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Old 2006-04-29, 11:01   Link #1
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Your Qs for Higurashi Answered

So before we go on to spilling the truths of everything (i.e.: Who or what is responsible for all the killings and the truth behind the Great Hinamizawa Disaster, does Oyashiro-sama exist or not, etc.), let me start off with given facts:

All the stories are in fact, different worlds that Rika is stuck in. It is her goal to live past the summer of 1983, but she ends up dying all the time. Her fate is stuck in all of the worlds which end her being:

1. Watanagashi'ed by some culprit
2. Tortured to death by Shion
3. Commits suicide rather than facing the torture said above

By some chance, Rika is able to relive (reboot) again with some of her memories of the past world intact. This is the reason why she can show a bit of maturity (which scares some people) at certain times; it is because she has been living in this stuck loop for over hundred years. Unfortunately, this advantage does not seem to be of any help to Rika due to her physical age. She tries to warn people about what is about to happen, she seeks help to strangers (Akasaka), but to no avail.

Frederica Bernkastel's poems are exactly that - they are combined aspects of Furude Rika that exists from all these different worlds. Re-read each of the poem one by one, and you can see her struggles to break through the fate barrier so that she can live and see the days and months ahead of June 1983.

Now we move on to the given facts to what occurred in the seven chapters. It is assumed that Rika has lived more worlds than this seven, but these seven are the worlds that are given to us. Listed below each chapter are some major points to keep in mind:

  • Keiichi comes back to Hinamizawa after returning from his relative's place
  • Kei meets Takano Miyo and Tomitake Jirou who explains to him about Hinamizawa's past
  • Kei is contacted by Oishi about Takanon and Tommy's mysterious death
  • Kei begins to doubt his friends, which triggers a psychological effect in him that leads to him beating Rena and Mion to death.
  • Kei scratches out his throat and dies at the phone booth as he tries to tell Oishi that the Oyashiro-sama does exist
  • It is assumed that Rika is murdered by someone watanagashi style soon thereafter
  • And it is assumed that the Great Hinamizawa Disaster occurs in this world.

Watanagashi-hen (see Meakashi-hen as well)
  • Despite what the anime showed, Rika does not commit suicide in this chapter. Rika is actually tortured to death in Watanagashi-hen by Shion.
  • Takano semi-approaches both Keiichi and Shion
  • Oishi approaches Keiichi
  • In this chapter, the viewer is mislead into believing that it was indeed the Sonozaki family and Mion behind all of this. All of this will be refuted in Meakashi-hen.
  • Despite Rika's death, the Great Hinamizawa Disaster DOES NOT occur (see Meakashi-hen's ending roll)
  • The bloody Mion/Shion that appeared from Kei's hospital bed was...Kei's delusion. In either case, his mental stability deteriorated rapidly soon after and died of a heart attack a few days later.

