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Old 2024-03-30, 02:32   Link #168
simp for Lyria
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Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Yuri has always done that, convincing herself she's a saint who does things to help other people, when she only does it to help herself. It happened with Reiji, Kazu, and now Nagi. She wants to keep Reiji isolated and all to herself. Not that all that different from Yuko.

I very much doubt she cares about Nagi's welfare. She just doesn't want to risk her being around Reiji because she knows she stands no chance against her, so she's feeding her trauma to keep her captive. I'm not sure what her ultimate plans for her would have been, but "rehabilitating" her so she can go back to society? Bullshit. She could have easily just handed her into the care of mental health care professionals. That's what a sane person would have done, but she was afraid Reiji would find out where she was and visit her.
Now that I think about it, she did the same thing for Gen; pretended to care about him, holding onto the hope that it'll lead Reiji back to her AND give him a positive image of her. But I think Reiji sees the truth now, and there's no going back for him.

Anyway, I'm excited to see Nagi's flashback. Unlike Yuko who started out as a victim and then turned into a psychopath, I'm sure Nagi is 100% a victim.
Oh boi, you might very well be right. Trash uncle being trash already doesn't pose a good start for her. It very well might head down the path of the uncle doing the utmost possible to make her life miserable just because he believes his sister's/her parents' death were her fault. Honestly it feels a bit contrived(i.e. done for drama sake), but I guess this is how it always is in this story. I just hope the reasoning makes sense, at least in the context of this manga.
Pure of heart, precious as life (^,^ )

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