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Old 2006-08-28, 04:04   Link #38
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2004
Holy shit.

Yasumi Matsuno (Final Fantasy Tactics, Vagrant Story & FF XII) has left Square-Enix! His supposed illness seems to be a cover-up for his actual leaving the company. What a shame, the man is a genius. I'll follow his works wherever he's going; that's for sure. The minus is that at Squeenix, he had a massive budget and production crew upon which to build a highly polished game.. I'm not sure that he'll have that sort of freedom and resources at another company. But I have faith in YAZZ. Looking forward to his next work for sure.

From that thread, rumours are that he's joined Mistwalker. Fuck no.. it's a company that is, so far, only developing games for the X360, which I will most probably not get. I hope the news clears up soon..
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