Thread: Crunchyroll Date a Live V (Season 5)
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Old 2024-05-08, 10:03   Link #52
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Mio sought out to revive the man she loved, Shinji, and in doing so she gave birth to him...with her power inside of him to protect her, but bit by bit so he could contain it. And that is why she spread out the Sephirah until they ended up in the bodies of the Spirits they know today, and all the while Shido was sealing them and absorbing their powers, he was fulfilling Mio's plan the entire time .

THEY KILLED KURUMI!? Mio just killed her!? I just...I can't believe it. And in her last moments she thought of protecting Shido .

(Also apparently all Spirits killed by Mio and have their Sephirah seed absorbed end up naked...which tracks )

Kotori notices the obvious resemblance between Mio and Reine, but it doesn't make the betrayal hurt any less. Reine appreciates Kotori, but she's an extension of Mio, and they've both been working for a singular purpose. But Kotori can't wallow in depression, she has a fight to lead .

Mio and Reine fuse back and Mio regains her Astral Dress, turning into an angelic Holy Mother, the Mother of All Spirits, who finally restores Shido's memories of Shinji. All that has been driving her is her love for him and desire to be with him once more, but while Shido feels the same, he can't condone her methods...but Mio felt she had no other recourse, not wanting to live in a world without him and being beyond the scope of man in her feelings and power. And she's fully prepared to erase Shido in the process. But not if her daughters have anything to say about it !

Of course Shido gets transported into the school shelter and right on top of Yamabuki. He was born to be a lady killer, basically! But it was nice to see his school buddies come through and hold back the teacher (with Tonomachi getting off on it) so he can help out Tohka and Origami...and he finally exposes his power to them .

Nibeelcole REALLY wants to be relevant but Mio basically shuts her and the DEM forces down, but this is all what Westcott wants .

See AST, if you just talked with the Spirits for five minutes you could see they're just normal girls deep down and not worth trying to kill .

So Elliot, Westcott, and Ellen and her sister were from some kind of magic village that was burned to the ground and caused them to seek a solution to erasing humanity...which is where Mio came in. But Elliot had second thoughts and turned against them, and Ellen never forgave him for dragging her little sister with him .

It's Mio vs her daughters, but no matter how much of their strongest attacks they throw at her, she just shrugs them off. BUT NO! NOT KAGUYA !!!

I guess before Shido can face off against Mio, he has to face off against his nemesis, Westcott .
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