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Old 2006-10-11, 18:57   Link #57
Junior Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Name: Ryu Kenja
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6"0
Weight: 170 lbs.
Allegiance:Village hidden in the Leaves
Ninja Rank: Jounin
Strengths: Ninjutsu specialist, Swift and quick thinker.
Weaknesses:Lacks skills in Genjutsu. Also his chakra capacity isn’t very large. However it increases when he is furious.
Weapons: Ryu has a lightning blade and uses it sometimes.

Missions Performed
D: 9 (9 successes, )
C: 12 (8 successes, 3 failures)
B: 13 (13 successes)
A: 35 (29 success, 6 failures)
S: 19(14 success, 5 falures
Specialty: He moves at very fast speed and is considered among the fastest ninja in Konoha. As fast as he is physically he is also mentally, and uses this to his advantage

Team:His team consists of 3 Jounin lead by a Elite Jounin Kazoku Kenja(leader of the group)The three Jounin are Ryu Kenja Mitani Tenshi and Richie Muteki.It was his older brother Kazoku who decided to have Ryu in his team. These two work together outstandingly. Kazoku has mastered the Iteza. He is an all around powerfull Ninja and was considered to become Hokage, but he declined. Ryu's other teamate is Mitani Tenshi who is in love with Ryu. She has dark brown hair and blue eyes and shes a medical ninja. Ryu also likes Mitani but he does not tell her because he is focused on completing their missions and training. He feels that if they were to have a relationship he would be sidetracked. Ryu's other teamate is Richie. He is one of Ryu's bestfriends. He is strong in Tiajutsu and is kind of lazy when it comes to doing missions. However Richie trains more then anyone on the team.Together this team hasn't failed but one single S class mission.

Physical appearance:
Hair: black
Eyes: Red
He also has a scar on his face next to his right eye.

Clothes:Long sleeve black shirt and a dark red vest. Kitsune(Fox) written on his back of his vest in black.He has a red forhead protector that he ties around his head but sometimes on his right arm.

Personality: Grew up as a Ninja Genious. Graduated academy at age 9 became a chunin at the age of 10 . He's sometimes refered to as Kitsune(Fox) because of his quickness intelligence and his slick ability to trick people.Ryu is really determined to get strong. He wishes to someday become the strongest person ever. Ryu is serious most of the time, but everyonce in a while he will crack a joke at a real serious situation to cut the tension. He is a very hard worker. Ryu's only bad qualities are that he sometimes holds grudges against people for minor errors or mistakes. And he doesn't take it lightly if people insult his clan even if it is jokingly.

History: He is a member of the Kenja Clan. Their bloodline trait is called Iteza a powerful ninjutsu which allows them to use telekinesis. Legend also says that an ancestor of Kenja was able to tap into Iteza and and destroy whole cities only with his mind. His clan is fairly large in Konoha and they are very talented.Ryu is the youngest of 3 brothers his eldest brother is Sasoriza Kenja and his other brother his Kazoku Kenja.Many of his relatives however chose the evil route and are missing ninja. Ryu however decided to stay a loyal member of Konoha. His father and brother Kanura Kenja and Sasoriza Kenja were the same way until a tragesty happened.A war broke out between Konoha and the Village hidden in the Mist when Ryu was about 11. During this war Ryu's mother was killed on a mission to spy in the Mist village. She was killed by Elite Jounin sent by the Mizukage. Ryu's father and brother never forgived Konoha and defected immeditley after her death. Unlike his father and brother Ryu knew Konoha wasn't to be blamed so he stayed in the village. His other brother Kazoku who is an Elite jounin also stayed in Konoha with Ryu.

Ryu continued to serve the village during the war and stayed loyal throughout his missions. After seeing his loyalty and skills the village made him a Jounin at the age of 16. He helped them when Konoha was outnumbered using his Mind Mass Control.

Ryu was considered a Ninja genious and always has alot of expectations to live up to. There are few times when he doesn't live up to them and he is then scolded ,mostly by his brother Kazoku.

Ryu has some amazing ninjutsu skills. One of his moves that he uses along with Iteza is called Mass Mind Control with it hes able to control the minds of about 100 people at once.He used this trick only once when the hidden mist village was invading Konoha. He controlled about 68 of the hidden mist's shinobi and used them as reinforcements for Konoha. However this unbelievable skill comes with a price it drains massive amount of chakra and sometimes Ryu ends up knocked out from one week to 3 weeks!!!. Ryu's brother warned him not to use it because he might end up dying. It mostly depends on how much minds he controls he can steadily control about 15-20 minds. His other skill is being able to summon a Fire Dragon the size of the frogboss. This dragon's moves along with Ryu are unbeatable!!
Ryu uses his Iteza very skillfully but he hasnt fully mastered it like Kazoku.
Taijutsu: This isn't one of Ryu's strong points but do not underestimate him because he is able to pack a very powerfull punch
Ryu is really really bad in Genjutsu he can use only one genjutsu technique and he does it horribly[I]
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