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Old 2006-12-21, 10:54   Link #98
Join Date: Apr 2003
Lelouch's intentions go no further than vengeance. It is not a case about liberating Japan, or making the world a better place without the Empire. The only thing he cares about is revenge. That in itself isn't a bad thing, but I just wanted to bring up that getting even is his only intention.
This is a good point. Lelouche doesn't really care about liberating Japan per se. We can see that much in his treatment of the resistance movement. If they want to cooperate with him fine, otherwise they are in the way and will be disposed of. He just happens to live in Japan, so his immediate way to begin making Brittania pay is to make them sink lots of resources into holding onto Japan, and killing as many "guilty" members of the royal family as he can.

I think he drew an important line when he let Euphemia go. I know that it suits his goals with the public, because it differentiates the Black Knights from terrorists with treating Britannians and Japanese equally, but I still don't think he would have killed Euphemia even if it didn't go with his plans. She hasn't done anything wrong/evil, and is just as "innocent" as Lelouche then in regards to wanting revenge.
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