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Old 2024-05-06, 10:39   Link #179
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Makoto has great power, stronger than even Luto, possibly, but what is he going to use his power for? Is this a decisive moment in Makoto realizing how he wants to use his power and the person he wants to be? Is he already on the path to becoming someone who can kill the Goddess ?

Well, Illumgand's dead, so Makoto can be proud of his students, express his condolences (however little he actually means them), have a future conversation with a princess posing as a prince in his future, and make inches into actually helping out with his people. Though he also reminded the king of a former Hero .

Abelia is all giddy at Shiki healing her, but Jin still feels a little guilty for what happened to Illumgand. He never liked him, but he didn't think the guy deserved that and wishes he could have saved him...naive, yes, but human? Absolutely .

They really made this personal by destroying the store. I mean, they made sure there was nothing valuable in there, but still .

OF COURSE Makoto prioritizes saving a brothel with a bunch of prostitutes in it. It helps that they're paying customers! And bonus points for meeting Estelle, an absolute babe with hair, charisma, and boobs to match who already catches Makoto's eye .

Illumgand's not dead!? Well, barely, some lingering remnant of him remaining behind in that monstrous form, over his obsession with Luria and willing to use what he has left for Hibiki's sake and do good...or he would if Mio didn't show up to finish him off. It doesn't matter if he's not a threat or is out to redeem himself, he slightly disrespected Makoto and that's enough to erase what little of his existence is left. Mio doesn't even think Hibiki is the Hero because Mio knows how weak she is. Wow .

Well, at least they're making some effort to keep track of what's going on and keep the rescue efforts organized (even if they probably would have ended all of this in a night if they put all their effort into it). But what are the demons really after? Is this what Rona wanted in investigating Bright ?

That headmaster is still talking smack about Makoto, but Lily and Sairitsu are effective at placating him, and it sounds like Tomoki (and maybe Hibiki?) are on their way. Though Makoto should still watch out for Lily .

Looks like Makoto's rescue efforts will reunite him with Zara, and things will be looking VERY different for the Kuzunoha Trading Company by the end of this .
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