Thread: Crunchyroll Date a Live V (Season 5)
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Old 2024-05-08, 22:57   Link #56
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2014
Mio is competing for the role of the show's last boss.

Based on the past story, I think it is what happened. Mio could revive Shin, but she figures Shin will die again. So, Mio decides to build an immortal body for Shin. So, she sacrifices girls to make the result. She distributes her angels to girls. If girls fail to take in Mio's power, they became monsters. Then, Mio dumps them to her birthplace. It is the place where Kurumi was dumped in the movie Date a Bullet. Kurumi met girls who are semi-seirei. The finalist of the battle royal will become a a fully fledged seirei. Maybe it is a just false promise for those girls who failed to become seirei. Kurumi left the ringai without finding any useful information about Mio/Deus. Ten girls with mental scars became seirei. Some girls exceeded Mio's expectation. Nine girls shared half of their power with Shido. Kurumi hasn't shared her power with Shido. She promised to kiss him after the battle is over. It set a death flag for her. The rest of girls realizing what happened and started pick fight with Mio. Mio turns out too strong for them. Half of Nia's power was stolen by the enemy boss. So, taking away Nia's life may be meaningless for Mio.

I think only some seirei power is useful to counter Mio. If they work together, Kurumi can change flow of time, and Natsumi can render Mio's attack harmless. If Nia is still at her full power, she can read Mio like a book and rewrite the outcome. I guess they wouldn't do that because it is not JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
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