Thread: Crunchyroll Date a Live V (Season 5)
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Old 2024-05-15, 10:03   Link #65
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Shido finally asks the question that's been on peoples' minds for 4 seasons...why IS Westcott doing all this? What is he after ?

As a child of a magi society, Westcott wasn't a complete psycopath. He could feel sad at his mothers' death...but more than that, he felt elated at the despair and sadness of the environment around him over his death. Which is the making of a man who only wants to watch the world burn .

Even Ellen was a cute and precocious little girl once upon a time who would get frustrated and pout when she couldn't master her magic, with Elliot as her mentor, and they along with Ike were close friends. Until tragedy struck their village and they along with Ellen's sister Karen were left as orphans who Ike was easily able to turn into loyal servants in his ultimate endgame of taking what victimized him (in such a way that he enjoyed) into something they could do to the entire world out of revenge .

Y'know, I never really thought deeply about how Wescott got all his money and resources, but killing your rich adoptive parents will do that .

And the culmination of their plan was to create a Spirit, a being that would bring in an otherworldy energy and plane of existence into being that would consume and overrun the world into something they (or more specifically Wescott) could control and make their own. Although of course Elliot, cultured guy that he is, was immediately blushing at the sight of naked Mio .

So what's Wescott's plan now? He needs Mio/Deus' power but he's obviously not strong enough to fight her...but he can if he absorbs all of Shido's. And thus begins their final battle, with Shido turning his Spirit powers against Westcott. Kick his butt Shido !

It's kind of sad that Mana doesn't remember Mio, up until Mio makes her remember, but Mio wuld never kill Mana...because Shin will need her after this. Meaning she's one of the only people Mio would spare .

It's no surprise Yuzuru would charge immediately at Mio, without any regard for her own life, after Kaguya's death...only for it to end in her death as well. At least the sisters are now together .

I guess it goes to show how important Tohka is that Mio regarded her as the biggest threat to save for last, both because of her strength and her importance to Shido .

Elliot was never out to kill Ellen, deep down he's still the big brother figure who mentored her and cared about her, and Ellen hasn't completely lost that pouty child she once was. And on some level, she wishes Elliot had taken HER with him instead of just Karen. Maybe she's not completely far gone. Though it seems like Elliot's expended himself in this form so much it might be the end of him .

Mio was already powerful enough, now she's dragging the Spirits into her Territory where her rule is law and the Spirits own powers can work against them. Mukuro, No! NOT YOSHINO! NOT LIKE THAT !
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