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Old 2024-05-06, 10:03   Link #52
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Klyrode just couldn't leave well enough alone. Thanks to their incompetence and relying on the "Hero," the demons are invading and laying waste to everything. And the "Hero" is basically holed up at home doing nothing. They can only mages to cast a mass Purification spell that wards off the Demons for three months and leaves all their mages in coma's .

But Flio is living his best life with wife Rys (who even pulls out the "do you want dinner, a bath, to groom you?" line), with business going well and the other girls are happy to pull their weight! Well, Blossom and Byleri, Balirossa and Belano don't really have anything to contribute, but Rys is happy to take care of them .

The princess is probably not happy her father is in a coma, but it's probably for the best that she's in charge because she knows exactly what to do...starting with kicking out their useless "Hero" .

Good on the girls for pushing the mister and missus to go out on a date on the town together! Flio really seems to enjoy treating Rys now more than ever, and appreciates her company, and even buys her a brooch that matches her hair and eyes! And what better way to cap it off than by having them sleep in the same bed ?

So the "Hero" has gone from being homeless to a criminal, breaking into the royal treasury to find something to get his job back. I'm surprised Tsuya is still with him, but it seems like she's willing to stand beside him on the off chance he can get his position back. Or maybe there's more to it than that ?

You never release the sword the disembodied voice tells you to, but in the process the "Hero" releases the Djinn Hiya, a sensual and dangerous voiced by none other than Yui Horie, and proceeds to sick her on Flio with the cost being the lives of the nobility who cast him out. What a scumbag .

Well, at least they know their only chance at rescue is Flio! If anyone can talk to him, it's probably the princess .

Balirossa is not escaping the Dark One ship with Gholza .

Rys is happy Flio is gaining more work but is sad she won't get to spend more time with her she just wants to spend as much time with him as she can .

I see Siesta still has some choice words for Saitou and Louise's relationship, and tries to kill Flio...only for Rys to get in the way and get hit instead. The saddest thing is that Flio could easily deflect Hiya's magic, meaning he wasn't in danger, but she instinctively went to protect him anyways. And now Flio can't heal her...and is about to unleash his rage on Hiya !
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