Thread: Crunchyroll Solo Leveling
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Old 2024-03-31, 10:58   Link #276
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Originally Posted by frodonk View Post
He was almost done for before he went to centipedeland™ but right after he comes back he suddenly notices the 5 mages who are summoning all the other knights, though in retrospect there was a clear line of reasoning as to how he figured it out: he doesn't get exp from the knights -> the mages are doing something -> there are summoning gates that are spewing knights but not mages -> it must be the mages who are doing the summoning.

Also yeah it also looks like the system has a hand in keeping him alive, so that can be an in-universe reason as to why he keeps surviving these fights.
Yeah, he didn't immediately notice the mages until he'd gone through some of the fights.
Originally Posted by Dengar View Post
None of the fights here were cool to me. They had no narrative weight behind them and they didn't even look that great either. And they had no sense of progression. Hero struggles > Hero wins. But nothing that leads from the former to the latter.
I think objectively they looked great visually, though their narrative weight is pretty much just Jinwoo's own progression as a warrior and leveling himself up to change himself from what he once was and become stronger.
I deny this. Getting angy and then winning anyway is not a tactic. And his motivation? Ehhhhh. He's so unrelatable that I can't resonate with it.
He can brute force things but we see him using his skills, resources, and experience to his advantage at times.

And we know deep down he's doing this to provide for his family even though now he's also committed to it through his own personal pride.
It's not a gacha when you are guaranteed to succeed the third time.
He got three rolls and with a pep talk he was able to secure the third one .
Except he hasn't improved even a little bit.

Also, just because you like this show you don't have to counter literally every criticism you come across. Especially when the things people are saying are just true. Nobody is telling you not to like it. They're telling you why they don't.
How so? Like, do you mean on a personal level?

I'm sorry if it comes off like I'm saying you can't critique the show, I just don't agree with the critiques. But also your mileage may vary and my take on something can totally be different from yours .
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