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Old 2006-11-21, 05:08   Link #11
Join Date: Oct 2006
Originally Posted by White Manju Bun View Post
Ill have to side with Lelouch on this. I think people have the right to fight against what they believe is wrong especially if a huge foreign government jsut came in and told you all what to believe. Now we dont know all of why Lelouch is going up againist Britannia (I forgot what he's he a Britannian? I know Suzaku is consider a Honored Britannian but he's also an Eleveth...Sorry not trying to get off track, I just want to make sure Im backing what I say with correct information) We know it involves the death of his mother and Im sure alot about Britannia's gobal dominance. Lelouch's tactic's might be off, dressing up as Zero but he's fighting a power he believe should be taken down.

Not saying Suzaku's method is wrong but its hard for one person to change an entire military state based on the fact that he can make it better. Lelouch is working the angle of better man wins (I think) and wants to dispose of Britannia at all costs. I find Suzuka's way just harder to accomplish then Lelouch way.

So may main state of this thread is I think Lelouch's actions are justified at this point. Since I also dont agree with the Emperor's speech on humans are not equal, I feel that Lulu should fight him with what ever means necessary at the this point.

I hope what I said made sense to everyone and thanks for making this thread
Agree with this, suzaku method is not hard , its impossible. He isnt smart, he just has an ability with the Knightmares. Hes more suited to be a follower of someone. Whereas lelouch is smart, could order suzaku to kill himself with geass, which he wont. Obviously other countries are unhappy with Britainnia, if lelouch rebels, other conquered AREAS are sure to support lelouch in defeating Britain. Lelouch fighting with whatever means is of course the right way, hes a very suitable choice to be a king.
If u agree that suzaku method involves less of a bloodbath, lol look what happened at shinjuku. Try rewatching all over again. The fighting stops when someone wins is right, why hasnt it stopped? because britainnia hasnt won over the rebels, understand?
lana3007 is probably right in saying suzaku and lelouch should work tgt, or more effectively,suzaku working FOR lelouch.
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