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Old 2006-12-02, 14:48   Link #84
The Last Frontier
Join Date: Apr 2004
I dont know, but there must have been some other avenues of choice to take other than just choosing the army. I mean, what about becoming a politician, an influential talk show host, a famous scientist? All these occupations carry some weight, so it's ridiculous to think that a person would try and carry out 'peaceful' change by joining the army. Especially when you know that the army has been used to kill civilians and enemy countries. Of course, it's even worse when if you think about it enough, you'll end up realising that to get anywhere in the army, you'll have to actually condone the current actions of the army and perhaps even perform some of those said actions. So in reality, not only would one be selling away their moralistic principles in doing so, but also end up becoming one of those they hated.

But then again, I forget that this is an anime and that Suzaku is a Kira so it'll probably work out (miraculously) for him in the end through the power of lancelots plot-twisting mechanism.
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