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Old 2012-12-07, 17:15   Link #2101
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Originally Posted by Night_Music View Post
At first I was expecting it to be more music-oriented, showcasing how a band practices together, how they pull off breath-taking performance (and probably how the band breaks up and the members go on separate ways). Though that wasn't exactly the case, I learned to appreciate what the creators want to portray to the fans (or so I've thought at least). I don't mind the lack of screen time on their practices (a 30-min show of them practicing and hitting wrong notes, considering Yui's "skill", is kinda boring). Though the few snippets of their live performances was a bit of a let-down (I wanted more of it). Still, I found the series to be very enjoyable.

On another note, there are moments that really made me laugh. S1EP10 for instance, I bust into laughter because of Mio's epic scream. Yeah, simple, well-timed shenanigans can give anyone a smile (I'm a fan of slapstick comedy, if you're ever wondering)
Someone defined this sort of story as a "story of the in-betweens" - all that stuff that happens in between the milestones. The first six pack of episodes had me getting pretty irritated because really -- they had portrayed this in the teaser material as a music oriented series. The OP and the ED screamed "Hard Days Night" style comedy/music/hijinks.

But .. at the end of it all, I got a LOT of music out of the series, a lot of comedy and bonding happy stuff, so not too much too complain about.
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Old 2012-12-07, 17:40   Link #2102
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I think the series was trying to be focus more on the fun of "being in a band" (which was more as an excuse to do something together with a group of friends), and less on actually being a musician (which, to be honest, involves a lot of drudgery -- endless days and days of practice). Much of the "musician" focused stuff was in the periphery of the show itself (for example, the "Band Yarou-yo" CD/book series that featured practice tracks and charts for all the music in the show). I agree that this decision was probably not in small part to make the idea of making music more engaging to people who aren't so musically inclined -- it just seems like a lot of fun. (And besides, this is a high school club, so whether or not they can make a living out of this isn't really important.)

At the end of the day, music was more of a vehicle to convey a fun high school experience between a group of friends (which may be nostalgic for us as viewers). What mattered wasn't what they did, but that they did it together.
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Old 2012-12-07, 17:46   Link #2103
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Originally Posted by MexicanAnime View Post
K-On...did not enjoy that.

Look, I don't have a problem with slice of life as I can enjoy shows like Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star. There's also no problem for me if a show has the stereotypical "moe" character designs as I can enjoy shows like Clannad, Kanon, and once more, Lucky Star. What K-On tries to do is try to set up a plot in the beggining making you believe that they're going to actually play music(HEY GUYS REMEMBER BUTOKAN?!) and that it's going to be really music oriented when all they really do is lounge around and do nothing(HEY GUYS, FORGET PLAYING MUSIC, LET'S HAVE 4 BEACH EPISODES AND WEAR MAID OUTFITS) and try to make everything comedic. Honestly, this wouldn't trouble me if it weren't for one thing. That being that it's not even funny.
I don't think that K-On was trying to be funny. At least not as the main appeal of the show. I think it was aiming to be heartwarming in a lighthearted way. I think that K-On is supposed to give you the same feeling that a guy has when he's playing catch with his beloved pet dog, or that you and your buddies might have when telling stories around a campfire, or that a family has when they're sitting around the Christmas tree singing songs together.

Not everybody gets this, of course, but I think it's at the very heart of why K-On! works. Say what you will about these girls, but there's a sincerity to them and their shared friendship that comes through beautifully, in my opinion.

Let's take a look at them. Yui is really annoying with her childish behavior and is really too stupid to the point where it bothered me. It also didn't help that the creator was basicly like "HEY YOU KNOW HOW PEOPLE NEED TONS OF PRACTICE TO PLAY? NAH, FUCK THAT, LET'S MAKE HER TONE PERFECT". Ritsu is kind of the same as Yui with just more of a hyper personality and it wasn't as bad with her, though could still get annoying at times. Mugi I didn't care for much and I just viewed her as the chick who woke up to the real world (I'VE NEVER HAD FRIES BEFORE. HALF SALES, WHAT ARE THAT!?) even if she is rich. Mio wouldn't be that much of a problem if it weren't for one little thing. She gets scared from literally ANYTHING and she would always freak out to the point where she would even faint if she saw a cover of a CD (which she did). Azusa tried to make them play music and tried to act serious, but then she ends up always wearing cat ears and conforming. Wow.
And that all fits with one of the core messages of K-On!, imo. The message that we can take things too seriously sometimes, and lose important human emotion and warmth in the process. And yeah, Yui is an airhead. So were Gilligan, The Three Stooges, and most characters Robin Williams ever played. I honestly find it sad when people take things so seriously that they can't get a chuckle from a well-acted airheaded character (and Yui's seiyu did a good job, imo)

I agree with you on Mio, though. I'm relieved the 2nd season made her a bit less of a scaredy cat. That really did get annoying at times in the 1st season.

