Thread: Crunchyroll Re:Monster
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Old 2024-04-22, 17:50   Link #57
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Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
It's more like if there was coup in Russia and new leader didn't released any political prisoners. Anyway MC didn't even gave any timeline, even though he could let them go anytime. You can call it whatever you want, but it doesn't change that he keep them trapped inside of forest. He is not unrelated, he is leader of goblin tribe.
My point is, that he can't "let them go anytime" and he couldn't give them a timeline since he doesn't know when he will be able to. He doesn't know where their homes are and as far as we know he doesn't know how to get out of the forest yet (or to the nearest settlement) and bringing several civilians for a several-day tour through a monster-infested forest is hard, dangerous and needs lots of prior preparations (that a tribe barely getting by might not be able to afford).
To your comparison, it's more like a new president of the USA finds out there are imprisoned Martians in Area 51 and promises to treat them well and return them to Mars, but can't do so yet, since the technology to go there is still being developed.
Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Of course it's super easy obtain gold, silver, mercury and in this world also probably basilisks eyes or dog killing mandrakes. You can find that anywhere.
We have seen the alchemist use countless glass flasks and no other material for containers. If transparent glass was expensive there should have been some ceramic or stone ones.

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Sarcasm aside, of course weatlh doesn't guarrantee happiness, neither does love, good family or successful career. But if you have good life and you are still unhappy, there is case to be made that's it's your own fault and if we look at it without modern value filter (witch you said we should), they would have very good life.
Good life for what the human society could offer them, not the kind of life Rou is offering them (freedom to choose their paths, being valuable/irreplaceable for their community, freedom of love life...). He is offering them lives of modern females to females of medieval society. Whether that's a worth trade depends on each person.

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Biggest problem with your hypothesis is that, you first assume practically unprecedent setting for this genre and than manufacture complex backstories including death parents and abusive husbands (who are still so nice that they let them go out collect gold nugget for their hobbies), to explain obvious contradictions. Plus we know there is not major divide between genders. This convoy had female guard the (redhead) and in opening there is female knight who's apparently leader of her group. Elves also had multiple female fighters in their ranks.
Barring other evidence I am assuming a standard medieval society system for humans. In medieval society young females traveling (through dangerous territory no less) without male relatives was unthinkable and married females having an occupation (except for a select few like nursing and some other charity work) was a huge scandal. A husband preventing his wife from such work wasn't considered abusive, but sane.

I am not sure how combatant females are treated, though they are rare and we know of no married ones. Elves are hardly a good approximation for human society their longevity, low fertility, and overall physical specs likely lead to a much lower need for "women taking care of home/children" and higher emancipation.

Originally Posted by Tenzen12 View Post
Also not everything in forrest is covered trees. There are clearings, lakes, rivers and forrest can even go as far as to reach sea
The image is of a beach that is outside the forest, my argument stands. They need to leave the forest first.
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