Thread: Crunchyroll Unnamed Memory
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Old 2024-05-07, 10:34   Link #69
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Tinasha dreams of being held in the arms by the white-haired man...a man who knew her as "Aeti" and who she seemed comfortable with, though the memory doesn't seem like one she's very fond of now .

So now we're trying to hook Oscar up with the maid? I mean, I know Tinasha has no intention of marrying him and is perfectly satisfied getting him together with someone with enough magic resistance to be with him, and turns out Miralys is conveniently descended from a bloodline of she should do right? Though Lucrezia seems to think Tinasha is ignoring her own feelings (and Oscar's) in the process .

If Tinasha is going to avoid Oscar, he'll just casually solo her tower in record time to see her. Because no way is she going to ditch him like this. And if she lets him hold her and ask her for dinner, feels like they may as well just be a couple at this point .

Miralys has enough red flags with her backstory not holding up, though Als making it look like him and Tinasha are together to draw her out does little more than piss Oscar off .

Jeez, Oscar! I know you're upset about Tinasha faking it with another guy, but cutting her off from her magic and making it look like you were about to have your way with her was in REALLY bad taste. It doesn't matter if you weren't serious and trying to teach her to be more self-aware, that was really not okay. And it brought on enough bad memories that Tinasha's magic got away from her .

Oh, and poor Als got beat up by both Oscar AND Meridina. I guess this is why you don't flirt with a princes' love interest .

I guess if you wanted to make your intentions clear, no better excuse to draw out the whole court than to put into exact terms how there is no other woman for you than Tinasha and then accuse and take Miralys into custody. But that gives her the excuse to finally drop the act and attack .

Really, Oscar should have just taken the magic-sealing bracelet off wayyyy before they even got to court. It cost Tinasha an eye right when she needs to fend off Miralys, though I guess it lets her and Oscar finally fight as a duo and work together .

Oh hey, the Demonic Beast is back! And then gets hit by Miralys' own magic. Almost felt bad for the thing .

What was Miralys really after? What is so important about that orb? Who are she and Valt? She talks about the future as if she knows what's going to happen (and calls Tinasha a "queen-to-be" so is she destined to marry Oscar?). Is this "delusion" Tinasha refers to as Lanak the white-haired guy? And Miralys' soul just...up and leaves her body? I have so many questions .

I guess the mystery, beginning with the orb, connects to Oscar's mother and probably the Witch of Silence as a byproduct. And it seems like Tinasha's resistance to marrying Oscar isn't a matter of not having feelings for him but not wanting to burden him with her baggage, even though he wants nothing more than to be by Tinasha's side and support her .
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