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Old 2024-05-01, 10:33   Link #1
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One Piece - Chapter 1114 [manga]

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Yo, guys! While technically there's supposed to be a break this week, the fact that it's the Golden Week holiday in Japan tends to mean we get super early leaks of the next week's chapter! That being said, credit goes to AP's Redon, pewpiece, and co. for the info:

-Chapter title is "Icarus Wings". In the ministory, Kinemon tasks Yamato with the duty of returning the late Yasuie's sword to the Enma shrine in Hakumai.

-As Vegapunk's broadcast resumes, we get more reactions from people all over the world, including Akainu, Doflamingo (who's still locked up in Impel Down), and even Imu. Vegapunk shares a theory he has about the sea level rising by one meter after several earthquakes occur, which would prove that this phenomenon is NOT the result of a natural disaster.... but a man made one. Meanwhile, an enraged Saturn rushes past Nami's group, intent on shutting down the broadcast! In fact, all five of the elders agree that they'll wipe out all life on Egghead, should it be deemed necessary! During his search for the transmission snail, Saturn comes across the MOTHER FLAME weapon, a literal flame kept underwater in a tank....

-Back to the broadcast, Vegapunk says the second sin he committed was researching the lost history. As he gets into the subject of the Void Century, he prefaces it by saying he doesn't actually know too much about it.... but will share what he knows. As he announces this, Luffy (now back in Gear 5 mode) is still battling Warcury. We then get the reveal: Nine centuries ago, in an ancient, yet highly technologically advanced kingdom, a certain individual was born. He had the power to stretch his body, and was comparable to Elbaf's God of the Sun, Nika. This person's name was JOY BOY! He eventually decided to venture the seas, and became the very first pirate in history....!!!!

Last edited by marvelB; 2024-05-14 at 17:45.
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