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Old 2006-08-28, 13:48   Link #41
Haruhiism Worshipper
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 39
Currently getting back into some relative oldies as there isn't much new that has piqued my interest.

Heavy Gear 2: Still at the top of the mech-gaming genre in my opinion
Rome: Total War: Incredibly tactical in battles, beautiful game board.
NWN: Still go through occaisional 48-hour binges with that game.
EVE Online: On and off (but mostly off). There's a crap-ton of friendly people online, but being at war since the day I started the game has really taken its toll on me.

Gave up:
WoW: If it isn't your guild bitching, it's someone else bitching about your class. Too much bitching.

And finally, I've finally gotten off my lazy ass and bought a PS2. Now it's simply the fact of waiting for my boot disc to arrive so that I can start on some imports. So...

In the near future:
Guilty Gear Slash: is <3
KOF XI: Played a few minutes on a friend's copy, fast-paced and fun.
Gundam SEED: DX was good, this one's a whole lot better.
Misc. RPGs that I've missed because I was too poor before: eh...enough said?
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