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Old 2024-03-17, 02:37   Link #17
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Guess I'll just continue to write some excerpts from here on out huh? XD


The rest of the day came as a blur for Haruto. Just like the other pilots, he was interviewed nearly every other hour, asking him such questions as to how he feels as a Valvrave pilot, what he hopes to achieve now that New-Jior and ARUS are to join hands again, what his relationship with Shouko is, and of course, if he could be a face of yet another sponsorship. Yet it all sort of blended together in his head, himself unable to remember much, if any of the dialogues he had with a single newsperson.

Didn't help either that many of them took place at the shrine were he had planned to propose to Shouko all those months ago. His mind really was not in the right spot to be giving answers when he was there, as now that place only held the location of the night when he had........assaulted Rukino Saki under the curse. Her broken expression was something he still struggled to get out of his head, alongside her broken look when she was in the theater.

"At least none of the questions involved asking about my relationship with her right not" Haruto thought. The last thing he needed was more guilt added to the pile. He was already barely holding himself together just being in the same spot where the incident happened, making him all the more thankful when he could finally leave the spot.


"L-Elf still needs time" Haruto told Inuzuka, the two looking at the night sky.

"I understand" Inuzuka replied. "Don't worry about it. Again, best to do what we can at the moment."

"But there's still so many things that we have to face!" Haruto protested. "The Phantoms are still draining countless people out there! Who knows what the Magius are currently up to know! And then there's Rukino-san...."

Again, the haunted look on Saki's face and her comments still rang loud in Haruto's mind. The events of the day had only made such a memory even stronger, as he felt sick thinking about where she could be while he was here safe and sound.

"You need to take your mind off these things" Inuzuka said. "I can see how much you are struggling with everything. Go on a date with Shouko. That'll clear your head."

"Shouko-san won" Saki said, her eyes empty.

"How can I do something like that when there's still so much we have to solve?!" Haruto replied in a louder tone than he intended. But the notion of having fun while she was still out there didn’t sit well with him.

"That's why you need to take your mind off of things" Inuzuka defended. "Who knows when the next battle will be our last? Best to enjoy the present, as we can't predict what our future is."

“After all, I didn’t tell Aina I loved her when I had the time” he thought.


"Haruto-kun!" a sweet voice called out. Looking to his left, Haruto was greeted with the sight of Shouko Sashinami excitedly running up to him. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"And with that, I'll catch you two later" Inuzuka said with a smile before heading back inside. "Night! I'm about to hit the sack!"

As Inuzuka returned to the school grounds (while also not looking as tired as he claimed), Haruto turned to look at at Shouko, whose eyes seemed to be glimmering in the moonlight.

"Guess what Haruto?" Shouko said full of energy. "They voted to condemn Dorssia for the attack! ARUS and 84 other countries are now on our side to enforce sanctions against Dorssia. There's no other choice but for them to negotiate a surrender! That's why we're on so many news stations!"

"That's..." Haruto was left flabbergasted. His childhood friend managed to swerve nearly a hundred countries to their side?

"It wasn't easy" Shouko admitted. "I got turned down by so many news stations initially. But I kept on going!"

"So you were fighting too." Haruto mused.

"That's right!" Shouko boasted. "After all, remember the promise we made to each other when we were in the cave?"

A young Haruto and Shouko were cuddled up besides each other, seeking sanctuary from a storm.

"Don't worry Shouko" Haruto said, holding her hand in his. "I promise I'll always be here for you."

Haruto indeed remembered that moment. It was something that he and Shouko had kept close to them after all these years.

"And you did come back!" Shouko said with a blush. "That's why I've never stopped believing in you."

Haruto grimaced. "And here I am holding back so many secrets from you" he thought. "Would you still have such faith in me if I told you what I really am right now?"

"Well, I better get ready for the summit" Shouko said, oblivious to Haruto's expression. "It's going to make history! And it's all thanks to you Haruto!"

With that, she left for the auditorium, a skip in her step. Haruto couldn't help but finally crack a smile at seeing the optimism his childhood friend was known for. Yet it was still tempered by the knowledge that he was keeping secrets from her.

"Gosh, I'm such an idiot for keeping this from her" he thought. "I swear Shouko, once this is all done, I will unveil the truth to you."


"The countries have all agreed to place sanctions against Dorssia" Haruto informed L-Elf, a tray of food at the door to the cargo hold the latter was still holed up in.

"....But this success won't change anything immediately" Haruto added, the pressing matters still knocking around his mind. "That's why we gotta work it out one step at a time. Together."

Still no response. Not even a simple sound to indicate that L-Elf was even listening to him. Haruto sadly realized once again that trying to ask him for any kind of help was pointless at the moment.

"......I'll be waiting for you L-Elf" Haruto said reluctantly. "We all still need you."

With that, he left L-Elf to wallow in his misery, heading to the auditorium to witness the summit.


Next up will finally be where more diversions take place (hopefully). Though it's also when I have to write out Saki's execution.

Any thoughts so far?

Last edited by LightDragonman; 2024-04-15 at 03:10.
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