Thread: Crunchyroll Hibike! Euphonium Season 3
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Old 2024-04-07, 09:40   Link #25
Happy Sphere
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Texas
Episode 1:

First off, it’s kinda hard to watch something like this with tears of nostalgic joy welling up in your eyes every other shot or scene!

Kumiko as president was interesting. She’s good at it but she’s also still her. So a bit nervous and out of place. Doing things like forgetting she is, in fact, club president even right after giving a speech in that role.

All the old relationships are still here. Our main four are still together and have grown into their roles fairly nicely. It’s sad to see some of the past 3rd year members wave their goodbye, but we still have the 2nd years. Kanade, for instance, is still serving her role as the polite, subversive troublemaker.

The new first years we focused on were fun and varied. I like bandana girl. And then there’s the new eupho player. Oh boy. Although no drama was yet implied, you can still feel it coming. Because, of course there will be drama!

Visually, aside from the blurriness caused by the aforementioned tears, it looked as good as ever on first glance. Film level quality. But I’ll have to watch it a time or two more before I pick up on any deficiencies or high points.

I loved it. I love the series. I can barely see this while typing it! Bring on next week and the presumably new OP & ES!
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