Also, the fans can deny it all they want, but there was fanservice even if it's not the typical panty shots and boob jiggling. The way the camera angles were and to where it focused was quite bothersome and you can tell it was trying to cater hard to those who love the "moe" character designs.
I strongly disagree. I didn't see anything untoward about the camera angels used in this show (and this is coming from a guy who has been quite critical of pervy camera angels in some shows, like Strike Witches). K-On is one of the cleanest shows I've ever watched in any entertainment medium. If I had a young daughter, I'd feel entirely comfortable watching K-On with her.
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Old 2012-12-07, 17:54   Link #2104
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Yep - heartwarming in a lighthearted way is a good way to describe K-On imo. But for me the thing that stood out the most in K-On was the outright buffoonery and silliness that they indulged in when around each other - one of the qualities that certainly characterized my group of friends in my hs years and even today, some 25 years later or so.

To be fair this is certainly not everyone's experience, but it certainly IS an experience that not a few people have been having through the centuries, whether one likes or has experienced it themselves or not.
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Old 2012-12-07, 18:06   Link #2105
Infinite Zenith
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K-On! honestly feels more like a healing anime more than a comedy. When I watch the show, I don't find myself laughing at any outrageous slapstick moments, but rather, the endearing moments that present themselves every so often. I believe nostalgia was mentioned earlier, and in addition, K-On! is definitely heart-warming and even melancholic (especially in regards to the later stages of season 2) at times. From my limited understanding of what healing anime is, I would tend to say that K-On! seems to fall under this category (which encompasses anime like Tamayura), given that it possesses all these aforementioned elements (i.e. nostalgia, heart-warming moments, the odd melancholic tone here and there). From a personal standpoint, I can attest to its healing attributes
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Old 2012-12-13, 07:12   Link #2106
Young Aspergus Eater
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I loved this show and I just read all the chapters of the manga. K-ON! is a manga where you can relax and have a good time. You just have to smile and read/watch it.
The thing is that the "band" is just an excuse to form a group of girls who hanging out together. It's not really about the band, but about friendship and all the fun you have when you're at high school.

But I understand people who was disappointed because they thought it was an anime about music. However, I started to learn how to play bass when I watch the first season!
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Old 2012-12-22, 07:57   Link #2107
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I won't really know how to argue back if someone were to trash K-ON in my face like this but...

K-ON is so far the only slice of life anime I've watched. I watch very little anime, but this particular one caught my attention and I instantly became a fan (even before I finish s1). I don't know. Nothing else in any other slice of life anime had managed to catch my attention yet.

But I do agree that in the beginning i thought this was gonna be a serious music anime and I was excited for it because I love music but yet I dont know much about it. But at the end of the day, it's just a... I dont know how to describe but a "who cares about them playing music anymore or not?!" attitude for me.

Further more, the girls actually inspired many people into music and it's a good sign to expand music to more people. I actually pick up drums after watching this show even though Ritsu is not a good drummer and neither is she an example of "hardwork in practicing". It's just about having fun in doing what you like, which in this case is music. Before this I had the urge to learn before, but it died very soon. It was after K-ON that I finally pushed myself to play it and enjoy the moment.

So I don't get why some people feel upset about this show. like...

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Old 2012-12-22, 09:32   Link #2108
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Originally Posted by kaitok View Post

So I don't get why some people feel upset about this show. like...

K-On! was very popular and influential. For people that already liked it, that just gives them even more reason to love it ("K-On! started this cool trend!"). But for people that already dislike it, that just gives them even more reason to dislike it, sometimes to the point of hatred ("K-On! started this stupid 'cute girls doing cute things!' trend").

There were "all-girls" shows before K-On, of course, but I definitely think K-On helped them to really take off.

Shows like YuruYuri, Tamayura Hitotose, Natsuiro Kiseki, A-Channel, and several others like that... As different as they are from one another, I can see how K-On! was influential on them. I have my doubts that we'd have all of them if K-On! hadn't been such a rousing success.

Then there's the KyoAni factor - K-On's popularity influenced KyoAni's artistic approach. You see this in some Haruhi 2009 episodes, at times in Chuunibyou, and definitely in KyoAni's next work Tamako Market.

Some KyoAni fans are divided on artistic styles - Some prefer the Haruhi 2006/Hyouka style, while some prefer the K-On style.

Anyway, don't let those who are upset about K-On get to you. It's just the nature of being very popular. It's a rare anime show that's both very popular, and doesn't have many critics.
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Old 2012-12-22, 11:57   Link #2109
Afternoon Tea
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Originally Posted by Triple_R View Post
K-On! was very popular and influential. For people that already liked it, that just gives them even more reason to love it ("K-On! started this cool trend!"). But for people that already dislike it, that just gives them even more reason to dislike it, sometimes to the point of hatred ("K-On! started this stupid 'cute girls doing cute things!' trend").

