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Old 2024-04-15, 17:45   Link #31
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Pennsylvania
It's weird that Sybe became a rabbit-like creature when they downsized him, rather than a bear cub or something.

While I can understand not wanting to make her a slave, I'd at least have thrown in another spell or two when she started to break out of the gravity one. No sense just standing there like an idiot while your enemy is trying to recover, heh.

I'm curious for next ep how he intends to train the girls. He doesn't really have any sort of knowledge-transferrable techniques. He just tells the disembodied voice what he wants and it happens. How exactly do you train someone for that? The only other thing he could train is physical combat, but given that he was a merchant I doubt his capabilities in that area are greater than people who are actually knights. He's just stronger.

Also why do sooooooo many MCs act like they are allergic to pussy? lol Why can't we get people with more "normal" libidos, lol. Some happy medium between meikyuu harem's I buy you to sleep with you and these uptight virgins heh. They spend their first night and Fenrys is like "well, we're pretending to be married so wanna take the act allllll the way?" and he can make a token resistance "are you sure though?" then say well, ok, and have his fun
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