggestion, but what say numerous people each work on a specific chapter of the manga, where they can use their own characters, jutsu, etc. and each chapter would tie into a greater central story? That way, if you'd allow others to draw their own parts, it wouldn't be huge contrasts in art styles.
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Old 2007-01-22, 00:13   Link #240
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Originally Posted by Dan the Man View Post
Well... this is just a suggestion, but what say numerous people each work on a specific chapter of the manga, where they can use their own characters, jutsu, etc. and each chapter would tie into a greater central story? That way, if you'd allow others to draw their own parts, it wouldn't be huge contrasts in art styles.
Aww, I'm more than happy to provide ideas and characters with backround such as the one I have in this thread. I usually tend to be pretty good at that since I enjoy writing. However, as much as I wish I did, I don't have the artistic talent to draw a chapter of manga. So if this was to happen with everyone drawing their own I'm not gonna be able to assist you guys.
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