There were "all-girls" shows before K-On, of course, but I definitely think K-On helped them to really take off.

Shows like YuruYuri, Tamayura Hitotose, Natsuiro Kiseki, A-Channel, and several others like that... As different as they are from one another, I can see how K-On! was influential on them. I have my doubts that we'd have all of them if K-On! hadn't been such a rousing success.

Then there's the KyoAni factor - K-On's popularity influenced KyoAni's artistic approach. You see this in some Haruhi 2009 episodes, at times in Chuunibyou, and definitely in KyoAni's next work Tamako Market.

Some KyoAni fans are divided on artistic styles - Some prefer the Haruhi 2006/Hyouka style, while some prefer the K-On style.

Anyway, don't let those who are upset about K-On get to you. It's just the nature of being very popular. It's a rare anime show that's both very popular, and doesn't have many critics.
If that's the case, I'm definitely on the K-On! animation style.
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Old 2012-12-23, 10:15   Link #2110
Young Aspergus Eater
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I am too ! And I'm also agree that if it wasn't K-ON, probably that Natsuiro Kiseki and others "all-girls" show wouldn't exist.
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Old 2013-01-12, 03:49   Link #2111
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I just started watching it since it's on my TV with Mnet, and I'm liking it a lot more than I thought.
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Old 2013-02-03, 05:05   Link #2112
Afternoon Tea
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I just got a Samsung Galaxy S3, is there any apps/themes anyone would recommend that's K-ON! related?
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Old 2013-02-03, 19:34   Link #2113
The End of Light
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Originally Posted by Afternoon Tea View Post
I just got a Samsung Galaxy S3, is there any apps/themes anyone would recommend that's K-ON! related?
Well, if you are talking about downloadables from the Play Store, These is one K-On theme for GO Launcher there that I have downloaded and used (And still in use today). Just search for it there... And I found a K-On clock widget there as well...

As for the stuff beyond Play Store, well, I really have no idea. Be sure to read the comments first before you download outside of Play Store.
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Old 2013-03-17, 14:23   Link #2114
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I was reading as to if there is any progression for the story after the movie, and found out that there are 2 diferent mangas (bare with me, and correct my misunderstandings, if there are any).

- There is 1 manga that covers the High School scenario - Azusa and new members for the club
- 1 manga that covers the girs in the University.

If anyone, that has more knowledge than me, can correct these, and tell me the actual real manga that continues the story after the movie events, please tell me
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Old 2013-03-17, 14:35   Link #2115
Gamilas Falls
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Both of those ended as well.
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Old 2013-03-17, 22:15   Link #2116
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Started watching this show since it's on Mnet. The episodes aren't in order but I'm liking it.
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Old 2013-03-18, 00:28   Link #2117
Gamilas Falls
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There were two manga that are set after the first group graduate from high school. They ran in seperate magazines coming out once a month for each of them (usually).

Yui's group goes to university, live in the same dorm and join the university's Light Music Club. That club has a lot of members, wth upwards of ten bands in it. We only get to really meet two of the other bands. One as the friend/rivals and the other as the "wait they play too?" group. The girls get more serious about schooling and less about music, though they still practise and have two concerts that I recall. The rival band is more serious about music and a lot of the panel time is spent on them interacting with HTT (mostly Yui).

The other manga follows Azusa in her last year of high school and her efforts to keep the Light Music Club going (as she is the only member). She easilt secures Ui and Jun, but needs a fourth to be an official club. In the manga Azusa is the only one that knows the songs and has an instrument, so she plays and sings alone for Freshmen orientation. She manages to score one from the concert, but also early on they find a blonde girl in the club room for weird reasons.

Both ended before a full school year, so we don't see Azusa, Jun, and Ui's graduation, nor what happens to them afterwards. Yui, Mio, Ritsu, and Mugi seem less inclined to be a band with the class loads and club fees (work needed) so it is unclear if they will continue on by the time Azusa might show up.
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Old 2013-03-18, 19:23   Link #2118
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So there are no running mangas for K-On at the moment?

And huge thanks for clearing out the doubts
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Old 2013-03-18, 19:32   Link #2119
Gamilas Falls
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No running manga at present that I know of. Last of the manga came out in September I think.
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Old 2013-03-23, 04:50   Link #2120
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Well, I think this is the appropriate place to ask this question...

So, I've always wondered about this: So what does "Moe Moe Kyun" mean? And is a phrase that originally came from K-On? And if not, where did it originally come from?

I've always wondered this after seeing Sena from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai doing a variation of this also...

Spoiler for Sena Moe Moe Kyun:

Well, I hope someone answer me... Thanks...
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