Thread: Tsukihime
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Old 2006-11-08, 20:38   Link #46
Excessively jovial fellow
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ISDB-T
Age: 37
@Archer: I think you misunderstood the question. He was asking if there was a way to set your computer to Japanese locale without having the Windows CD handy. I don't know if there is, but what I DO know is that Mirror Moon's patch does NOT require you to do this. I'm running on a Swedish Windows 2000 with Swedish as the default language and Swedish locale, and it works perfectly anyway.

Originally Posted by Valdra
Naaah... Kanon's still active, slow but active. Better than nothing, and I'm sure it will appear.
Not anymore, it ain't. Seems Haeleth finally realized that fan translations ARE warez, copyright violations, evil etc. etc. ad nauseam and decided that it was wrong to do them without the author's permission in the first place. As of right now, the Kanon project is dropped, and while I don't know Haeleth, seeing him drop it after so much work doesn't leave me with a great confidence that it'll get picked up again.

Originally Posted by Valdra
Originally Posted by kj1980
Why translate now, when TYPE-MOON is currently re-making "Tsukihime" complete with Sacchin's (Yumiduka Satsuki's) ending? I think it would be better to wait until they re-release the complete version.
Wait for that version That'll be under $100 when it's released, surely.
Yes, but will the patch work with that version? I don't know how it's implemented, if it's just a simple search-and-replace scheme, the parts identical to the original Tsukihime would be translated, but if it's something more complicated it'll likely not work at all.
| ffmpegsource
17:43:13 <~deculture> Also, TheFluff, you are so fucking slowpoke.jpg that people think we dropped the DVD's.
17:43:16 <~deculture> nice job, fag!

01:04:41 < Plorkyeran> it was annoying to typeset so it should be annoying to read
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