Thread: Crunchyroll Date a Live V (Season 5)
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Old 2024-04-17, 10:03   Link #34
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Cooking with Tohka and Mukuro! They even manage to rope in Yoshino and Natsumi! And no one can talk Natsumi into it than her bestie Yoshino !

Another Miyu Tomita OP for DAL! Featuring plenty of visuals of Mio/Reine, her connection to Shido, the Spirits filling out the Sephirah, SHIDO WITH KURUMI'S POWER, Tohka leading the other Spirits in taking on Mio in full Spirit form, Mana taking on Ellen and Artemisia, Westcott looking extra sinister, and Shido crying. This looks like it's going to be an epic and action-packed season !

I'm not surprised Nia and Miku are leading off a game about turning non-erotic words erotic, though it was definitely missing Origami, but please stop teasing poor Kaguya! Girls just trying to be cute and wholesome. Though it was pretty cute how all the girls ended up just gushing over how cool Shido is .

Come on Miku, it probably took a lot of courage for Natsumi to text someone .

MARIA wants to look her best for the fight with DEM, but they have bigger priorities...though it's good to see Shido comforting Kotori while she's preparing for everything. And Reine basically admits that her objective is something "surprisingly silly," whatever that is .

Bold of the girls to make rice onigiri with their least favorite ingredient...though now I want to know what Shido's was .

I'm honestly not surprised Miku crawls into bed and possibly ravishes other girls while they're sleeping (and she may not be sleep-crawling) but it offered up a nice moment between Tohka and Shido. Shido has his doubts about if he's doing the right thing to save Kurumi, Tohka has doubts about how their meeting started this all and put Shido in so much danger...but Shido doesn't regret a thing, and would always have chosen this path that brought him to all the girls. I also loved the Tohka lap pillow and the pair holding hands while gazing lovingly at each other .

Oh hey, it's Tonomachi and the schoolgirl trio! We haven't seen them in forever! I love how they actually consider Shido just ran off with the other girls from their school to a Hot Spring because he's a seductive monster

DEM is putting their full forces against Ratatoskr, but they're basically just those pushy guys who force themselves on women and act possessive of them. They've got nothing on Ratatoskry and the crew of the Fraxinus who know how to properly treat and escort ladies, especially with Kotori in charge. And all the other Spirits are rallying behind her as their leader .

So Nia is blocking out Beelzebub meaning Wescott doesn't know they're planning to free Artemisia from her brainwashing to take out their Bandersnatch forces...and Shido is going to be their secret weapon against Nibeelcolle .

DEM has to face off against an army of Kurumi's and cities transforming into turrets (this is their city, after all), but Westcott doesn't seem worried. In fact he seems ecstatic !

"Spirit Resurrection?" Mio enters the fight ?
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