  • The corpse that you saw was not Satoshi - get over this idea already. If people have paid attention to the TIPS, you would've known that it was Mamiya Rina and saved you from wasting time in formulating weird hypotheses.
  • Since his bitch was dead, Houjou Teppei (Satoko's abusive uncle) had to return to Hinamizawa since he has no social skills whatsoever other than extortion and living off of other people's money. He is technically the guardian of Satoko, so he brings her back in to treat her as his personal slave.
  • It is assumed that the abuse Satoko endured included some sort of sexual abuse as well
  • Kei calls Mion telling her to take Satoko out to the festival. Unknown to him, Kei is actually talking to Shion in Mion's disguise. Because she knew that Kei was following in the footsteps of Satoshi right before he killed his aunt, she realized that Kei was about to do the same for Satoko's uncle.
  • Despite how Shion was portrayed in Watanagashi-hen, she is really a kind and caring person towards Satoko. Unfortunate events happened which triggered her madness and hatred towards Satoko in the previous chapter.
  • Kei kills Houjou Teppei. This is given.
  • Kei meets up with Takano in the night. Strangely, Kei noticed that Tomitake is not around, despite seeing his bicycle in her car. She begins to get irritated at Kei's incessant questions. She drops Kei off warning him that "we did not meet - it's better for the both of us that way, no?"
  • Oishi approaches Kei
  • The next day, everyone pretended that Kei was at the Watanagashi Festival by making a false alibi. Remember the Hinamizawa credo. Hence the conversation with Mion and Rena afterschool, "Keiichi, do you mind coming over for a while" and "Yes bring the receipt, don't forget that as that is important." They were trying to cover for Kei and they were about to tell him about the plan, but he failed to recognize their body language...
  • Satoko is in a state of delusion. Due to her abuse, she still believes that her abusive uncle still exists. Kei doesn't know her state of mind so he believes that Satoko's uncle is still alive.
  • Dr. Irie commited suicide (or was made to look like he committed suicide)
  • Rika is watanagashi'ed
  • The Great Hinamizawa Disaster occurs
  • What ever happened, DID NOT HAPPEN because Kei thought so. it was all just a coincidence.
  • What happened to Satoko is never known. It is assumed that she was killed by some culprits. Poor Satoko - her brother is missing, she thought that she gained a new nii-nii-, only to have that dream shattered with the entrance of Teppei, she reaches her delusional point, she sees her best friend's dead body (believing that Kei killed her), pushes Kei off the bridge, only to be killed as she is running away.

  • This is basically the beginning of one of the worlds a little after Rika was rebooted into another world.
  • Akasaka usually dies when he comes to Hinamizawa.
  • Rika tries to warn Akasaka that he must go back to Tokyo before he dies and to save his pregnant wife from falling down the stairs.
  • Rika also tells Akasaka that people will start to die in the coming years, ending with her own death in June (or just a bit after) of 1983.
  • Since Rika is the one who retains memories of past worlds, it is obvious that she knows what is going to happen. Others around her however do not know this, so they see Rika as being some sort of prophet.
  • As luck would have it, Akasaka lives in this world. However, his wife still dies.
  • Fast fowards several years, Akasaka is alive and is talking to Oishi in Hokkaido.
  • Here we learn that Rika was indeed watanagashi'ed in this world as well
  • And that the Great Hinamizawa Disaster did in fact occur here as well.

  • By showing Watanagashi-hen through Shion's eyes, we see that it was Shion all along
  • As in Watanagashi, Takano semi-approaches both Shion and Kei
  • Takano gives her scrapbooks to Shion
  • Shion does in fact hear footsteps in the shrine. What was it?
  • Shion gradually degrades herself into insanity and she begins her descent into madness as she begins to doubt everyone and everything
  • Rika tries once more to save Shion before it is all too late. Unfortunately, her limited physical age and size is no match for Shion and she injected with the substance she was holding instead. The substance does not give the intended effect to Rika however. Rather than facing Shion's wrath like she did in Watanagashi, she commits suicide here in Meakashi-hen
  • All in all, we learn that the Sonozaki family and the gosanke had no involvement in the murders or the disappearance of Satoshi.
  • Despite Rika's death, the Great Hinamizawa Disaster DOES NOT occur in this chapter

  • Mamiya Rina and Houjou Teppei were in cohoots to extort money from Rena's father. She kills them in retaliation to protect her family.
  • Takano gives her scrapbook to Rena
  • Oishi contacts Rena about Takano and Tommy's death
  • Rena dives deeper and deeper into insanity as she doubts her friends
  • Kei has a sudden recollection of his wrongdoing in the Onikakushi world.
  • Rika sees this as a light that she has been waiting for. All this time, she was alone, but miraculously Kei was able to remember!
  • Rena holds the school as hostage and fights Kei on top of the school rooftop.
  • Rena regains her sanity. Rika is in tears as she finds that there might be a way to break through this endless loop after all.
  • Unfortunately, Rika is watanagashi'ed soon thereafter
  • The Great Hinamizawa Disaster occurs.

Last edited by kj1980; 2006-11-03 at 16:23.
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