Thread: Crunchyroll Hibike! Euphonium Season 3
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Old 2024-04-21, 10:31   Link #39
Happy Sphere
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Texas
Episode 3

Great episode. Nice use of the club's past tensions and the disaster the club was dealing with back in Kumiko's first year to drive home the importance of keeping the club together. It was an interesting twist, too, that Sally wasn't so worried about herself, but was feeling weighed down keeping her friends' spirits up.

I think it is interesting that Kumiko isn't doing a ton different from what she's always done. Her greatest strength isn't directly solving problems, it is hearing them out. What has changed is her willingness to insert herself more directly, but more so, her position of authority as club president. Listening to Sally made Sally feel better, and Sally is apparently a mini-leader among the first years so presumably her efforts to keep them around will be bolstered and everyone benefits.

One thing I didn't expect was the little montage while Kumiko and Sally talked. I was thinking we'd see a real change in the club's training for the 1st years. Instead, we more saw the hard work begin to pay off and those who had been faltering now giving a smile as they got some deserved praise for trying hard and improving. It will be interesting to see if Kumiko actually does implement real changes to the way everyone trains to help keep the 1st years happy.

Finally, I think it's interesting that the show is keeping the Kumiko/Shuuichi relationship in mind. Suzume bringing it up was funny, but I again wonder if the show isn't building up to something longer term.
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