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Old 2006-11-21, 08:16   Link #15
Join Date: Oct 2006
Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant View Post
My main issue with your views, is I am not sure Lelouch is actually interested in saving Japan. If given the offer of Japan obtaining independence in exchange for coexistence with Britannia, Suzaku would take the option, but Lelouch almost certainly would reject it.

Lelouch wants Britannia destroyed in order to truely feel safe for his sister. Freeing Japan is not actually on his agenda, even if the Resistance want it to happen.
Ur right, but fortunately (or unfortunately?) in this case, its a unavoidable case because Britainnia would not actually let japan be free. He works with the rebels because their goals are the same basically.( or uses them as a tool) If Britainnia actually wants peace (which i doubt), then of course my views would certainly change. So with an unvoidable bloodbath, its only *fire at will*
But *just IMHO* , if theres peace and nanaly or suzaku, one which he loves and what he considers his only true friend, request (or beg?) him to stop, he may. After all, they are supposed to be dead and then live happily ever after.....OR NOT! Nanali would probaly die soon, like yuzuha in Utawarerumono.... sorry, im just so evil.
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