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Old 2024-04-28, 19:49   Link #390
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by frubam View Post
I was hoping Ruj and Rudy would have a spar; 16 eps in, and I still have not seen him pushed to anything close to a limit in combat this whole season =0(.

Aisha truly a perfect sibling to Rudy; super smart, outspoken, polite... at least to Rudy. Probably growing up a bit too fast tho. Hopefully that inferiority complex for being the 'concubine' child is cleared up with Rudy's assurance that he loves both of them the same. Norn on the other hand is really starting to mirror pre-isekai Rudeus; being withdrawn, and just hiding in her room. Feels like she has such a large chip on her shoulder. There's something interesting about the fact that they were raised together for many of their early years, but still have such varied personalities. Maybe Paul isn't the best at parenting? Or Lilia's years of taking care of Rudy made her better equipped at parenting Aisha? Paul learned a lot with Rudy, and after the events of s1, he should have been a much better father, but I do wonder what was the catalyst for Norn's and Aisha's behaviors?

Sylphie continues to be the amazingly perfect wife. There's no way other women can topple her, but I do want Roxy and Rudy to have that moment where they don't see each other as master and student.
Paul's main priority was keeping Norn alive and safe while they were traveling together as he was trying to find the rest of their family. I think it was less of an issue of good parenting and more just an environment/situation that was just not conducive for Norn growing up in an emotionally healthy way because she only had her dad to rely on for so long, her brother made a bad first impression, and both she and her sister have a lot of hang-ups with each other because of their different moms (Zenith's mom probably didn't help).
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