Thread: Crunchyroll Astro Note
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Old 2024-04-26, 09:32   Link #29
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Is Astro Lodge being haunted!? And Naosuke is surprisingly weak against the supernatural .

Miyasaka has colllected all the (misunderstood) information about Mira he has and come to a conclusion...she's scum that plays with men's feelings! Poor Mira. Of course that doesn't effect his feelings for her at all in true Miyasaka fashion .

And how can he complain if she's relying on him to catch the breakfast-stealing ghost? She even doubles down on Shoin not being her fiance. Now he can really step up and prove himself to her !

Ah yes, no better way to catch a ghost...than soup curry. The funny thing is it does end up kind of working just not in the way Miyasaka intended .

Hidden rooms with a revolving wall door! And of course they rope in Matsubara and Wakabayashi in the investigation! And Wakabayshi may not have a job but that doesn't mean he won't scam people for money with a fake spiritualist act .

Best thing to happen to Miyasaka all day was getting his nose right up in Mira's plump behind .

So the ghost isn't a ghost at all...but a cute girl voiced Yui Ogura! Aoi Kachimachi! She's been there since before Mira took over, brought in by Tasuke-san, and she's just incredibly shy so she's never been able to communicate with the residents. Tasuke was just the type of guy to bring in people who needed a home and accommodate their needs .

And further investigation into Tasuke on Mira and Shoin's part reveal that he is indeed from Planet Wido...and was waiting to give Astro Lodge over to a fellow Alien Wid. But why was he on Earth? What about the key? What was he doing ?

No better excuse to drink than to throw a welcoming party...where the guest of honor doesn't actually show up. Not that you need to twist these residents' arm to hit the booze. And goof around in Miyasaka's room .

I thought it was noticeable that Aoi was blushing when Miyasaka talked to her...turns out they worked together at the same hotel where he was a chef and she was a waitress, back when she had a normal amount of hair! And on top of that she's so down bad for him that she'd even profusely sniff a note he left with the breakfast he made for her .

It's great that Mira and Miyasaka finally got to watch the movie together, and even made a date out of seeing the sequel in theaters, and they seem to be really getting along well...and Mira says she loves his breakfast, which means she loves him, right Miyasaka!? Of course the gossipy lady (who even Mira knows to avoid) reveals that she and Shoin have been coming in and out of a love hotel...poor Miyasaka .

(I'm guessing that's not really a love hotel but where Shoin is based at...)
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