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Old 2024-01-31, 10:34   Link #141
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
*casts necromancy spell of doom using the blood of Magic: the Gathering players a virgin as tribute to the eldritch deities of the netherworld

Boy, it's been a while, hasn't it? A lot of my stuff here has disappeared thanks to ImageShack and PhotoBucket changing their business models and screwing free users. Won't reupload those; I'm just here to dump some Stable Diffusion art I've done lately. I don't want to clutter the AI thread with those and these are original art rather than bound to specific series (like what I've recently posted in the Code Geass image thread).

Everything is in either sized at 1024x1536px or 1536x1024px because the maximum setting for Hires upscaling I've successfully achieved so far is 2x, for a base picture in 512x768px or 768x512px. I might try one day with 2.5 to go up to 1280x1920px or 1920x1280px, but I'm not holding my breath over here. My aging potato PC can only do so much and I'm not counting on anyone donating the latest RTX card (and a better motherboard, with better ram and a better CPU, plus SSDs and PSU to go with those T_T) to me (nor do I intend on investing on that side; current times call for saving that money for other, more pressing purposes).

software details
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The last pic doesn't live up to the others' quality standards and level of detail because the Lovecraftian monster in the background was, in its original state, too gremlin/goblin-like for my tastes rather than Cthulhu-ish. I eventually made some inpainting to generate a different monster while preserving the human character as she was, but, hey, Hires fix wouldn't let it upscale it to 1024x1536px. Ultimate Upscale for Automatic1111, on the other hand, obliged me, but without the added detail and img2img redraws of vanilla Hires fix. Oh well.

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-- You can find the whole Imgur album with each image's prompt here: Part 1 / Part 2

Keep checking this post for later additions. I don't think it'll be a regular occurrence, as I'm treating my use of Stable Diffusion as an occasional hobby...and I don't want to turn it into a chore (I've had enough SD crashes already). I only started using SD in a rather desperate attempt to resolve a composition issue I couldn't convincingly do with Photoshop, and that foray also led me to a dead end. But the rabbit hole I flung myself into does have its moments of fun, which is why I'm prolonging this little adventure...and adopting a more sedate pace.

As always, feel free to nick whatever you want, just don't use it for commercial purposes.

Oh, and: I'm not taking any requests. Sorry, but Stable Diffusion generation is finicky enough as it is. This application doesn't pump out gems all the time and is therefore rather time-consuming, requiring a lot of adjustments, small editing (inpainting and after-detailing) and lots of batch generation before you come across what is essentially a happy accident. A beautiful coincidence. In many cases, as some will find out, Photoshop still needs to come to the rescue because SD will not cooperate any further and will give you even more egregious visual aberrations instead (ADetailer for hands, which I've started to use more often, has been kinda hit or miss, too).
<< -- Click to enter my (dead) GFX thread.

Last edited by Renegade334; 2024-03-05 at 03:35. Reason: 1 image + link to gallery part 2 added (FIXED) (2024/02/07)
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