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Old 2024-04-02, 20:40   Link #23
User of the "Fast Draw"
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Canada
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No wonder this guy ran into problems in his last life. Has he ever heard of the term "overkill!?" I don't think he needed to nuke those clay wolves to beat them. He could see their cores. Just attack them normally man! Of course this is a guy that uses regeneration magic on a wagon without even thinking twice about it. Kind of seems addicted to heroism. He quit cold turkey, but once he gave into it once he was right back on that path without hesitation.

Good for everyone involved that he did though . Helped save everyone from a brutal situation. I did like the concept of the sacrificial village since that's always going to bring some solid moral questions. Of course in the end I'm in favor of going to save the person that wants to be saved. And an arrogant dragon getting some deserved retribution is fine by me. Can pass on in regret. If he hadn't let that sacrifice go for the sake of amusement then maybe nothing would have happened to him. And I like that the kid saved did turn to the person that made the offer to save her and not simply the main character who ended up killing the dragon. Akira may have lost, but she gave a solid effort .

Show isn't anything special. But it's kind of nice. Definitely one of those "we don't have much budget for a full blown OP so...let's mix in some scenes from the show instead" series . Still some good vibes with Alan and Lise. They are a cute pair and I like that there is plenty of history between them by the time the story gets started. Everything doesn't have to start from zero.

Not a bad first couple of episodes. This could be some light fun.
Originally Posted by frodonk View Post
Uhh.. Can anyone tell me why apparently he went 15 years without anything remarkable happening to him and then all these events happened to him one after another right after he gets thrown out the door of their home?
Seems safe to presume he mostly stayed at home and didn't have any opportunities to get himself into trouble. Especially with him hiding his actual abilities it makes sense that he wouldn't even be allowed into situations that could spiral out of control. Though yeah, that all this stuff happens almost immediately after leaving home is a bit much .

For this guy it feels like flipping a switch. He kept a good lid on his abilities when at home and thus stayed away from trouble. But once he started tapping into those abilities again...he kind of forgot how to stop using them. Once he started regenerating their wagon without a second thought...he really just gave up on hiding much of anything.
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