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Old 2024-04-15, 10:09   Link #28
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Join Date: Aug 2013
I love how the OP is just a love song by Rie Kugimiya/Fenrys towards Flio, with her basically putting on an idol performance gushing about her love for her Darling...along with some other characters !

Fenrys is a powerful demon wolf, but Flio has Level 2 Super Cheat Powers and is quickly able to overpower her, but he's not an overly violent person and has no intention of ever subjugating someone like the Demi-humans from his world, so he shows her mercy...and gets rewarded with seeing her adult human form buck-naked !

Not only did Flio heal Fenrys but he even let her wear a pretty white dress! And as the strongest male she has ever faced that was able to defeat her, Fenrys is now swearing her entire life to Flio! Both as a companion and as a lover! And if Flio isn't swayed by the puppy dog eyes, her threatening to commit suicide is enough to make him give in! So now we finally have our main pair together .

So the "Hero" is already failing at his job and putting the onus on his subordinates for his own failures, and he apparently has reached a limit to his skills and can't break past it, meaning he's basically useless. Though he still finds time to spend the kingdoms' money treating his cute and sexy servant Tsuya (Kana Asumi!) in her revealing outfit. Can't really fault him there though .

Didn't have to talk Fenrys into being Flio's wife, she's all in on that idea! And has no problem flirting with Flio as much as possible !

"Listen well, human woman!" - Even though the receptionist was obviously an elf. Does Rys not know how to differentiate other species ?

Now they've joined the guild together and got matching guild tags! Why, it's like they practically exchanged rings! Or bones from a fallen prey! They really are married !

Man, these female knights just can't catch a break. Good thing Filo and Rys can make short work of these Psychobears! And when Rys is upset at not being called Filo's wife, she even terrifies one of them into getting adopted by them! Now they've got a cute rabbit unicorn named Sybe !

We finally properly meet the female knights! Balirossa, Blossom, Byleri, and Belano! And since the Hero wants to foist all the work on the knights, they have to level up quick...and they want to get trained by Filo! Who would rather not, but once he placates Rys by calling her his wife, suddenly she's a proud wife who wants to show off her husband by having him train the ladies...right down to them all living together! What could go wrong ?

Demon cat girl voiced by Yukari Tamura!? Also sounds like Tomoaki Maeno as the Dark One...and now they're hunting for Flio !
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