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Old 2024-04-29, 10:45   Link #172
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Join Date: Aug 2013
I have to give it to the demons, mutating various humans into monsters to attack Rotsgard is ingenious. Cause so much trouble, kill plenty of Hyumans, all without having to lift a finger. And the transformations aren't pretty .

Man, poor Illumgand. Luria really did forget him, goes all "I have no attachments," and Shiki maybe COULD restore him...but isn't inclined to do so. Then again after eating so many people, he probably was too far gone one way or another .

But hey, this is a perfect opportunity for Makoto and co. to come off the heroes and save the day and improve peoples' opinion of him! Better yet, maybe some of the merchants who were giving Makoto a hard time will bite it in the process !

Looks like the plan is to take Kaleneon by force at this point, and to suppress the monster attack. Makoto doesn't want to write off working with demons, but Rona tricked him, so turnabout is fair play. Meanwhile it seems like Rona is preparing her forces to take Hibiki out .

The Rembrandt's are actually friends with Zara? I guess by merchant standards I guess he's nice, but I still can't come to like him...I also love Rembrandt having genuine fatherly concern about his daughters' being in a life and death situation .

Those Purple Coats were probably impressive on paper...but they just become another meal for Ilumgand .

Mio is a really harsh critic, even if she has a point! Though her turning battle commentator with Shiki was fun .

Time to save all the nobles in the VIP seats! Thanks to Luto and Lily's help they're able to convince everyone to go to safety! And Makoto finally meets the headmaster of the school he's been teaching at .

Respect to the king for wanting to see this through as part of the nobility, but poor Ilumgand's dad having to see his son turn into that

Makoto saved a prince! Or a princess, judging by that reaction to Makoto feeling the chest area. I guess that's going to be another thing Makoto has to deal with .

Abelia with the daring move to jump straight at Ilumgand to launch an arrow! She may have gotten hit in the process but she looked amazing while doing it! RIP Ilumgand .
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