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Old 2006-08-26, 13:28   Link #76
Wise Kitty Cat
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: San Diego, CA
Spoiler for true identity of the twins:

That's pretty cool to know although I'm not sure if I'm more confused now or less confused. In the end up Meakashi-hen when "Mion" is leading K1 down to the torture chamber she says "You know, Shion really liked you." then seconds later she says "Mion liked you too." Why is she referring to herself in the third person in both cases?

Still, later in that Ep when "Mion" has K1 in the torture chamber K1 says stuff to the extent that "Mion is will always be my best friend. The Mion inside me will never die." etc. I see now why "Mion" is moved to tears by that.
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