Thread: Crunchyroll Re:Monster
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Old 2024-04-22, 18:16   Link #58
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2012
It took dozen of low level hobgoblin. Rou himself was stronger than all of them combined several evolution before and old guard obviously knew the route.

Sure, but that's not the case for literal precious metals, is it now and they have literally no freedom. They barelly can leave cave. You have super weird definition of freedom. And again personal freedom is modern invention.

Then you are assuming wrong in 99% cases. Noone who watch anime or read manga/novels would assume isekai = realistic medieval society. We didn't even step out of forrest and we already have bunch of anachronism like female warriors and dirt cheap glass. Only isekai that has some actually mediaval aspects in recent two decades would be Mushoku Tensei and even there is like single country in whole that world where women have significantly lower position than men (and even there there are female knights in position of leadership).

Anyway I feel like I am talking to wall and there is really no point doing that. Feel free to have last word.
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