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Old 2024-03-15, 02:28   Link #14
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2013
Maybe I'll try writing an excerpt here, just to dip my feet in the water, at least for the beginning.

Test Chapter One

"They've returned!"


"I'm so glad to see you back!"

The excitement in the air was palpable as the students welcomed the Haruto and the others back. With everything that had been happening as of recent events, especially following the dramatic escape from Dorssian territory, the sight of the fellow classmates of the christened New-Jior was like a sight from the heavens above for the weary pilots.

As the students flew towards each other, Haruto quickly found himself in the comforting embrace of the Prime Minister and his childhood friend, Shouko Sashinami, still clad in her maroon politician's suit, but her smile still as infectious as always.

"I'm so glad you're back Haruto!" she said, her smile as wide as she could make it. "I have so many things to tell you!"

"It's good to see you again Shouko!" he replied, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Things have been wild recently, so I'm glad you're still in one piece."

Looking through the camera feed of Valvrave Unit 06 at the couple, Akira Renbokuji reddened with jealousy. Knowing just how much she valued the friendship of Shouko, the first person to ever reach out to her, seeing her act all buddy-buddy with Haruto turned her eyes slightly green with envy.

As Rion and Professor Kibukawa also embraced each other after having been separated for so long, one could be forgiven for thinking that these students had simply been on a field trip, rather than an excursion into enemy territory. After all, they were all still merely students, albeit ones in the possession of some of the most dangerous weapons. For now though, all those concerns faded away.

As Shouko took Haruto's hand however, a sudden question was brought up by one of the students, snapping the latter back into the harsh reality that the other pilots seemed to be ignoring.

"Wait!" the student, Youhei exclaimed. ".......Where's Rukino-san?"

Haruto's face fell at the mention of her name.


"Congratulations A-Drei" Cain remarked to his student from behind his desk. "You have performed admirably out there, and your capture of pilot Rukino Saki and Valvrave Unit 04 will prove a huge step in our fight against New-Jior."

"Thank you sir" A-Drei replied with a salute. "But with all due respect, may I request a dialogue with her soon. Given how she never once tried to attack me when she was in control K-Zwolf's body, I believe she may be more co-operative than we initially thought."

"That will come in time" Cain said "I and Amadeus have something special planned in mind for her. Surprised Kriemheld didn’t tell you, as I’ve notified her already. Besides, it's not like you can actually talk with her right now is it?"

A-Drei gritted his teeth. The last time he saw Rukino Saki, she was in solitary confinement, trapped in a suffocating body-bag and hooked up to a device that pumped both oxygen and sedatives into her mouth. Such treatment of prisoners was not what the Dorssian Code Of Conduct approved of. Still, he couldn't really speak against said treatment of her, lest he lose the opportunity to ask her his questions.

"...Yes sir" he replied reluctantly.

"Very good. Now return to your colleagues. I have a royalist uprising that needs my utmost attention."

”That’s right”, the Karlstein agent thought, the pink-gold locket given to him by the princess still in his pocket. “With her death, the Royalists are in an uproar. But until I get some answers from that pilot, I won’t join them.”

"Blitzendegen" A-Drei saluted, doing his best to remain stoic in the light of that revelation.

At that, A-Drei left to return to his post, passing by the guards without a moments notice, one of whom turned to look at him.

"A-Drei" thought the guard as he watched him enter the elevator, "Aren't you a former prince? Why aren't you helping us?"

Shall I continue? I know there's not much here so far, but again, this is just my first excerpt.

Last edited by LightDragonman; 2024-04-15 at 03:05.
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