Thread: Crunchyroll Date a Live V (Season 5)
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Old 2024-04-18, 04:28   Link #37
is this so?
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Gradius Home World
episode 2:

so it's Ratatoskr's small fleet against DEM's fleet which is five times as many. However, this city is home ground for Ratatoskr, and they have several snti-ship cannons prepared in the buildings to even the odds a bit. Kurumi joins in as well, and the small war has begun.

I'm puzzled at the japanese government in this anime. They allow a business company like DEM Industries to have an army of it's own? Or maybe DEM has people in the government? 30 battleships and thousands of Bandersnatch robots are enough to threaten a small country.

looking forward to the next episode on how Shidou and the spirits will fight. Also looking forward how Kotori would lead.

Last edited by Liddo-kun; 2024-04-18 at 04:38.
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