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Old 2024-04-29, 03:20   Link #8
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Join Date: Jul 2014
Originally Posted by Lex79 View Post
Negi should just make it canon that Futarou took all the sisters as his concubines.
He seriously lacks sex drive. That one story that got released 2 years ago makes the bride misunderstand an implication, and due to that she pretty much confirmed they didn't do it as she thinks it's too early for them. They are like dating for 4 years or so on paper, moved in together, but it's too early. Okay.

Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
But leave the harem behind in that case. In some ways it is just downright sad for the other girls. Just have them take the loss and move with their lives. Hanging around for their sister's honeymoon is just bizarre.
The manga dedicates chapters for the girls to move on gracefully, silently, or loudly and they more or less did move on. Bizarre honeymoon trolling aside, the wedding is still more or less okay. But that freaking story 2 years ago invented flashbacks that happened post-wedding and for some reason all of the losing girls had to still thirst for Fuutarou as if said dedicated chapters didn't happen. It was such a sad sight to see. It's not even character regression, but OOC behavior contradicting said chapters for the sake of harem baiting.

Some authors are petty in this regard and refuse to hand their heroines to nameless strangers off-screen. And there is Komi Naoshi, who while didn't have a new serialization after Nisekoi, only oneshots, but made plenty of his side heroines marry and got kids with nameless, faceless characters.
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