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Old 2024-04-18, 11:38   Link #10
Join Date: May 2009
Originally Posted by Endscape View Post
Even if he does come back, dying for 3 days or however long until he comes back is still a consequence, not to mention how it'll make Index who was bawling while was carried away or the rest of his friends feel.

Alice influenced his death but she didn't cause it, she just made a 99% certainty into 100%.

It was inevitable ever since 22R and he himself only made it worse with what he did last volume. He can't negate that. You're acting like he chose to die when he could have lived or something

He could have taken Alice with him but chose not to. That's how he takes responsibility for his choices.
And Touma isn't the type of person who'll fight for that 1% chance?
This Touma, who says so what to whatever reasons before him as long as he can make whoever he currently wants to save to be happy.
This is just poor writing to me. Touma who has always fought no matter how little his chances are, suddenly think Alice is a good point to stop, just so another Touma death can happen, which we know will contributes nothing because Touma is not going to learn anything anyway.
Having 1% cgance of survival is more than enough to make him calling his death a bullshit and shatter the illusion with full force.

Making her Alice Liddel is simply because that's the best real life exploration of a real person made into a fairy tale.

Like all Transcendants, the whole point is that giving up on yourself to pretend to be someone else for the sake of your goals only debases your own life and goals.

Unlike all the others, she didn't choose it, it was chosen for her. That's the tragedy of her character.
And this model can ve applied to any real life individual who have fictions based on them.
That's a lot of people and can be anyone.
Alice being the choice is entirely mechanical as that can tie Aleister related theme into it and give her the power she had.
Alice Liddle as a person is not important here.
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