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Old 2024-03-13, 02:14   Link #6
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Originally Posted by kiak666 View Post
No problem. Anyway since in your version of the story, draining someone's Rune doesn't erase their memories, I guess I'll change Marie's backstory from an amnesiac into a failed Kamitsuki prototype with a cynical outlook on life until she befriended Shoko. So instead of searching for her lost memories, the main reason she goes to Earth is to look after Haruto as well as Akira as a favor for Shoko, we can even have some bonding scenes with the three through their mutual friendships with Shoko, thus making the two pilots more emotionally affected by Marie's death.

As for Haruto and Saki scenes, how did Haruto managed to locate Saki's whereabouts in your story?
That works really well for Marie. Again, it would also make it far more tragic to see her body simply get thrown onto the pile of corpses before being burned by Taurus Company.

As for how Haruto finds Saki, well after he hides Valvrave 01 in a secure location on the moon, he secretly hitches a ride on a Dorssian Waffe that is returning to the command ship after scouring the area for any survivors.

Needless to say, the size of the ship takes him aback, but with careful timing, he sneaks in after the Waffe docks in the hanger, and goes to work looking for Saki. Perhaps I'll have him knock out a patrolling Dorssian soldier with his helmet, and then hijack his body in order to gain the memories he has of the layout of the ship.

That said, I actually plan to have him stay in his body as he looks for Saki, as he remembers what happened to her on Earth when she had to hijack someone else's body, and doesn't want that to happen to him. So he instead strips the guard of his uniform and wears it as a disguise.

While he's searching, he also finds proof that the Phantom ships were being built by Dorssia and the Council, with the reporter Barlet being paid to set up New-Jior as the culprits. So that's some data he decides to take with him. It's also when he sees just what sort of torture Saki has been subjected to, and if he doesn't hurry, will soon be forced to endure.

A key difference here with Haruto is, unlike L-Elf, he doesn't really have a plan. Compared to the latter, who has all these elaborate ploys that he writes up (which very tellingly, always end in failure when trying to rescue Liselotte), he's essentially flying by the seat of his pants. Yet this is why he ends up succeeding. Because unlike L-Elf, he's able to more easily adapt to any potential spanners being thrown in.

Thoughts? Want me to go on?
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