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Old 2006-11-21, 15:47   Link #28
Join Date: Aug 2004
Age: 37
Okay, assume Lelouch has no ambitions of ruling. He plans on overthrowing Britiannia, returning unconditional autonomy to the nations conquered by Britannia, and then what? He's got a country (Britannia) full of people who hate him for killing their king, and probably tons of their friends and family members in the war. What's he going to do, oppress them? Because you can be sure they'll start plotting they're own terrorism.

It's certainly a better situation than when Britannia was ruling, because Lelouch is such a nice guy and will try to appease them, help them out, etc. But, doesn't this remind you of something? Oh yes, it's exactly the same as if Suzaku succeeds in changing Britannia from within. Except with a World War first. This isn't exactly a good thing.

On the other hand, I can't really see a peaceful way to get King le Britannia out of power, and it's clear that he needs to go before Britannia can change. Assassination's probably your best bet, but I'm sure the miltary and the heirs to the throne would just use that as an excuse to further oppress their conquered subjects. You'd have to assassinate a whole lot of people, and the resulting chaos might be just as bad as a war. On the other hand I could certainly see a miracle happening if Lelouch suddenly reveals himself as a rightful heir and manages to make a good first impression to the world. Or set up Euphemia as queen, although I doubt she'd react well to her older sister (and probably some older half-siblings) getting assassinated.
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