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Old 2024-03-16, 03:08   Link #16
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
A bit more (geez, this intro stuff is always the most boring to write. I may just skip to the exciting parts soon, as I'm just writing and posting excerpts for now).

It took a while for Haruto to locate where L-Elf was. It seemed as though he had used the the buzzing excitement of the Module to sneak off into one of the secure cargo holds, and hadn't been seen since. He hadn't even come out to check on the status of the pilots, how Shouko was holding down the fort, or even just to give a small hint as to what the next move was. Quite unusual, especially for the defacto mastermind of the team.

"L-Elf, it's me Haruto" the latter said, having finally tracked down the room where the former had holed up in.

Without waiting for a response, Haruto entered. He would've normally waited for a reply, but given everything that was weighing on his mind, he was rather impatient for any sort of strategy.

"Look, the Council of 101 is still out there, and we need your help to-"

Haruto froze as his eyes adjusted to the sight in front of him. The room was littered with words scratched onto the walls, floor, and even the ceiling. While it was hard to read, they each had been crossed out with a huge X. And laying inert in the center of it all was L-Elf, eyes hidden behind his bangs, seemingly comatose where it not for the occasional groan.

"W-what happened to you?" Haruto asked, eyes widening with every word.

"I couldn't save her" L-Elf muttered. "Every plan, and it all ends with her death..........Lieselotte."

Lieselotte. Of course, the one whom he had tried his hardest to save. Haruto remembered the pink-haired girl whom he had shared the cockpit of Valvrave Unit 01.

"But I'm a Magius" she had told him. "I cannot be with humans."

"L-Elf wouldn't want that!" Haruto protested, remembering his relationship with Shouko. "I'm sure he could make you happy!"

Haruto grimaced as he remembered what she had told him, mere minutes before she went off to sacrifice her life so that the rest could escape. Were it not for that Karlstein agent's attack, she could've very well been partaking in the festivities of Module 77. Still, the fact that she did that so as to save L-Elf told him all he needed to know regarding how she ultimately felt for him.

"Lieselotte" Haruto muttered, not sure how exactly to broach the subject to the grief-stricken L-Elf. Could he really tell him that she herself was a Magius? Would that just drive him further into despair? That wasn't what he, Rukino, or any of the New-Jior members currently needed more of.

Haruto also realized that it had been a while since he had fed on any Runes. Remembering what happened to Marie, he couldn't take any more risks in running out. Yet he still only trusted L-Elf to be the one to provide him with them, as only he could handle the pain.

Then again, looking at L-Elf's inert form, Haruto began to question if that was something he should ask him for.

"Go away" L-Elf spat bitterly before Haruto could think any longer. "You can't help me in this situation."

Haruto sighed. Looks like he wasn't going to get either a plan of attack or a replenishment of runes from L-Elf any time soon. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't frustrated with himself for not being able to do anything to help him.

"....Very well" Haruto said, walking out of the room to leave L-Elf wallowing in his misery. "But I'll come back again soon."

"Sorry Rukino-san" Haruto thought sadly. "But I can't come get you just yet."


Again, thoughts?
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